a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing
Showing posts with label Koi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Koi. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Build It They Will Come

Life around and in a water garden.
You know you did good when every one wants a place.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Kharma A K Word

If my circumstances reflect my actions I need to become much Kinder.  In the last two months my Canon died and required 44 emails, almost two months, two shipments and numerous calls to have warranty repair completed.  Andrew's truck motor has blown (Ford).  My printer doesn't work (Canon).  My computer (Alien-Dell) blue screened. Andrew's phone (Apple iPhone 6S Plus) has stopped working two days after unconditional return (Verizon), warranty does not cover it since there is a scratch on it and insurance has a hundred fifty copay.  I would not ask me for a recommendation on any of these brands nor on their company's customer service.  I would not be KIND.

On the brighter side of K there are Klingon, my favorite, Worf
and my Ki-Anne.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Monday, November 23, 2015

Feeding The Fish

Junior picks
the fish food he wants.
The new Koi food enhances their color.
Wonder what color Junior will be?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Water Garden Before and After

The Koi troll in clear waters
The more I looked the more unnatural it seemed
So I started over
More moss and some rocks rearranged.
My top rock with a hole feeds into my new holey rock.  
 The water then runs over a volcanic rock
 into a small pool 
where the water runs through that rock's hole into the stream. 
The water runs completely through moss
 that works as a natural filter for the water garden.
None of the inhabitants are complaining.
The frog even seemed pleased with his rusty toolbox full of moss.
Shabby chic meets a water garden.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Photography Challenge...Kinda

Last week I discovered a blog where they presented photo challenges.  Since I am photographically challenged, I thought it might be fun to join in the fun and learn from the other participants.  I wrote the challenges down but failed to note the blog address.  So here are my challenges with the photos matching the challenge.  
It's hay season
(what) I'm looking at...a spider on a swan statue
Koi in motion
It means a lot to me
Darling Pit Bull Bonnie
Photographer's choice
Water from a pump
So I did take photos with the challenge in mind 
but my mind can't remember where to link it!

Found it!  Scavenger Hunt Sunday is the link for last week.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Attempting Tetractys

can not
write on cue
it never comes
forced art is an unremarkable art

art is born with wings flying from the soul
born of itself
giving voice
with faith
while trying to learn new forms.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Topping Off...

the water garden, removing some leaves and playing with rocks and a camera, that's what I did.
The Koi thought they were up town with the extra fresh water flowing in addition to the water fall. They swam and played like Spring's calves.
Even after the water hose left they played Ring Around The Rosy, uh, Rocks.  I think this tractor tire has had a good life.
Krazy Koi!

Friday, August 1, 2014

A Mysterious Sighting

The Koi have appeared
Cautiously but still here.
A native Bull frog thinks he's invisible. 
Bonnie is pouting because we lied to her about the fish.
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