Friday, May 14, 2010

D.I.Y. Summer Wreath

Hey chick-a-dees!
I cannot believe I haven't posted since Monday!!
I have SO much to blog about but have been super busy... with good things!

In the midst of a painting break on Wednesday, I ran downstairs to work on a cute D.I.Y. wreath idea I came up with while shopping at Michael's on Mothers Day!

Here it goes...

Take one of these plain old foam wreaths; I think I picked this one up at GW for like 50 cents...

Wrap it with your choice of ribbon...
I chose this striped one; just reminded me of fun summer beachy colors; it was $3.99 for the roll at Michaels...

I chose to add these prepainted SUPER cute summer wood shapes that I too found at Michael's for only $0.59 each!!
Love the flip flop one!!
The colors are so cute on these; here is a close up of the ribbon too.

Just wrap the ribbon all the way around the wreath; 
I hot glued it in many spots too so it would hold better...

Crud... I ran out of ribbon!
Whats a girl to do?
I got this pretty pink ribbon from a Valentine giveaway this year; so I just finished it with this...
works right? Hey, its DIY remember!! LOL

I looped the ribbon and tied a bow to be able to hang it...
And here it is!!
Now looking at it, I wish I would have put the flip flops on the bottom to balance out the flower!
But thats me being too critical and a perfectionist!! ;)

What do you think?

Total cost:
$0.50... wreath
$3.99... ribbon
$2.95 for 5 wooden shapes
Equals: $7.44... Not TOO Bad!!

And now I have something cute for my front door this summer!
I am inspired to make more and more of these now but for maybe around $5 each!!

Hmmmmm... maybe one of them will end up in a giveaway this summer!?!

Have a great weekend!!
I will be busy serving Dove Chocolates and making some $$$ twice this weekend:)

Noelle ♥


Kimberly said...

that's adorable!

Unknown said...

Noelle~ its so summery and cute, and you did great substituting with extra ribbong. Love how summery it is. Hope all is well my friend. Hugs, Jenn

p.s. have a fab. weekend even if you are painting.. ;)

Unknown said...


Lisa said...

Awesome!! Well done! You are very busy. How do you do it! I don't have kids, only one job, no school and still can't manage what you do!!♥
Hugs, Lisa

Em said...

7.44! Not bad at all! Thank you so much for the swap package... I'll be posting it soon!!! Have a great weekend :)

capperson said...

I love this! too cute :)

Brenda Eason said...

Really cute

Annesphamily said...

Really beachy! I love it! I have a few of those green foam wreaths. I think I better get busy as you seem to inspire me. Happy weekend! Anne

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing. I really need a new summer wreath.

The Fashion Bloggess said...

wow! another great post as per usual!
I LOVE your blog! Such an inspiration
Am definitely bookmarking you!
Hope you can stop by mine sometime :)

Vickie said...

That is sooo cute!

Jesa said...

I stumble don your blog and i love it!
I also can't wait for the next Twlight-heh :)

Cheers, Jesa

Katie said...

Super cute Noelle, and yes you are totally being too critical. I think it's very fun and perfect for bringing us some better weather.

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

I'm not a crafty person, but I think I could do this 1.