a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing
Showing posts with label bois d'arc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bois d'arc. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Bodark, Osage Orange, Hedge Apples...

Whatever you call them
we have them.
They cover the ground yet are poison to humans. In some states they sell them at the super markets. Supposedly they discourage insects. The squirrels love them and so do children.  In a child's mind they can be any range of monsters.  At The Farm this is the one thing you can chop, throw, spear or poke without retribution. 
We lost a few during the tornado but those left still thrive.  I think I will place a few under the floor to see if it slows down spiders!

Bois d'arc is the best wood for a bow.  The wood is strong but pliable.  It is a beautiful yellow wood but we let ours grow.  There may come a time we fashion a bow.  Until then we play, put them in baskets for fall decorations and allow the squirrels to enjoy them.
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