Showing posts with label journalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label journalism. Show all posts

Sunday, July 14, 2024


One is from a newspaper/ The other is from an arm of the Democrat Party. Pay attention accordingly.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

To the New York Times

What is it with these twits. The Mexico canard is continually debunked but the WAPO, Times, and other liberal rags keep bringing it back up like we'll forget they're full of bushwa. I guess they expect most people wasting their hard earned shekels on those rags to have the attention span and memory of a spider monkey on speed. So guys, pound sand.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Quote of the day.

A husband in Reidsville North Carolina shot his wife in the back with a black powder pistol. The projectile was a wad of toilet paper. The wad was expelled with enough force to injure the wife. He ended up charged with assault with a deadly weapon as he should have been. As stupid as his actions were the money quote in the article is this gem.
It's unclear how the toilet paper was propelled from the firearm if there was no bullet.
That writer should get an award of some sort.


Monday, May 31, 2010

The future of journalism

With the advent of the internet traditional new outlets are taking a major hit. Those traditional outlets are arguing that their role in our society is so critical that the Fed should bail 'em out. Well the FTC has a working paper on the subject that more or less calls for federalization of the media. Considering just how far the head of the mainstream media is up the ass of the current administration I'm not sure what the difference will be other than from where the paycheck will come.

When that happens kiss the First Amendment goodbye. We'll have a Ministry of Propaganda Information to run the show and what we'll get from it is Pravda.