School's out for SUMMER!!
Hey moms and grandma's...
Here's your chance to get your kiddo's and grandkiddo's in on a Fun Summer Swap for KIDS ONLY!
My boys LOOVE to get their own mail!
We've done two other kid swaps and the boys have enjoyed picking out goodies for the KIDDIE partners and receiving fun packages in the mail!
Okay, here are the "RULES"...
Sign ups will take place HERE till June 8th; you will then have till June 15th to prepare a TOTALLY COOL FUN SUMMER swap box for your child's partner!!
Here's the deal...
(1) Spend $10-$15 MINIMUM BEFORE SHIPPING on the swap stuff; feel free to add more goodies if you'd like.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take your child's partners INTEREST in mind, don't just run to the DOLLAR store to get "just anything". Nothing sucks more than giving a REALLY great Swap box and not getting a REALLY great one in return:(
You could even create a SWAP BOX based on your child's interests kinda like a "My Fave Summer Things" themed box. But if your child is a girl, and their partner is a boy; this may not be a good idea.
It could be really FUN to include something HANDMADE by your child as well:)
Kids love to make and give things!!
(2) PLEASE do NOT sign up, then quit on your partner; thats just not cool!
(3) Communicate with your partner, visit their blog and learn more about their kiddo's (if the kiddo's are included on their blog). Or at least read through the email info about your partners child, to get to "know them and their interests".
Fun summer snacks (keep in mind that chocolate will melt in the mail, bummer!), crafts, books, fun outdoor toys/activities/games, water balloons, chalk, etc. GET CREATIVE!!
Now all thats left to do is COMMENT on this post that you are JOINING, then copy and paste the following INFO into an email and send it to me at:
In the subject line write: KIDS SUMMER SWAP
Here is the info for you to copy and fill out:
Moms name:
Child/s name/s and AGE/s:
Blog address:
Kid/s Interests/Hobbies:
Fave Snacks:
Any allergies your child might have:
Any other info to share:
Parents if you have multiple children, you can CHOOSE to have multiple partners- or just have ONE box sent to your children to "SHARE".
I will try to pair partners up who are close in age as well.
Please take my SWAP BUTTON and add it to your blog, so other moms/kids can join us as well!!!
Thanks for joining!!
Lets give our kiddo's a FUN SWAP this summer!!
Noelle ♥