Third Eye Gypsy(Genea Beads) 2011 by Parigo Studios 2010

Showing posts with label maire dodd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maire dodd. Show all posts

Monday, January 12, 2015

Christmas and New Year recap with Hearts!

Hello friends!

Ahhh I took a sweet little break after my last post, but I'm now back up and running making new work. Ricky and I took a nice little 4 day vacation to Colorado to visit with Ricky's family over Christmas. 
Here is a view of our Christmas tree outside at Ricky's parent's house. It was SOOO pretty! It was really nice to have a white christmas :)

As you can see. We stayed nice and cozy in blankets, coffee in hand :)

We also had the pleasure of enjoying Ricky's parent's amazing kitchen! It looks like one of those dream kitchen's you see on Pinterest! 

My dreads have tamed down, thank God. I even dyed my bangs BLONDE! Yep, that's right BLONDE! I have more plans for them... I am going to dye them a color or colors, but have not decided yet.

We also ended up having some family Christmas photos done. My sister set up the photo shoot since my brother was able to join us for Christmas this year. Here is our entire family. From left to right(top row to bottom). Mom, Ricky, me, Santino, Nina, Preston, Dad, and baby Ayla.

I really love this shot of Ricky and me. It's been awhile since we had a nice portrait of the two of us done. I do wish the Christmas tree wasn't in the background so it didn't look so hoildayish. I am totally over holiday decor when the holidays are over :P 

It's been super cold here in Missouri so I guess it has me dreaming of warmer days. Who ever thought I would be waiting for Christmas to end. Usually this time of year is my favorite as we huddle indoors to create and hunker down during the cold time of year. I guess this desire for warmth shows up in my new run of beads ;)

Hearts, ladies and gents! Yep, this year I made them EARLY! Woo hoo! I really do love making hearts, but for some reason I seem to miss getting ready for Valentine's day early. This year I got some made and may have a chance to create more before the holiday! You can find these lovelies in my shop here. 

I created some lovely beachy themed hearts with the stone bottoms(my favorite)! I love the contrast of shiny and stone. I bet you didn't know I was scared to death of the ocean. Yep, something about LARGE creatures swimming past my head or the fact that the "bottom" is so far away you can't touch it with your feet? Let's not forget all of the icky stuff in the sand that touches your feet when you do walk in the ocean and the fact that you can't see through it to see if anything is attacking you. NOPE! The sea is not for me. Maybe that's why I make the beads instead? Lol. It's a sad thing since Cancer is my star sign! 

I also recalled a bead I created for a color example that I named "Queen of Hearts". 
Here was the color chart and example beads to show off the unique rods of Creation is Messy Lipstick.

Here is my "Queen of Hearts" bead. I remembered it in my mind when I went on to create "Dark Heart Dawning", but as you can see it turned out a little different ;) 

After creating "Dark Heart Dawning" I got the idea to stay on that Alice in Wonderland theme and create "Painting the Roses Red".
This heart features a white rose, a half red and white rose and a full white rose ;)

I  was thinking I should try out my "rainbow chakra's" style in a heart design too so I created these "Rainbow Chakra Golden Om" hearts. Aren't they gorgeous?!

Here is "Golden Om". I have to thank the lovely, Maire Dodd for this inspiration. We were chatting on Instagram when I posted my new years and she said this combo would make a pretty bead! Boy was she right. I already sold this baby ;)

Did you know I finally got my butt in gear and got some recycled sari silk in the shop?! 

You can now find 1 yard bundles of sari silk and these wonderful 15mm lobster claws and chain in my shop to create my 18-20" recycled sari silk necklaces or whatever other designs you find bouncing around in your head!

Well that is all from me for now! I will see you again later this week with some new beady goodness!

I stuck to the beachy theme and I even made some beachy DREAD BEADS(or large holed beads ;) 

Stay tuned!

xoxo Genea

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sunshine, Moon Beams, and Stardust- NEW Jewelry!

Hello friends!

Eerie.. I know. I'm here again. Too much of a good thing? Are you sick of me yet? Oh you are? Then I must be doing something RIGHT!  MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA >:D You will be seeing A LOT of me coming up. I have tutorial, after tutorial come out in Bead Design Studio, I will be in Jewelry Stringing Magazine for the Beads 2013 issue, and I have just been asked to write up a jewelry tutorial for Soda Lime Times! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE! 

Oh and I am here too... The new Bead Chat Magazine :D One of my large style organic hearts got featured in the latest issue. :D:D:D

So I am here today to share some new jewelry designs I made *gasp*. I KNOW... hard to believe. I dump so much of my funding into glass my jewelry supplies are sadly neglected. However, like most of you, I am a bead WHORE-der and have many lovely things tucked away in their little "bead museums"(you may refer to these things as bead boxes). My beads were just screaming at me a lot lately so lots of designs came together. First I will share the new jewelry in the shop. 
The "Q&D" version for those of you that have better things to do with your time than hang out on my blog :P

"Midnight Moon & Setting Sun"- Rich golden yellow ocher, washed amethyst, and corn flower blue with lots of rainbowy raku in a batik style. 

The back is so pretty too! 

"Shooting Star" bracelet- A simple little star surrounded by swirls of shimmering stardust on recycled sari silk ribbon.

"Sunshine & Stars" - originally made to match a different necklace it just so happened to match this new set as well! BONUS! Gorgeous golden yellow with "burnt edges" of golden brown and whispy cream opal hang in these happy hoops.

Last, but not least. A special design that has finally come together with some very special components I have received at different times. The universe finally called to be assembled in this very peaceful spiritual piece that so many loving hands have separately created. 

This is my "meditation" necklace. A  necklace
 I created for myself with some very special 
pieces I received from friends. I have had these amazing pieces for a long while just waiting for the perfect piece. I received the buddhist prayer bead from Staci Louise Smith, the patinated hoop and chain from Karen Totten, the Om charm from Maire Dodd, the beautiful hilltribe silver chain from Melissa Fortner, and I created the little balled copper dangle. I am so honored to have put such special things together in a necklace from people I love  Thank you all! 

I will be on my way to the studio after my day off with Ricky tomorrow so it may be a little bit before you hear from me on my blog again. Don't fret, you can always find me on facebook ;)

xo Genea