By now you've probably looked at the English Toffee recipe - well this is another one of my Grandma's amazing candy recipes.
These caramels are creamy and smooth and delicious. Plus, this recipe makes a ton, so you don't feel bad about sharing.
2 cups sugar
2 cups light corn syrup
dash of salt
1/2 can evaporated milk (about 3/4 cup plus 1/8 cup)
3 cups whipping cream
1 tsp vanilla
Put the sugar, corn syrup and salt in a large pan. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, in a smaller pan scald together the milk, cream, and vanilla.
Once the sugar mixture has boiled for 10 to 15 minutes, very slowly stir the milk mixture into the sugar mixture while it is cooking. Watch closely (and stir quickly) so that it doesn't boil over while pouring it in.
Continue to stir and cook on medium heat until the caramel mixture gets to 235 degrees. This will take a very long time.
So long, in fact, that I got out my Kindle and read while I stirred. The color of the caramels darkened, so I began to think that I was almost done.

But, no.
Still had to stir.
Seriously, this will take over 30 minutes. But be patient and don't increase the heat or you may burn your caramels. Just keep stirring and know that eventually it will get to the correct temperature.
Now it is at the correct temperature - 235!

Cool completely (overnight works well) and then cut into small squares or rectangles. I usually cut mine into 3/4 inch x 1/2 inch rectangles.
Wrap squares in wax paper, twisting the ends, and now you're ready to go!