Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Welcome Savannah Chase!!!

Megs had a rough time getting her here but Savannah finally made her entrace the day after Cohen's birthday. I went to the hospital to see her today and she is ADORABLE. She's a really good mix of both Josh and Megan. I'm sure megan won't super appreciate me posting this picture, because she's in her attractive hospital gown but I thought it was still cute. Besides Megan just had a c-section...be amazed she's standing up, she's doing awesome!

Riding the 4-wheeler

One more thing to add to his Birthday post, as you saw in the picture below he got a 4-wheeler for his birthday. He caught on really fast; this was his first ride by himself. We couldn't help but laugh because he was so cute and we didn't want to stop him from running into the buffet because he was doing so good!!! He's such a big boy already.

Happy 1st Birthday Cohen!!!

I'm a little late getting this post up but I was trying to in sequence of events on getting caught up. Cohen's birthday was this last Sunday, I can't believe he is already 1, it seems like I was JUST pregnant. Here are some pictures of his fun day!

I'm definitely not going to win any cake decorating contests but it worked for a 1 year old.

Cohen on his new powered 4-wheeler. He's such a stud!

Cohen has always been such a wonderful easy going baby, which has made it easy to love him to death and enjoy every second of being a mom. Here are 12 of my favorite things he has been doing lately in his 12 months of life:

1. calling me mama
2. pointing to everything he wants to touch
3. laying his head on my shoulder after a nap (he RARELY does this so I love it when he does)
4. follows me around the house
5. lays right in mine or Josh's laps while we are eating on the floor in the bedroom, moans when he wants another bite and stays there until our food is gone
6. chooses books over toys when I'm giving him the choice
7.turns the pages and lifts the flaps in books when you tell him too
8. knows exactly how to find his pacifier and slides his hand on the ribbon until he reaches the pacifier then pops it into his mouth
9. how he LOVES kids and gets so excited when he sees them
10. how he usually has a smile on his face and how hard he laughs when you tickle his back
11. when you lay him down in his crib he rolls over as fast as he can, stands up and starts jumping and giggling
12. crawling after Josh down the hall when he is leaving for work (he's got his daddy wrapped around his finger)

Monday, July 21, 2008

4th of July!

It was a hard decision for me but at the VERY (and I mean very) last min I decided to drive to Fallon with Daren and Amanda for the 4th of July. It was maybe the only time this year I was going to see my brother who lives in Arizona so I decided I should go. It just worked out that my sister was picking up her 2 boys (who my mom had taken home with her for a week so my sister could go house hunting in CO) so if I didn't go I was going to be missing a party. We spent both days at the lake. Cohen had a blast. He LOVES kids. I guess he's like his momma and loves to meet new people and make new friends.

Cousins in town

My sister-in-law Natalie was in town for a week so my mom also came into town to be able to see her and the kids while they were here. We decided to pick up some dinner and go to the park so all the cousins could run around. We were suppose to go get professional pictures with all of the cousins but Cohen got a bruise on his face and Kooper fell out of her stroller and got a black eye, the day before we were getting pictures. We decided to hold off on the pictures until next time. But here are Cohen and Kooper (only 3 weeks apart) they are so fun together because they are in the same stages.

More pictures of Cohen 10-11 months

Happy Father's Day!
If you look closley Cohen's 2 bottom teeth are coming in...finally!

At the Cabin

We went the cabin with the Conklins and the Ercanbracks at the end of May, over mine and Josh's 5 year anniversary weekend. Wow! I can't believe its already been 5 eyars. Anyway, we had a lot of fun while we were there. There are quite a few little fishing ponds within walking distance so the boys went fishing. Josh took Cohen and even though it was pretty cold outside Cohen loved it. He is such a content good little boy, we love him to death. Near the end of our weekend away, Cohen came down with a HORRIBLE flu that kept him puking for 6 days. Cohen is not much of a crier, but on about the 5th day of puking he had started to cry it and made me cry because I knew he would only cry if he was REALLY hurting or feeling so crappy he just couldn't take it anymore. I just felt so bad for him and wished I could do something to actually make him feel better. Its sad when you're babies are sick.

Professional Pictures

A few cute pictures of Cohen at 9 1/2 months. I had so many that turned out cute because Cohen is so photogenic.

Friday, July 18, 2008

More pics from 9-10 months

Our first day at the park. We went with Brooke, Chase, Michelle and Brayton. Cohen LOVES the swings.

Chase on the other hand, used the swing and a lounge chair, and fell asleep.
Michelle and Brayton

Looking at the Cabella aquarium.

So this is what's it's like to have 5 kids under the age of 6.

On the ride home from the cabin we stopped at a hole in the wall Wendy's to eat. When we got home my sister called me to ask if I could watch her little boy Drew for the first half of the day while she was in class, and I said that would be fine. Unlucky for Jason and Brooke, they got the WORST food poisoning from Wendy's and in the middle of the night Jason and Brooke called to see if I could watch Chase that day.

At 7:00 am Cohen and I went and picked up Chase, then we drove to Orem to meet my sister to pick up her kids after swimming lessons, I then drove to American Fork to drop Audrey off at school and Corbin off at Char's house so he could carpool to preschool. Then it was just me and the 3 boys (Drew 1, Cohen 10 months, Chase 6 months) for the next few hours. Luckily they were never all awake at the same time for that long. Plus they were all really well behaved. I dropped Drew off at home at about 1:30 and then it was just Cohen and Chase. I also had activity day girls, that I was in charge of, that day so instead of trying to take both boys I dropped Chase off at Casabars for an hour. I later picked up Chase and headed home. The day went rather smoothly all things considered...until night time him. Both Cohen and Chase had started to get tired and both wanted to be held. However, being held wasn't enough, they wanted to be walked around, that didn't last long with a 20lbs baby in each arm. I dropped Chase off just before his bed time (Jason and Brooke were feeling a little better) and one of Brooke friends was coming over to get up in the night with Chase. I've ALWAYS wanted twins. Even after Cohen was born I was still thinking I could handle twins. Having 2 babies for a whole day wasn't bad at all but I did learn one important lesson: I'm nuts for thinking I could have twins with Josh's work schedule. I did fine all day long but it was the night time that got hard because they were both tired. Josh works late and is unable to help put babies to bed. Putting 2 infants to bed by yourself would be a challenge and my hat is off to the moms of multiples managing chaos all the time. I don't know how Jon and Kate (plus 8) do it?? All in all we had a fun day and Chase got to come and play.

Some favorite of Cohen 8-9 months

Cohen's is such a funny kid, he some how managed to get under the bed...and then got stuck because he couldn't crawl out.

This picture is from our very first time to the swimming pool. We went with Brooke and Chase. Cohen did really well and even went under the water a few times without crying.

Our first family bike ride. Josh strapped Cohen onto the front of him and rode my mountain bike while I rode my road bike. Cohen enjoyed himself but I'm sure he would have liked it more if he hadn't been getting sick. He got a fever that same night.

We finally had to get Cohen a BIG BOY car seat. It was a sad day for me when I had to give up the infant carrier. Cohen just got too tall for his other carseat. We bought his new one just in time for our first trip to the Cabin for Josh's birthday. I felt bad making him drive 5 hours in a car seat that fit pretty tight.

Our first trip to the cabin was for Josh's 28th birthday. Here is Cohen, Jason and Chase.

Easter (just a tad late)

Here are pictures from Cohen's first Easter. Don’t let the Halloween slippers fool you. He especially loved his Mickey Mouse and yellow soccer ball the Easter bunny brought him. He pulled the stuff out of his basket all by himself, then moved to Josh's basket after his was empty. What a big boy!!

I made Josh change his tie before going to church so that he matched Cohen. Look how cute they are, Cohen loves his daddy! The other picture is of Cohen and his friend Chase. What cute twinner bunnies. Chase was tired so all we could get out of him was a stare but that was better than the crying right after Brooke set him down. Cohen cracks me up though. He had the bunny ears on multiple times that day by the time we were taking these pictures, I had even showed him what he looked like in the mirror. But as soon as Cohen spotted Chases bunny ears he kept reaching over and snatching them off his head before we could get a picture. He did it at least 6 times. He never realized he had them on his own head. He finally quit when I started entertaining him with Mickey Mouse. Later when I was trying to get him to do it again so I could video him stealing Chases ears, he wouldn't do. That figures! All in all we had a fun Easter. Hope you did too!

Back in Business

And we're back in the game!! I have taken it upon myself to decide that after 6 months of no posting, its ALRIGHT to resume my blog. Unfortunatly I wasn't dedicated enough to keep my blog going for just myself so now I'm going to have to play a little catch up.