A ‘halo’ or ring around the Moon can indicate weather variations. When an exceptionally dark area encircles the Moon inside a halo or ring, torrential rain is to follow.
If there is no good rain within 4 or 5 days either side of a Full Moon, there will be no good rain falls within the following weeks. However, if there is a good rain within this 4 to 5 day period, more of the same can be expected.
During a drought, if rain falls just before a Full Moon then drought-breaking rains should follow.
If the New Moon is in a ‘dish’ position (able to hold water) then no rain is to be expected. If the New Moon is in a vertical position (where water can pour off it), then wet weather is on its way.
Rainbows are usually seen when the Sun or Moon shines onto water droplets. The more intense the rainbow’s colours, the heavier the rain.
Occasionally a second Rainbow can be seen above the main Rainbow. The second Rainbow will have its colours reversed.
A Rainbow during the night or early in the morning indicates unsettled weather to come. A Rainbow high in the sky means that rain will be coming, but not for a couple of hours.
If the Stars appear to be twinkling or flickering brightly, wet days are ahead.
If Stars can be seen within a crescent Moon, there will be rain within a day.
If the Stars seem indistinct or if they appear to be very close, there will be rain within the week.
A ‘halo’ around the Sun is caused by ‘cirroform’ clouds. These clouds appear with an approaching front and falls of rain or snow will follow within a day or so. Sometimes small images of the Sun can be seen on the outside of the halo and these are known as ‘Sun Dogs’. This is caused by refractions of the Sun.
If the setting Sun is deep red there will be no rain the next day. If the setting Sun is pale and watery either wet or windy days can be expected.