Monday, May 31, 2010

Kids ONLY Summer Swap Sign Ups

School's out for SUMMER!!
Hey moms and grandma's... 
Here's your chance to get your kiddo's and grandkiddo's in on a Fun Summer Swap for KIDS ONLY!
My boys LOOVE to get their own mail!
We've done two other kid swaps and the boys have enjoyed picking out goodies for the KIDDIE partners and receiving fun packages in the mail!

Okay, here are the "RULES"...
Sign ups will take place HERE till June 8th; you will then have till June 15th to prepare a TOTALLY COOL FUN SUMMER swap box for your child's partner!!

Here's the deal...

(1) Spend $10-$15 MINIMUM BEFORE SHIPPING on the swap stuff; feel free to add more goodies if you'd like.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take your child's partners INTEREST in mind, don't just run to the DOLLAR store to get "just anything". Nothing sucks more than giving a REALLY great Swap box and not getting a REALLY great one in return:(

You could even create a SWAP BOX based on your child's interests kinda like a "My Fave Summer Things" themed box. But if your child is a girl, and their partner is a boy; this may not be a good idea.

It could be really FUN to include something HANDMADE by your child as well:)
Kids love to make and give things!!

(2) PLEASE do NOT sign up, then quit on your partner; thats just not cool!

(3) Communicate with your partner, visit their blog and learn more about their kiddo's (if the kiddo's are included on their blog). Or at least read through the email info about your partners child, to get to "know them and their interests".

Fun summer snacks (keep in mind that chocolate will melt in the mail, bummer!), crafts, books, fun outdoor toys/activities/games, water balloons, chalk, etc. GET CREATIVE!!

Now all thats left to do is COMMENT on this post that you are JOINING, then copy and paste the following INFO into an email and send it to me at:

In the subject line write: KIDS SUMMER SWAP

Here is the info for you to copy and fill out:

Moms name:
Child/s name/s and AGE/s:
Blog address: 

Kid/s Interests/Hobbies:
Fave Snacks:
Any allergies your child might have:

Any other info to share:

Parents if you have multiple children, you can CHOOSE to have multiple partners- or just have ONE box sent to your children to "SHARE".
I will try to pair partners up who are close in age as well.

Please take my SWAP BUTTON and add it to your blog, so other moms/kids can join us as well!!!

Thanks for joining!!
Lets give our kiddo's a FUN SWAP this summer!!

Noelle ♥

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Summer Swap 4 Kids?!

Anyone interested in a Summer FUN Swap for Kids?
My boys are so sweet, they always want their own mail since mommy "swaps a lot" and gets lots of goodies!!
I feel bad when they don't get their own swappy-goodness!

So what do you think? Say a $10-$15 limit; fun summer things that maybe your kids enjoy, to share with some other kiddo's?
Let me know.

Moms and GRANDMAS are welcome to sign kiddo's up!

Noelle ♥

So busy Summer!

Hey friends!
Whew, this blogging thing is hard to do when the weather is SO NICE!

I've just been hangin' with the boys and my hubby the past few days. Worked out twice this week at the gym and did zumba twice, been feeling real good:)

I got myself a super cute outfit for the lake tomorrow, wanna see?

The skirt I bought is longer than this one; it hits right above my knees and it was on clearance for $8!!
Woo hoo! It feels good to be tan, just wish I could get rid of my yucky veins on my legs and right foot:(

I am making these to take to my in laws lake cottage tomorrow...
Can you say YUM?
I got the idea from the Dove Chocolate Discoveries recipe website:)

We will be swimming tomorrow all day, cooking out, and maybe I will even get on a jet ski, lol!
I'm a HUGE chicken!!

What are your plans?
Hope you have a SUPER weekend!!!

Noelle ♥

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Warm Weather Woo Hoo!

Hey you:)
Thanks for visiting me today!
Our weather has been SO WARM! 
I'm really enjoy having the stress of taking classes off my plate!
I've been super busy with my Dove Chocolate Discoveries business; getting parties booked left and right; so good summer moo-lah for us!!

We've been outside a lot enjoying the warmth; here are some pics of our fun days...

Lots of bike riding...

Hugs and snuggles...
(I look scary there!)

Looking at airplanes...
Then sneezing a whole bunch from getting the sun in our eyes:)

Being stinkers and wanting to throw sticks at mommy as she follows me with the camera, lol!
Sweating lots and playing with trucks...
Admiring pretty flowers that grow on our porch...

Playing in the water on these HOT HOT days...

Looking cool in our shades:)
And soaking up the sun...

Loving when the boys play together so nicely...
Bestill  my heart... this is the CUTEST pic of these too!!
They want to get a "tan" so they laid on top the picnic table:)
Love these two ♥

Hehehe :)

These lil dolls are the reason I am slowing my crazy life down...
college classes will always be there to take, but this PRECIOUS moments with them won't last forever:(
This summer I am going to spend more time "being a kid" with them!
Swimming, playing ball, coloring with chalk...etc.
I want to give them the BEST summer ever!!

Love you all,
Noelle ♥

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Its Makeover Time!!

My doll friend Katie offered to make me a new blog header to cheer me out of my funk, so I found a header over at Shabby Blogs and sent it to Katie!! She added my pic and text to it; isn't it cute!?!
I also added the new background too:)
Speaking of a makeover...
I put on my black bermuda shorts today and guess what??
They were TOO BIG!
I'm so thrilled!
Since last May I have lost 32 lbs; and 16 inches total!
I've gone down 2 shirt sizes and almost 1 pant size.
As far as the pant size, I CANNOT stand pants that are tight in the tummy!
It hurts my stomach and I DO NOT want the muffin top thing goin' on,
see my bloggy bug Mammarazzi for her HILARIOUS Muffin Top post HERE.

Sooooo... maybe this weekend if I get time I may do some shorts shopping!
Here are a couple I have in mind...

 Love a cute pair of jean shorts, and they HAVE to have butt pockets! The slot pockets don't work well on my boo-tay!

What about one of these $5 Tanks to go with...

Couple more pairs of shorts...
 Maybe this cute tank to go with the brown shorts?!
All of this stuff is from Old Navy, one of my fave stores!

Did you hear that this Saturday they are having their $1.00 Flip Flop Sale? Limit 5 pairs and get there EARLY!
People flock to these sales!


What are your weekend plans?
I can't believe its Friday already!

I have 2 Dove Chocolate Events this weekend; I'm already at $900 in sales this month.. woo-hoo! I have 2 shows to close and the 2 events this weekend... I'm SUPER excited about my nice commission check that I'll get on the 31st; this extra $$ is REALLY nice!

If I hit $1,000 in sales this month, I also can earn one of these...
I am loving this business!
To learn more visit my site... click HERE! 

~Garden Goodness~

I recently participated in Em's Shabby Garden Mini Swap... how fun!
I don't have a massive beautiful garden, just a little one but I love it ♥
Em was the gal I sent to and I received goodies from Connie who doesn't have a blog but is such a sweetie.
Here is what I sent Em...

She loves turquoise which I found she also loves this aqua that I chose:)
Got her a cute Knee Cushion for when she's planting, a shabby chippy blue watering can, a gardening book, some cute garden gloves, some white sunflower seeds and cucumber seeds (as they grow veggies too), a cute watering can sign and a Mary Engelbriet garden stake...

Also found this sweet canvas banner that I thought looked shabby and springy!

Close up of the watering can sign, it says "Your Soul Shall be like a Well-Watered Garden" ♥ It!

Head to Em's blog to see these lovelies in her garden area HERE.

Here are the pretties that I received from my partner Connie :)
Love this welcome sign; its hanging on my front door right now!!

She also created this fun little Garden Girl pocket; the pocket is made from a jeans pocket!

A cute pair of gardening gloves and a little pot with seeds inside to plant;

Another package of seeds in the lil burlap bag; I'm putting in a new flower bed area in front of our porch and I"m gonna toss these seeds out there and be suprised with that blooms for me ♥

She also made me this sweet paper BLOOM banner to hang inside; what a cute idea!
Me being a dork, didn't think to MAKE her anything:(

L♥ve this lil Spring sign so much!!

Thanks for a fun swap Em and thanks to my partner for the goodies!
1. We are ALMOST FINALLY done painting in the bedrooms; its taken us a WEEK to finish, whew!
We've been doing bits and pieces here and there. Hubby has hung new blinds in the rooms and curtains in ours. My mom is going to be making curtains for the boys rooms, can't wait!
Its all SLOWLY coming together, I CANNOT wait to show you all!!!
But I am gonna hold off till everything is complete to show you the before and after's!

2. After much thought, I've decided to not take ANY summer classes. My financial aid is still goofed up at the school and I'm just tired of the stress of school! I want to enjoy my summer with the boys, I feel its essential to spend more FUN time with them, and not worry about studying.
So I will be working about 8-10 hours at the home daycare and still doing my DOVE parties too; which means more time outside and at our FAVE pool too!

3. I'm considering changing my major! Crazy, I know!
This has been on my mind since my dad became sick.
I really want to get into the medical field!
I could complete a 1 or 2 year program then be working when Gage gets to Kdg. in 2-3 years.
The medical field is always growing and needing caring workers, I feel like this is where my heart is leading me. I am SCARED to DEATH to take all these medical and science classes but if its meant to be, I KNOW I can do it:)

Well, thats a WRAP!!

I'm off to clean house cause I'm having friends over tonite for a Pampered Chef Help Whip Cancer party!
Each May P.Chef has exclusive PINK products they offer in support of the American Cancer Society and its fight to raise funds and awareness for Breast Cancer!
I'll be sure to take some pics to post for you all as well :)

Have a WONDERFUL day!
Noelle ♥

Thank YOU!

Hello friends!
Just wanted to thank you all for your comments on my last post...
I try not to be negative all the time and to post happy thoughts but in life, our lives aren't perfect...
we get cranky and moody,
our kids don't listen at times,
our hubbies annoy us, 
our homes get messy,
we may not always have enough money to do the things we love...
thats LIFE!
Sometimes its really sucky!
I don't live in a fantasy world and pretend that these things don't happen to me.
When they do, I want to be able to vent about it and know that I have great friends who will offer support, encouragement and their experiences to me, to help me have a better day!
And to you who did, I love and appreciate you all!

Enough said, I'm off to work on a jolly cute garden goodie filled post for ya!

Noelle ♥

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Sighhhh... this month I feel like I am battling POST PMS!
I don't know what exactly is wrong with me...
Crying everyday for every little reason... sad, mad, hurt, lonely... a whirlwind of emotions.
My hubby and I don't spend enough time together which when I'm like this, I NEED him to comfort me but he insists my "bitchiness" pushes him away.
Didn't he just vow to love me "in sickness and in health..."?
I wish men could just understand an OUNCE of why women feel the way we do!
No card on Mothers Day from him, not could he pick one up for our boys to sign; he didn't have "time"!
That hurts...
he would be hurt if I pulled that on Fathers Day.

The weather has been gloomy and rainy, I'm super stressed about the issues going on with my financial aid for summer; may not be taking any classes now:(

Just in a FUNK:(

I hope you all can understand that my blog is titled "Lil Bits and Pieces of Me" because I "choose" to share various lil bits and pieces of MY life with YOU. 
The good, the bad, the ugly.
Many of my blogging friends are more willing to lend a shoulder to cry on and advice that many of my FRIENDS and family that live by me, which is very sad.

I am missing my dad a lot too... going on 6 months since he's passed.
Its hard to lose a parent, esp. when you helped care for them and feel responsible for things.
Thats another thing my hubby can't relate to.
I can't hide my emotions; thats not who I am.
I show them in my expressions and in my words... is that such a bad thing?
I'm NOT the perfect wife or mother, or friend or daughter, or sister.
But I TRY really hard to be, I show love and comfort to those I love when I see they NEED it and thats all I really want in return.

Just needed to "vent" some tonite before going to bed...
since I can't vent to the people I need to. :(

Hmmmphhhh.... sorry to bum you out with this post.
True friends will understand and I love you so very  much for that ♥

Noelle ~

Friday, May 14, 2010

D.I.Y. Summer Wreath

Hey chick-a-dees!
I cannot believe I haven't posted since Monday!!
I have SO much to blog about but have been super busy... with good things!

In the midst of a painting break on Wednesday, I ran downstairs to work on a cute D.I.Y. wreath idea I came up with while shopping at Michael's on Mothers Day!

Here it goes...

Take one of these plain old foam wreaths; I think I picked this one up at GW for like 50 cents...

Wrap it with your choice of ribbon...
I chose this striped one; just reminded me of fun summer beachy colors; it was $3.99 for the roll at Michaels...

I chose to add these prepainted SUPER cute summer wood shapes that I too found at Michael's for only $0.59 each!!
Love the flip flop one!!
The colors are so cute on these; here is a close up of the ribbon too.

Just wrap the ribbon all the way around the wreath; 
I hot glued it in many spots too so it would hold better...

Crud... I ran out of ribbon!
Whats a girl to do?
I got this pretty pink ribbon from a Valentine giveaway this year; so I just finished it with this...
works right? Hey, its DIY remember!! LOL

I looped the ribbon and tied a bow to be able to hang it...
And here it is!!
Now looking at it, I wish I would have put the flip flops on the bottom to balance out the flower!
But thats me being too critical and a perfectionist!! ;)

What do you think?

Total cost:
$0.50... wreath
$3.99... ribbon
$2.95 for 5 wooden shapes
Equals: $7.44... Not TOO Bad!!

And now I have something cute for my front door this summer!
I am inspired to make more and more of these now but for maybe around $5 each!!

Hmmmmm... maybe one of them will end up in a giveaway this summer!?!

Have a great weekend!!
I will be busy serving Dove Chocolates and making some $$$ twice this weekend:)

Noelle ♥

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Mothers Day

My Mothers Day didn't quite turn out the way I had wanted it to but I ended up having time to myself for over 4 hours... so yes that was a wonderful gift!

My hubby took the boys to his moms for lunch, I stayed home cranky.
I ran him to work later and his mom decided to keep the boys over there for 2 more hours cause they were having fun playing with their cousins.
So whats a mommy to do, especially one whose feelin' down in the dumps on Mom's Day?

See the cute rooster planter above?
I got her/him for $4.99 from Michael's; reg. price $19.99.
I was just really drawn to this piece; not ever owned any roosters or cared to have them in my home;)
I want to paint the pot yellow and add some yellow flowers to it. My project for tomorrow; along with helping paint the bedrooms!!! I CANNOT wait to reveal the before and after photos to you!

I also picked up some crafty supplies form Michaels and a cute bird statue for 50% off as well; pics to come of that. I headed over to Gordmans, which is new to our area... what a FUN store!!!

I got a couple new shirts for summer...
I love the ruffled neckline; reminded me of my girl, Jen(Glam Girl) who looks so cute in ruffles!
And it actually looked really CUTE on!

This top stood out to me and is like NOTHING I've ever worn before...
Loved the colors; and the vertical pattern=SLIMMING!
My belly is really hidden in this top, so I love it!
It would be cute with black bermuda shorts or black gauchos!!

Also snagged me a cute metal "bib" necklace:
To dress up a simple black top or tank this summer:)

Hubby is supposed to take me to lunch Wednesday to celebrate Mothers Day LATE; and he's paying for me to get my hair hi-lighted and cut this week too!

Now if only we'd get our warm weather back here!
Brrrrrr its been soooo cold at night; I put the heat back one!!

Ohhh, the best part of my Mothers Day was dinner... 
with these 2 stud muffins....

Yep, we went to Burger King for dinner! LOL
Thats where they wanted to go, in fact Gavin told me "Hey its Mothers Day,  you shouldn't have to cook!"
Haha, I love that boy!!

Here's my Gagie with his big Ironman!
They were STOKED that they got these 7 inch Ironmen figures in their meals; see the white triangle on his chest? Yep, press that button and the arms and legs ALL fall off- I had tons of fun putting that thing back together for him!! LOL

Here's my oldest goofball, I mean son ♥
He does the funniest faces for the camera!!

It ended up being a nice day after all ♥

I got a B in Art History and a C :( in Music Appreciation.
Totally could have gotten a B in Music had I finished 2 essays...
Hey, I want in a MENTAL FUNK and just couldn't pull it off... happens ;)
So for the summer, I was going to take 2 Education courses and my final Math...
well I decided to not "KILL" myself over school this summer and enjoy the fun 'n the sun with the boys so I dropped the Math and will just take the 2 others on Tues and Thurs from 4-6:50 pm.
And the prof that teaches is an "easy" prof.. she's a lot of fun plus I LOOOVE the Education courses that are hands-on and actually about what I am going to school for!
So wish me luck, I am pulling for 2 A's this summer!!!!
Love you all, thanks for reading, commenting and always being there for me:)
Noelle ♥