a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, January 12, 2015

This N That

We are the Red Cross
the soup kitchen
and transport
One can't walk
one's heating aching joints
the other shuts down
Those still standing
try to make it better
hoping "Normal"
is closer than it was
We've had freezing rain and cold temps but nothing we couldn't deal with (and I'm frantically searching my mind how to NOT end this sentence with a preposition. Some lessons never leave.  I guess it's okay now.  I hear people saying "Want to go with?"  With what???  Don't leave me hanging.) 

The after care and day care station is still open.  A visit later today to see how the skin grafts are taking.  I'm glad we can help but we are tired. It is straining on the pocket book and every one's patience.  No one can help the situation.  We must muddle through with as much good grace as we can muster. Eight days from our second month with at least four months to go...and eight days.

Poor Bonnie had to return to the vet after her surgery. In a few short days she dropped from 83.5 pounds to a terrible sixty pounds.  She has come back strong and nearing her original weight.  That "free" puppy now has an invested value of $489.17.

Marcy was transported to the hospital one day but I brought her home with me.

I am crocheting in all my FREE time and trying to read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Apparently I am at fault and "attract" this chaos.  I must find out the "secret" to ending that attraction. This was a book I chose at Salvation Army just because the cover was pretty.  Won't do that again unless I need the cover for a project.

So here I am being non creative, dull and boring.

May your best dreams come true this week.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Getting My God Fix...

I love and respect the land.  I think sometimes I can be closer to God in the middle of His Creation than in any man made building.  I needed my fix.  I walked to my favorite place, Rock Hollow.
I stumbled.
I tripped
but I kept going.
I looked back and knew life was like this journey.  You may not think you can make the climb, sometimes you trip and think of giving up but somehow you reach deep within yourself and accomplish just what you needed to do.  

That reaching is what makes life good.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

In The Seventh Layer

a thorny tree deformed
bears poison fruit
caught between bloody rivers
and flaming sand
eternal impalement
of my own making

Choosing the seventh layer, second circle of Dante's Inferno, his epic poem describing nine layers of hell.  I also used seven lines for Poets Untied prompt of Seventh anything.
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