Third Eye Gypsy(Genea Beads) 2011 by Parigo Studios 2010

Showing posts with label seafoam green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seafoam green. Show all posts

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Etsy shop UPDATE- and other matching beads by Floridity!

Hello friends!

I'm excited about today's shop updates, but I guess when am I not? lol. You know I've been on this ivory and raku kick so I decided to finish up some designs I started when I was back living in Kansas City. Wanna see?

"Green Tea Rainbow Affections"- this baby was inspired by my "What Lies Beneath" beads(picture below). I am all about this wonderful new 2 colored glass that's kind of mint greenish and aquaish all in the same rod! I thought this color would be amazing with some raku and silvered ivory! 

The original beads that inspired these designs.

"Green Tea Rainbow Ribbons"- what are beads without some matching spacers? Can you believe all of that COLOR I got in this set?! Wow!

"Green Tea Rainbows"- and here is what that design looks like on a minty greeny turquoisy base! YUMMY!

"Love's Midnight Rainbows" glass headpins.  

I'm sad to say that Gail's package with the original set is LOST. I had another alternate that I put in the shop and I just happened to get one more heart to turn out. This might be the last. There is no telling...

And now for a new addition! These just popped into my head so I thought I would share. I don't know if you know Barbara Bechtel, of Floridity(and Second Surf), but she does some AMAZING things with polymer clay! I am really enamored with this new "watercolor" style she has been doing. Some of her new pieces match my new pieces so I thought I would share some of them with you!

Northern Lights- Watercolor Feathers - Earring Pair or Pendant Set

Grass Stains- Watercolor Wafers - Custom Drilled Tiny Charms or Earring Pair

Dark Northern Lights- Watercolor Toggle- Rustic Toggle Clasp or Focal



I was SUPER excited to become part of the "normal" world with my shiny new smart phone, the Samsung Replenish! Not only does it have a keypad and touch screen, but it runs the square and it's an eco phone :D

I downloaded this app for the android called "Pay it Square" you can find it by doing a search in the android market on your phone. 

As annoying as it is, I see why everyone has their faces glued to their screens. Am I going to be "that guy," hello no, but I sure will enjoy getting directions, taking payments and doing searches while I'm walking around! ;)

Well that's all for my update today. I hope you are having an awesome Thursday!

 xo Genea