Showing posts with label protests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protests. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Damn Good Work Guys

...and this. Go donate.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

They Call it Murder

Why the jpeg? NBC has since changed the headline.

Jewish man killed in altercation at dueling pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian rallies in California

It was always murder. It was always the Main Stream Media downplying the aberrant behavior of their favored group classified as "protest".

H/T to Instapundit.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

More Mostly Peaceful Protests

Pro-Abortion Protest Turns Violent: Lawmakers ‘Held Hostage’ In Arizona Capitol
It's going to be a long summer as carries on in a manner that makes the J6 crowd look peaceful which they mostly were. Funny how they are mostly peaceful only when the Left carries them out. Had the Court upheld Roe Pro Life adherents would have held a silent vigil without any of this nonsense and still cleaned up after themselves.

Sunday, January 30, 2022


Amid Escalating Protests, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Has Fled the Capital City of Ottawa – Canadian Safety Minister Refuses to Comfirm CBC Broadcast of Russians Surrounding the City
If he is in the right, he has nothing to fear from Truckers, but these aren't Truckers. They're Russians in disguise. Oh my! The CBC claims the Truckers have been infiltrated by Russians. Seriously? With the Left of either side of the border, it can't be the people are tired of their shit. It's always Russians.


Thursday, January 7, 2021

Let the Investigation Take its Course.

Video of Shooting Death of Ashli Babbitt Raises Questions About Use of Deadly Force
Let the investigation take it course, then bring in the lawyers and lay waste. When you have multiple officers on the other side its hard to justify use of deadly force against what appears to be an unarmed individual, rioter or not. So try.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Police Being Police...Kinda

No masks but clubs, oh, excuse me, poles, armor and shields are OK?

The cops at UCBerkley should try it.

America 2017: Berkeley cancels Ann Coulter speech because it can’t guarantee her safety