Third Eye Gypsy(Genea Beads) 2011 by Parigo Studios 2010

Showing posts with label bead fest philly 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bead fest philly 2014. Show all posts

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Life After Bead Fest

Hello friends!

Wow what a crazy ride it's been. I can't believe Bead Fest Philly was just under 2 weeks ago! So let's catch you all up on my last couple of weeks.

A view outside of my car window on the trip to PA. This photo doesn't do it justice at all. The clouds looked like feathery wings outstretched. It was really magnificent!

One of the signs by the show. Lol, we couldn't resist taking a photo. 

Here is a shot of our booth. Ricky and I got in and set up in 2 hours. That was record timing from last year where it took us 4.5 hours to set up! Guess we are getting good at this huh?!
Staci and I shared a booth again this year. Here you can see Barbara Bechtel holding down the fort.
A pic of Staci and me at our booths.

We also shared our power house corner with Starry Road Studio and Wooly Wire Etc. It's so much fun to share a space with these awesome women. I wish I had clicked some more photos of their booth's, but I dropped my phone face down 2 days before the show :( You will have to hunt them down on facebook to view their photos when they get their albums posted ;)
I made myself a quick necklace with one of my "Eye See You For All That You Are And Will Become" focals. Nothing like making yourself a piece of jewelry at the show cause you didn't have time beforehand ;)

Here is a better photo I took out in the sun yesterday ;)
I just LOVE this necklace!

Our Courtyard party on Saturday night was rained out, but that didn't keep our bunch of wild gals from partying inside!

I had an awesome class with my students! I clicked some quick photos with Ricky's phone.

Our mother and daughter team that came to class together wearing their finished jewelry :)

Ellen didn't have pierced ears so she purchased some clip earring backs at the show that matched perfectly! 
Our two classmates that met at the class and became great friends. I love how beads bring us all together :) Didn't their pieces turn out awesome?!

Here are a few photos of my students work from class.

I love how everyone's piece is so unique.

While we were at the show, Don, Karen's husband gave her a special birthday present he comissioned me to make for her. May I present, "Gypsy Magic". Holy wow, huh?! It took me about 3 days to design this necklace since I really wanted to bring all of the design elements together.  I am so pleased with the finished piece!

Here is all of my loot from the show :D
Wooly Wire from Wooly Wire Etc.
More Wooly Wire :D

Ceramic eye house from Diane Hawkey.

Polymer clay beads by Second Surf and eye charms from Cynthia's sweet daughter :)

I wanted to wear some of my pieces right away so I put them on chain and sari silk. Awesome, huh?!

The not so fun part of the tail end of show time, the creative mess. This is my upstairs studio. I am STILL getting things organized and back into their places.

In the meantime after show also means SUPER MASSIVE SHOP UPDATES! All of these beauties are in my Etsy shop. It was just easier and faster to update there first. Some of them are in my .com shop as well. I will get everything moved over shortly.

I also marked some beads and jewelry on sale. I will be creating new jewelry designs soon. I can't wait to get back to designing as well as making. 

See you soon!

xo Genea

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Last Minute Bead Fest Philly Info and Updates

Hello Friends!

Let the last minute panic begin in 3.....2.....1..... COMMENCE FREAK OUT! Actually... I am feeling pretty ok considering how much stuff I have left to do.

So let's get to the SUPER important stuff first since this will be a LONG blog... 

My shop's will be CLOSED while I am away at Bead Fest Philly from sometime soon today through August 26th. So if there is something you can't live without you should run over to my shops and grab that now ;) 

It's been several days of craziness. I have successfully dropped my phone face down and KILLED it so I am WITHOUT MY PHONE. It's almost as bad as not having a limb. So if you need to get a hold of me you will have to facebook message me or call Ricky's phone. Message me for his number if you need it ;) I am PRAYING that my phone will arrive at the shop today instead of it's scheduled date of tomorrow when I will already on the road to Philly. Send out those good vibes everyone!

You can find Staci and me over at booth #371 where we were last year.
Here is the map for Bead Fest so you know where to find us.
Here is your coupon to save $10 on your entry. Print this image off and present it at the door. Use that extra $10 to buy your beads! ;)

There is STILL TIME TO SIGN UP for my  "Wooly Wire One-oh-FUN" class! Class is Friday night at Bead Fest Philly August 22nd from 4:30-8:30pm! I believe that sign-ups are closed until the day of the show, but you can sign up that Friday up until class! If you need anything before then, I am at booth #371 so come find me there ;)

Wooly Wire "One-oh-FUN" class projects. 
We are in room #31 for class. 

I have been burning the midnight oil the last few nights tying and pricing my work.

I had only a few days this time to work on my display when I had it up for well over a month last year.  Here is my progress. I am at the point where I think I am just going to wing it. You all love pretty beads and I doubt you will be agonizing over my lack of labeled table tags and stuff that I worry about. 

Some of my show crap I have to cram into crates and organize for the trip. I guess as long as I remember my: beads, class kits,  lights, cash box, and cc swiper, we are good, right?

Well I am off! I have a newsletter to write and students to contact. See you all soon!

xo Genea