a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing
Showing posts with label white deer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white deer. Show all posts

Friday, August 23, 2013

The White Deer With Real Toads

Ralph Albert Blakelock (1847-1919)  "Solitude" (detail)  undated
for a creative challenge.
In the clearing
He danced 
For crops
And for rain

Magic was called
She came 
In white fur she danced
In the silent rain

Blessing had answered
Yet no one knew
Where she walked
Peyote grew. 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

This N That

First, I would like to declare this, Marcy's photo of the week.  I love this!  It is a sunrise but the sky was so hazy, it looks almost like the moon.
Marcy is celebrating the hatch of new babies.  A mixture of all kinds.  She sees laying hens, I see dumplings.
Andrew had company for a few days with an extra Thursday evening.  They were ghost hunting late into the night.  I was quietly watching them from the unlighted open kitchen window and welcomed the opportunity to scare the pea soup outta them.  I always try to have some fun where ever I can.
As I drove out to work one morning, our cows greeted me by the neighbors' field.   I sat for a moment in the car, thinking how I would herd them to the valley.  They began to run...away from the farm.  I remembered how hubby calls them and I tried my best hubby holler.  My favorite yellow cow threw up her head, turned the herd and almost beat me back down to the farm.

We have good neighbors.  I got a call at work Friday (remember how our old house was robbed?) that a strange truck was parked in the yard of the old house.  The neighbor described it as a beige step side truck and no one could be seen.  She asked if I wanted her to run them off.  I said, no, I'll call hubby.  Couldn't reach hubby, called Bev, she said, If I try to run someone off, they'll whip my butt. SOOOOOO, finally got ahold of hubby and it was him sitting at the old house in a SILVER Step Side Chevy!!!  Brave Bev came to get whipped and every one had a good laugh!  Except me.

The white deer has been spotted with a fawn this year but she is moving closer to the highway.  Hope she comes back to the protection of the hills and valleys.

Just a few snapshots of our week At The Farm...never a boring moment!

Friday, March 26, 2010

My Day

started pretty good.  The white lady jumped out in front of me and I did not have my camera ready.  If you enlarge this, you can see her buddy almost hidden in the leaves.
This was my morning drive.
No clear skies today.  Kinda fit my mood, after being off two days, I was not eager to return to work.
My ride home was just as cloudy but the timing was perfect for the fertilizer.
The clouds still lay on the horizon.
but the valley is turning green.

Friday, December 4, 2009

White Lady Still With Us!

The rut is over and every deer has calmed down.
I hope she has twins next year too.

Friday, October 30, 2009

We Have SUN!

See it shining on the back trees?
With dark clouds over head
I do believe the sun is somewhere in those clouds.
Blue skies smiling at me!
An early morning, during the rain, contorting around the car seat and out the window, I have snapped the white deer! You might not be able to see her but she is white and beautiful and had twins this spring. They were brown.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Our White Deer

This doe has twin white fawns.
It is difficult to get a good shot of her.
Marcy tried.

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