It was the first night of his new Government job, and the
suspense was excruciating. He started rummaging
through boxes...
...Flatulent-Free Chile Beans.
...Gasoline engine that gets 255 MPG.
...Silk purse made from a sow's ear.
...Amelia Earhart.
...Little Bobby's 4th Hour homework.
(That he claimed the dog ate)
...The Macarena.
...Monica Lewinski's Cigar
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Really..ha..ha...those were the days.
Your politics are very interesting. Just watched Obama's job speech.
Anyway, I am playing along:
So THAT'S where they all went!
I'm in this week with a tip to To Boost Your “Curb Appeal”
the macarena...haha...would love to be in that warehouse of Indiana Jones'...imagine all the treasure...
ha ha
Aloha from Waikiki;
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
Good one. Nice to see you're still going strong! I've played along today too. :)
So so good.
Here is mine after two weeks:
PS: I have some kind of writer's bloc...
Cute Gman! Very cute!
noting it all down>
amazing showcase of the political job situation. truly enjoyed this 55.
Here is My 55
I believe it. Every word.
Mine's up!
Also disturbing, because I was wondering about Monica Lewinsky's cigar just a few days ago.
I'd better not elaborate.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
Wouldn't we all just love to know if there really is such a warehouse. Urban myth? Only a few know. Personally, I like a good mystery.
HERE is my 55 for this week.
...they didn't find Elvis? This was very cute.
The Abyss of Blue
This guy's going to get his own reality show, isn't he? Like those "storage" and "hardcore pawn" guys.:-)
What a GREAT Idea...Thanks :-)
You are a much kinder and milder soul than I when it comes to the political scene, Mr. G. (I've always wondered if that cigar would turn up on Ebay)
Okay I've dredged something up. It's my political hangover from torturing myself with last night's Republican debate. If you think Rick Perry is a great guy or sympathize with the Tea Party, you will not like it, I'm giving you fair warning. Please do not come read it and hate me and throw things:
Cognitive Dissonance
is that top ic the one from the end of raider's of the lost ark?
and hey, look! i found a whole crate of polyester leisure suits!
i played along here
Here's my first try. So thankful for this wonderful idea.
Here's mine.
Some Boxes he opened.. Chamber of secrets.. eh??
Here's a conclusion: Conclusion
The Macarena?! Quick, run away!
Mine is finally up
I will never take offense at having you come looking for me. I'm just thrilled someone cares. Hunt me down all you want.
Hi G-Man. Would you consider using a Linky Gadget for folk to enter their entries on? It makes touring the entries to read them and offer comment soooooooo much easier.
Never know what you will find on the first day at work...
hmmm the possibilities
sorry I am late ( been preoccupied)
Just another script
thanks G for the weekly history lesson?
HERE I go again...
haha .. the boxes reminded me of the series "the warehouse" ..
good one !!
My post
Ah, the excitement of the first on the job!
A Simple Prayer
(Sorry for the deletes above...I need sleep!)
Making a list, and checking it twice...gonna find out who's naughty and nice came to my mind as I smiled through your list. This is so creative I just love it.
His Dear Martha is mine this week.
Happy Friday!
what a treasure chest!!!
Ha ha. I'm a Warehouse 13 fan so I love this!
I'm up here.
This came around soooo quick, yet, the school week seemed like it would never end. LOL
Here's mine Mr. G-Man:
Hell Fire
Thanks and have a great weekend. :)
Great! I do want that engine by-the-way, I am off to find it in the warehouse just as soon as I am finished with my day dream- Enjoy your day!
Oooops: http://izzy-conversing.blogspot.com/2011/09/flash-fiction-55-up-high-on-bumble-bee.html
There's a man with his work cut out HERE
Wonder what kind of perks come with THAT job?!
Mine's up...happy weekend!
I lost my dolly when I was 6 years old is it in there????;)
Mine's up.
I didn't forget to visit m'deario I'm just late. ;)
Very clever... sounds like the warehouse at the end of Indiana Jones...
Here's mine: Remember
happy friday g-man...took me a bit, but i am here and i am in...
my 55 is up.
Makes me wonder if he went back for a second day on the job! Hmmmm... wouldn't be surprised if there were quite a number of classified warehouses out there. Maybe he'll find my daughter's homework next week :)
Sorry I missed last week, G-Man! You know there’s only a little time left in the Frozen North before the snow flies- and I have miles of mountains to climb before then. I always try to bring you back something, though… so here’s a little fall flavored goodness for this most excellent Friday.
LOL. My gracious manners are probably in there someplace too!
Mine is up, at coal black's.
I bet that's where my keys keep disappearing to.
I'm so late, but I didn't want to miss the fun.
Mine is here
That's some dubious company for the ark of the covenant.
fabulous collection of 55's...
Hope that you enjoy a Sunny, Funny, and Bunny Happy Weekend.
For the love of god, burn that place DOWN. We wouldn't want the Macarena to escape!
So for the first time in a while...I'm in! Mine is HERE.
Reminds me of a scene from X-files.
Here is my 55.
i don't even know what to say, G... Lewinski's cigar?
i still adore you, Galen, and i hope you have a lovely weekend. {smile}
sorry mine's so late. ♥ d
Didn't play this week. But, I did want to come by and say hello to the G-daddy. Much love.
I will never take offense at having you come looking for me. I'm just thrilled someone cares. Hunt me down all you want.
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