Where are we today?
Stratford Ontario
Happy Sunday!!! And here I was thinking it was Monday. Don't matter much really but the time does kinda get away from me. On the weekends we tend to get more company. I seem to be back into my usual sleep routine the last few days about 6-7 hours night. Last night 9 pm until just after 3 am. Wide awake a ready to go, no problem always some thing to keep me busy and occupied. Reading blogs, replying to comments, research various things writing in my journal, chat with the friendly nurses maybe a snooze, even wheeling about in my wheel chair. Never a dull moment in my life.
Shift change at 7:30 am, nurses come in to welcome me for the day open my blinds for a clear outside view, snowing right now, some big fluffy flakes and sun trying to shine. Gonna be another great day. Maybe some company later, will see how the weather goes. They will all be from out of town so not to predictable this time of year.
I had asked the Nurse it I could get out and walk a bit with my walker and they agreed to let me go out, with a spotter. Wow was that ever nice yahoo out there actually walking, not far but better than nothing!
Trisha and me strolling down the hall. |
But then things got squirrelly I looked out my window and we have black squirrels on our window ledge, a bunch of nuts right there they are gathering, pretty cool think someone put a bunch there, who ever it was thanks so much!
fun watching these guys for quite a while |
Then Suzie came about 10:30 this morning the roads are pretty good and lets me know looks like all 3 of my kids are coming plus all the grands. Around noon, so we whipped into the dining room and grabbed a bite before they got here, a Tomato Lettuce and mayo sandwich to go with the rest of my French Canadian Pea soup did the trick.
A tasty lunch hit the spot! |
First to arrive was my Son and Granddaughter #2 from Hamilton she is a sweetie and 4 years old. She gifted us 2 very nice and recent photos, on the left and the one on the right her first day of school.
love the smiles |
Shortly afterwards the rest all arrived, had some soup and sweeties, found some crafts for the kids to make Christmas decorations and be occupied
making things is always fun |
We occupied the larger family room across the hall play area for the kids, TV, for the older ones, more seating and even a large Christmas tree almost like home, or at least the best we can do, very comfortable.
Chatting for a bit SIL Brian brings me more different tasty beers thanks guys! |
a bunch sitting on the couch |
now this is one KING can! 60 oz lasted me most
of the afternoon, they said I could have 2 right?
snacks to go with it too |
enjoying the comfort of family |
GD # 1 being a young teenager, her hair still red |
When the guys were here they checked out the car, not as much heat after the repair the other day, think maybe a defective Thermostat so a call to Pettigrews in the morning to see what they can do.
Soon time for daughter #2 Jessica and family have to head out. Grandson in the white has a hockey game in Plattsville soon, wished him luck and away they went.
heading out for the game |
2 cousins relaxing in my recliner |
Then about 3 pm every one headed on home after a very nice visit and family time I managed to catch a bit of a sunset later and relax after they headed out, better than we have seen for a while at least.
to nights almost sunset after a very sunny skies for a while |
Then a nice light supper a bit of ham roasted taters and my Caesar salad, just enough for a tasty bite,
very tasty and light |
Now had pretty perfect day here no complaints at all. Fun times with the family is precious and we for sure had a precious day, filled with fun and laughter.
Really does life get much better than that? Not in my books, the main reason I am here to enjoy some more quality of the wonderful life I have enjoyed so far.
Glad that y'all joined us today and of hope you had a wonderful day as well.
And remember to enjoy every day
"One Day at a Time"
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