Showing posts with label underneath the house. Show all posts
Showing posts with label underneath the house. Show all posts

Monday, 2 December 2013


I only wish it was a blocked nose...or being blocked from Facebook...alas it was a blocked toilet. On the weekend one of my dreaded fears became a reality: our sewerage pipe became blocked and we had a bit of an effluent episode...

Thankfully the overflow was all outside and contained in the one small area, near the drains under the Sow's Ear's deck.  It's  a pretty disgusting thing to see one's ablutions for an encore performance. Eww! Anyway, thank goodness for reliable plumbers.

We haven't had a regular plumber since we moved to the Sow's Ear. Our last plumber moved to the country and is living in semi-retirement mode, so we haven't had a plumber on whom to call in an emergency. And when you own an old house with a yard full of trees, a reliable plumber almost becomes part of the family.

Fortunately, we just stumbled upon a new plumber who  proved to be quite good in his maiden voyage on the Sow's ear.

Plumber's electric eel

With the help of a plumber's electric eel down the sewer pipes, our new plumber was able to remove the mass of tree roots which were the cause of the blockage. There must be a crack in the pipes underground, allowing the tree roots to invade the drain.

The electric eel is a cable/coil which spins as it is fed down the drain. The abrasive motion breaks up all the soft tree roots which are developing through any cracks.

The tree roots which were the cause of the blockage 
Eww again!

The blockage is now cleared and we can all relax and resume normal programming.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Big mop up

So much for our Australia Day long weekend clean-up. As I type this Brisbane is being inundated by the left-overs of a tropical cyclone - it has rained non-stop for nearly three days and today we are being hit with some strong winds. It's not pretty.

Fortunately, so far so good for us. We are high and reasonably dry. But others aren't so lucky. We have our fingers crossed that the damage will be minimal and the mop up is quick.

Cadiz shell lights will hopefully find a new home...
Yesterday we made a start on our under the house declutter despite the wet weather. We had a hard rubbish pile, a donate pile and a sell pile. The rubbish pile has been put out on the kerb, with the best of our detritus being picked over by urban treasure hunters. Bless them and their enthusiasm to get out there in this squally weather!

The donate pile is mostly toys and old kitchen stuff which can be reused and loved again. I plan to do an op-shop run later this week - to donate. No buying allowed.

Our sell pile is quite large. I've listed the majority of it on Gumtree and we've sold a couple of things already - an old mirror and a bookcase. Jason is eager for the rest to sell quickly, as it's not a real declutter until it is all gone! I'm giving it a week or so, and then I'll call a salvage or demo yard to collect it all.

windows and cupboard doors for sale

We have so many cupboard doors that were left behind by the previous owners
All in all our weekend has been quite productive and there is another day left of the long weekend. I suspect it will involve a big mop up after all this wet weather. Fingers crossed we will see some sun tomorrow.
Wet, wet, wet from our back deck
Overflowing rainwater tank which was bone dry just a few days ago.  And the grass and plants are green again... it has been unusually dry this January.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Replacing the washing machine

After making some grand pronouncements in the last blog post about consolidating our funds for renovating in 2013, the washing machine just packed it in!

The old machine was tripping our electrical safety switch, which is not a terribly healthy sign. And according to the service guy, it's not worth repairing. Water got into the motor and a replacement motor would cost more than the five year old washing machine was worth.

We paid the princely sum of $129 for the pleasure of that information...clearly we had hoped it was something which could be easily fixed...So a week out from Christmas we are left washing machine-less. The horror.

Old washing machine which lasted about five years...

Washing clothes is my main raison d'etre...well no, but it does form a great part of my daily routine. I feel like I'm missing a body part now the washing machine is out of action..., well no, but the dirty laundry basket is overflowing. It really needs to be replaced ASAP.

Thankfully my social media network came through with their personal recommendations, after my public pleas for assistance.  It seems the quickest, cheapest and most convenient way to purchase white goods theses days is through appliances online.

And it is, because I just bought a new machine this evening. My new washer arrives on Friday (free delivery too), it will be installed and they will take the old washing machine away with them. You wonder what the catch is?

I'm happy though, as I didn't have to drag the kids to the shops during the Christmas rush and with the plethora of information there is on the net, the final choice was as informed as it needed to be.

Sadly, I don't have a lot of faith in appliances these days. Most are not built to last. I've been told that standard front loaders will only last for about five years; standard top loaders will give you about 10 years. That's a pretty poor indictment of our throw-away society.

Anyway, I'll let you know how my online washing machine purchase goes when it is delivered. I really hope it does get delivered on Friday...we're short on undies!

Thursday, 26 July 2012

VJ sheeting

Well, all the work to clad the walls underneath the Sow's Ear is done. Jason spent most of last week getting the VJ (vertical join) sheeting up. It's the cheats option to get that VJ look without the big hit in the back pocket.

We're really happy with the results for underneath the house. Previously it was clad with asbestos fibro on the outside and the inside walls were just exposed framing. This is quite typical of Queenslander homes which were re-stumped and enclosed underneath.

Jason was keen to get the walls lined to keep it cleaner and neater for his man cave ambitions. The VJ sheets have the added benefit of being more durable than plaster board and comes already pre-primed.

Now that the walls are up, you know what that means? More painting. Ha!

If we ever move from this place, I bet you we buy a brick house which you don't need to paint.

Jason had lots of VJ off-cuts which he used to make this back wall  - as an added bonus. You can just see the irregular joins but once it gets two coats of paint no one will ever know...

Monday, 23 July 2012

Aria and under the house

In some circles it's considered gauche to photograph a restaurant experience. Thankfully, I don't mix in that circle (if I don't include Jason) and snapped photos to my heart's content when Jason and I went to fancy schmancy Aria for lunch.

How often do I get to go somewhere a little bit posher than say, Maccas? Almost never. And these images are to record for posterity a lovely luncheon in 2012.

aria menu

slightly warmed vichyssoise
Velvety deliciousness

duck pie with spiced pears and a witlof and raisin salad in the foreground, a cast iron pot of crisp hand cut chips
I was too embarrassed to have my new $2.50 op-shop jacket hung up. Even though it's wool and bespoke (but for someone else, as Jason likes to remind me).

decanted wine, and a view overlooking the Brisbane River

 It was simply superb. The whole experience was excellent.

And it made a lovely change of routine from this.

The last of the VJ panels were put up under the house yesterday. Yay!

Friday, 20 July 2012

VJ wall lining progress

Those coffee dates Jason and I have been enjoying petered during the week. There's too much work to be done. 

Over the last few days, Jason has been working underneath the Sow's Ear, lining the walls with VJ panelling.

Considering that this project was quite an impromptu undertaking while Jason's on annual leave, he's made substantial progress.  Again, I should've known better than to think Jason was just going to relax. 

Anyway, it's good to always have a project to work on, so I've been told...

Here's a few shots of what's been happening:

Jason started lining the walls on another section of wall

The plan is to use this area for general storage. We hope to get some shelving or utility cupboards to organise it properly

This is the first wall which Jason lined with the VJ panels. It's been undercoated, as have the bricks, and it will need a few top coats  of vivid white to finish it off.

An action shot for the fans. I told Jason the shirt will disappoint the fan base. (you do realise Jason is quite unaware that I take these photos of him...just in case you think they're staged....Check out the tool belt that he is most proud of)

This is a shot of the painted concrete floor under the house. It's maroon. And it's peeling off.  It would be great to have the concrete floors polished but it may be overkill...lots of things to ponder...

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Out and about, VJs and books

It's so strange hanging out with Jason during the day without the children - we've been making the most of it and going to as many child unfriendly places as possible. I lie, most of the places we visit are "child friendly", it's just that we don't feel friendly when we have to go to such places with children! If you know what I'm saying...

Jason and I having coffee at Riverbend  Books where we picked up some holiday reading. I picked up a classic which I've never read 'Fahrenheit 451', while Jason is reading the Stieg Larsson trilogy
Jason started placing the VJ panels onto the downstairs walls. He's just doing one wall at this stage and he will see how he feels finishing the rest off. No need to rush when you're on holidays...

Jason and his assistant Son #1 
Today, Jason finished putting the VJ panels on the first wall. He also built the window architraves - there is a bit of builder's bog covering up some fubars. Paint will make it all go away too. It's a forgiving medium.

Anyway, it's all rather fancy for underneath the house but I suspect Jason is thinking big with his ultimate man cave. He's been talking trestle tables and dioramas...scary boy stuff.

VJ panels on the wall
Last night was book club at K's place. She's a new member in our close-knit group which has been going for over seven years. K's home, in the western suburbs, was hit quite badly in last year's flood. She and her partner have only just moved back into their place after many, many months of repairs.

K is studying fine art. Her home is full to the brim with art and beautiful kilims and rugs she has collected over the years. It's just beautiful.

a corner of K's home

K's partner showed us some of his antiquarian books. Sadly they did not escape unscathed during the Brisbane floods. This one is a physician's manual dating back to 1653. It was just amazing to be able to touch it.
We discussed Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore. It's not a book for the masses but it's certainly a very funny, hypothetical take on the life of Christ...filling in the gaping holes of the new testament. A book for those with an open mind and a sense of humour. (K cooked us a Lamb roast in honour of the book!)

Our next book is The Unfortunates by B S Johnson,which I can't wait to get my hands on.

Chocolate and hazelnut cake was the bomb!

Monday, 16 July 2012

Jason's holidays, sandcrab lasagne and insulation

Jason's started two weeks of annual leave today. I thought he was just going to mooch around and relax in his undies at the Sow's Ear for the next fortnight...I am so naive...

At 6.45 this morning he ordered some VJ sheeting to line the walls in our downstairs area. He wants to tidy up and neaten the area under the his leisure time. I think he's planning the ultimate man cave because that is realistically all we should do under there for the next few years.

We had coffee together after dropping the children to school and kindergarten - so rare to be by ourselves! Some people asked what we talked about... Directly behind Jason is a stairway to a cult, so we were sufficiently diverted by cult members
When we arrived home, the delivery person for the VJ sheeting was knocking on our front door. I tell you what, we didn't expect the delivery until the next day. It was a good surprise, but it also meant Jason was keen to start work.

As I've said before...if I could bottle his enthusiasm and motivation, I'd be rich. I'd also guzzle the first bottle because I just don't have his drive. God knows I need it.

Jason started insulating the downstairs walls - we had left over wool insulation from when the sunroom and deck ceilings were insulated.
He wanted to use it up as it was taking up space in the garage.
Note Jason's attire. He's in his good hipster street clothes as we were off to a romantic lunch together...
After insulating the entire downstairs area, it was time for a lovely lunch at Gillian's Garden Cafe in the Cottage Garden Nursery in East Brisbane. Now, there's a good idea if ever I saw one - eating first class food surrounded by lush greenery. It really was a great place to lunch.

I ordered the very famous Gillian Hirst sandcrab lasagne which I've never had before. OMG! Decadent with a capital D. It tasted like 1989 - in a good way. Jason had twice cooked lamb shanks which were also delicious.
All in all, it was quite a productive day with lots of little breaks in between to make it very enjoyable.

Insulated wall waiting for the VJ sheeting to go up

Friday, 8 June 2012


You can see I was stumped for a blog title!

The final hopscotch window was installed last the rain of course. I don't think Jason even sees the rain any more and I've never ever seen him consult the Bureau of Meteorology for a weather forecast when planning outdoor work!

Despite the weather, he managed to install the window. A clean and a coat of exterior gloss white will get the windows looking lovely again.

Anyway, I'll let the photos speak for themselves.

The windows are salvaged from an old Queenslander. We changed them so that all the windows were in keeping with the house. It gives a more seamless appearance to the exterior of the house. 

This is Jason planing the windows in drizzly weather, so that they would fit comfortably

This is the bedroom side of the Sow's Ear. The colourful side with green, amber and clear panes of glass. Maybe we're not quite matchy-matchy after all! The sticky-out section was an addition to a bedroom in the 1950s - it is part of our master bedroom

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Hopscotch window installed

Jason was his regular busy-bee self on the weekend. He successfully replaced one of the casement windows in his man cave/gimp room which is located under the house. He'll be replacing the other one next weekend.

Have a looksy.

 The new but old windows on the right are salvaged windows from an old Queenslander. The single light windows on the left will be advertised for sale along with the other windows we have lying around.  

We've been changing all the single light casement windows and steadily replacing them with windows in the hopscotch style to make the Sow's Ear more consistent.  The single light windows are a consequence of previous renovations and changes to the Sow's Ear over its life. 

Most restoration purists would say that we should leave them, as it forms the fabric or story of the house...Jason likes his windows to be all the same least in terms of profile style. On this side of the house we have a quirky colour combination of the original amber glass, plus windows which have green or clear glass. This is the colourful eclectic side of the house which is not visible from the street.

Anyway, it actually didn't take Jason that long to install the windows. The most time consuming part was taking out the old windows, ensuring they didn't crack.

As you can see in the image below, the new old windows are hinged. We'll add brass casement stays and handles to fasten the windows shut after they are completely painted.

Planing  the casement windows slightly to make them fit.
Jason is sporting his winter work clothes... on a chilly-for-sub-tropical-Brisbane day.
I'll show you the final result when it's all done and dusted.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Under the house progress

The work under the house is going great guns. Mr D and his trusty side-kick returned today to start framing the areas which will be weatherboarded.

The builders removed all of the old wall framing on the sunroom side of the Sow's Ear and built up the concrete hob on which the framing sits. The old frame had suffered some past termite and water damage and all the tin ant capping (flashing) was rusted to bits. 

rusted ant capping
It's not terribly exciting work they are performing but it will have a big impact on the final result
 - practically, as well as aesthetically. Jason said it will just neaten the whole look of this downstairs area which  he assures me is what will make the Sow's Ear a silk purse. 

Shame about our rickety side stairs which look like crack house stairs...

On the other side of the Sow's Ear, Mr D removed some old louvred windows and made a new opening to install a casement window. We have an old hopscotch window which will be recycled for this spot.

new window opening and sill 
The weatherboards will be going up tomorrow if all goes to plan.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Fibro under the house

I knew it was going to be one of those days, when I saw Jason tidying under the house area of the Sow's Ear. There was a bit of huffing and cursing as he was breaking up some old glass aluminium doors. I could tell he was generally annoyed at anything and everything.

A little while later I spied him measuring the fibro cladding that surrounds the bottom part of the Sow's Ear. I asked Jason what he was planning.

"I'm thinking of putting some weatherboards up, in this area," he replied, pointing to the cream-coloured walls.

"Oh? Do you have any weatherboards?"

"I'll have just enough for this section," he said.

"Okay then. But don't you have to get rid of the fibro first? It could be asbestos, you know?"

"I know that," said Jason as he proceeded to fetch his hammer from the shed, barefoot and shirtless of course.

"Are you going to do it right now? This minute?"

Under the Sow's Ear, the walls are clad in fibro.  We're not sure whether this section is asbestos fibro or not.
We are planning on removing them at some stage and replacing them with weatherboards

Jason stared at me like I was some annoying little parasite.

"Are you serious? There is no way you are going to be breaking up asbestos. What the? We've got little kids running around. What are you wearing? I can't believe it. Do you want to die an agonising death?" were some of the sentences which rolled in rapid succession from my nagging lips.

And that was it. Barefoot, shirtless Jason sighed, put his hammer back in the shed, abandoning his impromptu demolition plans and went to bed. And slept. For a couple of hours.

He's been ordered to have a break.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Mysteries of a house and tie wars

Underneath the Sow's Ear we have the most curious protrusions on the floorboard joists. And we are not sure what they are. There are at least 50 of them which are made from metal.

We asked what they were during the building and pest inspection last year, just before we bought this old place. The building inspector had no idea. That made me uneasy, however he assured us they were doing no harm.

metal plates underneath the house

Mr Rooney, our most learned builder, has also surveyed the protrusions. He told us that he has worked on hundreds of Queenslander homes and never has he seen such a thing.

more metal 

I could not help but take that as a compliment.

Jason is banned from removing them at this stage. He removed about ten or so, but I asked him to stop. Wouldn't we feel silly to have removed them all, only to realise that they were necessary?

Do you know what they are? Surely someone out there can shed some light on our mysterious bits of metal.

And to go completely off topic, Jason was going to Ipswich this morning and then has a special lunch to attend at Moo Moos in the City - it is not a very good vegetarian restaurant, judging by its name.

He wanted me to take a photograph of his tie. He's clearly fallen under the spell of Faux.

I reminded him that this blog was a renovation blog and that my avid readers were not interested in his work attire. It is what he doesn't wear during renovating that interests them more (isn't that right, Mrs Moerk and Madame Pooch?)

But he insisted. I complied. After I reviewed the photograph, I told him his tie looked a bit boring.

White cotton poplin shirt teamed with funereal looking tie

007 rolled his eyes and said, "Classic [long pause] is never boring."

Please note this will be the first and last image of Jason's work clothes. Other blogs do this sort of thing a million times better than us.
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