a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, November 29, 2015

In Vain

Stalking the naked river
with wings of want
she flies the world
seeking clarity
of plains
void of red
empty of
first blood


MadSnapper n Beau said...

change the first line to stalking the river naked and there you have me.. he he he

Anonymous said...

I felt this one, my friend. Of course, as you know, I often do with your writing.

Anonymous said...

I love how you captured the mood in such a tightly written poem. Stellar.

C.C. said...

You are the master of writing concise, yet powerful, poetry!

Old Egg said...

It would be hard to find plains free of first blood in this world we've have been aggressive for millennia all over this one. If you find such a place keep quiet about it.

Lynne said...

Or stalking naked
brought clarity
beyond red. . .
Not good at these but YOU ARE!

Jae Rose said...

There is a sense of ambiguity in this that makes it all the more profound and necessary

vivinfrance said...

Nicely concise.

Carol Campbell said...

Few words loaded with deep feeling!

Glenn Buttkus said...

Very impressed with how you dispatched those dozen words with so few pen strokes. It's my first time over here at the Wordle, & it took me a Haibun, 4 paragraphs & a haiku to arrive at the same place.

Bastet's Waka Library said...

The essentialness of this abbreviated form brings home the depth of sentiment ... brilliant.

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