A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, and always with the same person." - Mignon McLaughlin

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Oh Rockin Robin

Averi had her last competition of the season yesterday. Garrett took the day off and joined Averi and I at her competition in Prove. She did really well. I was trying to get her to practice instead of watching all the other girls when she looked at me and said " it's OK mama, I've got it". What do you say to that? I now KNOW without a doubt, I get MORE nervous than she does.... She won Queen in her age division and surprisingly, the High Point Winner in the Novice Category. WE WERE SHOCKED!!! I had just turned to Garrett to say "lets go" when they announced her name. Averi said "what did I do to get this trophy?" It was very funny! We tried to explain it to her, but I don't think she really understood. It was a very nice day. We grabbed some dinner and visited with some family members we don't see all that often. It was so nice to spend time with each other, especially since Garrett has been SO BUSY with baseball and the AP History Test this week. This week is the region playoffs and next week is the state tournament. They only have to win one game on either Tuesday or Wednesday to guarantee them a game the following week.


Garrett was also selected to be the ALL STAR coach in his region for the 2009 All Star Team. I am so proud of him. I DO NOT KNOW HOW HE GETS UP SO EARLY EVERY DAY AND GETS HOME SO LATE AND CAN STILL HAVE A SMILE ON HIS FACE! He amazes me!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Our Queen

On Friday, Averi danced @ Roy High School & competed in the 3-5 year old Solo division. This has been one of the larger competitions we have done so far because of the number of girls competing. She did Wonderful! I think I was more nervous than she was! She tugged on my sleeve and said "Mom I need to say a little prayer". We found a quiet corner and she asked Heavenly Father to "help her remember her dance, not to be scared and to have FUN! She also asked that her Daddy could be safe driving home". It was so sweet. She then sat, waved at everyone who came to watch her and waited her turn.... When her number was up, she smiled, walked onto the floor and did her thing. Like I said, I was more nervous than she was!!! She amazes me... She has came A LONG WAY since our first competition back in March. I think she has gotten better and better each time, but I AM HER MOMMY! When they called her name for her award, she was SO PROUD, she strutted up to the front, received her trophy, sash and crown and SMILED at everyone!!! When she came to sit by everyone, she kept saying "I won Queen, I won Queen". I love seeing the excitement and sense of accomplishment come over her... Both Garret and I were so proud of her. She's a SWEETIE!

Little Dancer

I am a little behind, but two weeks ago, Averi had a dance competition @ Syracuse High School. She did REALLY well.... I was a bit nervous for her because she went FIRST.... I was worried that we would have a repeat of our Logan experience. She shocked me! She walked right out onto the floor and didn't miss a beat! She was so cute. She actually ended up winning "Queen" in her age division. She was so excited. She didn't want to take her crown off of her head!

Averi and her friend

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday Afternoon

I just thought she looked cute after church, I had to grad a few pictures. She was so happy when we told her that it was warm enough to blow bubbles outside and go for a walk...
Welcome Spring!

Tiny Dancer

On Friday, Averi had another dance competition. It was nice because it was at Bonneville High which means it was REALLY close to home. We were able to arrive ready to perform, leave for dinner and be back for awards.
Averi did REALLY well!!! She placed 1st attendant and won the drill down in her age division. We were so proud and happy for her. Here she is with her trophy, medal. crown and money-which is burning a huge hole in her little pocket!!!!