Thursday, January 27, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins 2011-04

FFI we go!

1. Up _____.

2. _____ going around.

3. Coats and scarves, mittens and boots: _____.

4. _____ a nice back rub.

5. I'm thinking about _____.

6. _____ be _____.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Marice said...

have a great weekend! here's mine

Cat. said...

Probably the earliest I've ever posted my fill-ins. ;-)

Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted here

I hope you have a snow free weekend :)

Gengen said...

Oh i like the questions...Mine is up.

Nofretiri said...

Good Morning!

At least one advantage of a restless brain and insomnia - Here are Nofris Friday Fill-Ins

Have a nice weekend! :-)

Sherry Go Sharing said...

done here

Dez @ My Life In This Wonderful World said...

Happy Weekend all!My Friday Fill-Ins Up!

Caspette said...

Havea good weekend. Here is my
Friday Fill-Ins

Dothy said...

Happy weekend! My answers are here

rjs mama said...

happy friday everyone! mine is here

Mom's Wish Lists said...

Have a great weekend everyone.
<a href=">here's mine now</a>

nancy said...

have a great weekend, everyone!

My entry is up here!

Sandra Collins said...

you can find mine here:

Amy said...

I had a blast with this, Mine are up, come tune in :)

Lulu said...

My Friday Fill-ins are up now!

jlshall said...

Happy Friday! My Fill-Ins are right here.
Have a great weekend, everyone.

Chie Wilks said...

cool questions today

mine is up

Gal Friday said...

After a very long break from participating, I have my "fill in's" up this morning.

Billy Rhythm said...

Bow wow wow, yippee yo, yippee yea, I'm up, all ol' skool style. Happy Friday!

Dawn said...

My answers can be found
right here.
Have a great weekend! :-)

Anonymous said...

My first time to join!

Here's my Friday Fill-Ins!

Anonymous said...

I haven't participated here in a while ... Mine is up:

threesidesofcrazy said...

Mine are ready at

Shelly B said...

Mine's up!!

Jamie said...

This is my first Friday Fill-In and I am so glad that I joined in the fun. My answers can be found at:

Ginger said...


Pain SUX said...

Hey there!! Happy weekend to you.
My answers are here:


Andi said...

Mine is up. It is nice to see so many people participating. :-)

Jack said...

Friday! Yay!
My answers are here :)

Kari said...

CLICK to read mine, and have a great weekend!

Ms. Journ said...

I am back here sis... here is mine

Kwizgiver said...

Thanks for the fun Fill-ins! Hope you have a great weekend!

jared's mum said...

my post is up:

happy weekend everyone:)

Deena said...

here is my first attempt:

Amy said...

here is mine, TGIF...

typical libra said...

Oh gosh well I certainly am late this week! Click my name to see my post!

Pinx said...

my post is here!

Pinx said...

my post is here!

{S.T.U.F.F.} said...

Mine are up! ...finally!

Happy Weekend!


Electra said...

Yay, I'm done! Mine is here.
Have a good weekend, all!