Kaden's 2nd grade play "Go Fish" He was one of the sharks. He didn't end up singing, but he did have a good speaking part. He did a great job and loved it!
This is the coveted "Super Star" that all the kids get when they can write their name All By Themselves. He was so excited, and came running out to show me his Super Star!
Ashton was very proud of his animals in their "lyon" He won't say the word "Line" He thinks it is "lyon" funny kid.
Ashton's preschool took a field trip to the Dentist. The kids loved all the little goodies...toothbrush, toothpaste, hooray!!
So excited...I got Tyler tickets to see U2 in concert. He has wanted to go ever since we got married. U2 and banana cream pie, he was a happy man. I love you tons!!