Wednesday, July 21, 2010

One year older and mischevious too...

Our little Co is 3 years old! He seriously cracks us up on a daily basis and also pushes our buttons till no end. Lucky for him he knows how to use his get out of trouble smile and laugh that makes it hard not to crack a smile. And he's got negotiating skills of a 30 year old instead of a 3 year old. He LOVES animals and asks to go to the zoo or the farm on a weekly if not daily basis. Given his love for animals, we decided to have a little farm party for him. . We played farm games (that held 3 yr olds attention for about 30 seconds) and had a tractor pinata that the adults had to break for them. We also had a pony come so all the kids could take rides around the backyard and then shot off fireworks Josh picked up on his drive home from New Jersey. The kids had a blast! On Cohen's actual birthday we took him to the zoo, which of course he loved! Within 10 min of leaving he was already asking to go back. His memory still astounds me and he surprises me quite often with songs that I didn't know he knew all the words to, including his letter sounds song. (The "A"says aahh, the "A" says ahhh. Every letter makes a sound the "A" says ahh!)

His current favorites are:
~Singing "Old McDonald" (he's pretty creative in making up is own verses...he gets that from his dad)
~Singing I love to see the temple and Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam
~Eating crackers morning, noon and night
~Nursery (after Shya's blessing he was pretty upset we weren't staying for our classes)
~Hot dogs and Jello
~Jumping on the trampoline, or jump off of anything for that matter
~Running (in circles around the house, in the backyard or away from you, he must get that from me)
~Playing with friends and cousins

His current dislikes are:
Watching "not fun" shows
Playing by himself

Funny/embarrassing things he's said recently:
~Calling McDonalds "Old McDonalds"
~"That lady has a BIG bum!"
~Dating back to when I was still pregnant with Shya he use to tell his toys he couldn't carry them because they were too heavy for his belly. (That's what I would tell him when he wanted me to carry him) Or if I told him I'd watch him jump on the trampoline he would tell me he couldn't cause his belly was too big.
~"Seriously Bro!!" (Someone listens to his dad VERY closely)

3 Months

I can't believe it's already been 3 months. Ever since I put Princess Shy on gripe water and an acid reflux medicine she has been a dream. She is so content to watch whatever her brother is doing, staring at her colorful Larry the Lion or trying every way possible to watch the tv. She gives the best smiles, especially if you're the one getting her up from her nap! She sleeps 12 hrs at night and 2, 2 1/2hr naps during the day and some times a little cat nap if she can't quite make it to bedtime. Today was the first time I really got her laughing. I love the sound of little kids and babies laughing. She's wearing one of the little dresses and headband/flower I made her before she was born and its already starting to get too short as a dress. Shirt and we come!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Because 1 piece swimsuits just weren't modest enough...

this lady took it to the next level!!! While searching for this swim place in town that makes custom swimsuits I found this ladies site. She makes her grand kids model them. Thank goodness she wasn't my grandmother!! Nothing like being fully clothed in the water!

I still never found the place I was looking for. Anyone know what it's called?

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July!

This was me 3 years ago...less than 2 weeks to go before having Cohen. And now he is a big boy! He will be turning 3 in just 2 weeks and I just can't wrap my head around it.

Here are the kidos this 4th of July.

(11 weeks old)
4th of July after church. This was the 1 and only picture I got before Cohen decided he no longer wanted to hold Shya and pushed her off. Gotta love 3 year olds!