
Showing posts with the label #CPUVcampaign

CPUV Campaign #Nuffnang 8

Assalammualaikum, Nah a very short entry before I start to study sat lagi. Mula mula rasa macam tanak share.. tapi nak share jugak! tak kira. So this is it..after months dah berlalu and here I am, with the blog again.. pastu nak cerita sad story. My status kat Nuffnang from Gliterrati dah hilang dah. Huhu , serves me right sapa suruh tinggal blog lelama. see there, yang kat gambar kecik atas tu. ahahaha abaikan rm10 tu. hihi sikit sikit lama lama menabung insyaAllah .. boleh berguna in future anyways, this doesn't patah kan my semangat at all! yeah! dulu I've got the chance to get Movies tickets from Nuffnang and I even made friends through it. So why not I just stay positive and wait for the moments like before to happen in the future.. kan? insyaAllah. hehe nak rajin rajin lah click kat tabung orang lain. Nanti boleh menabung each other :* well, Nuffnang does makes my blogging life become much more interesting ;) Churp churp too! so sesapa tak buat acc lagi p...

CPUV Campaign #Nuffnang 7

Assalammualaikum, Hye there peeps :* Its been a while since I post pasal cpuv nuffnang. From what can I see that ramai sangat orang akan tertarik baca pasal nuffnang sebab this is the thing yang many of us, Bloggers, juga merupakan members of Nuffnang! kan?? As we know that we should click sesapa je punya nuffnang ads yang bergerak gerak dekat page bloggers. By doing that, the campaign pun berjalan lah :* Sedikit sebanyak, bloggers juga dapat menabung sikit sikit lama lama jadi bukit. To be honest I just started blogging secara active masa february haritu. Baru tau whats this and whats that.. tau pasal nuffnang, rajin blogwalking. Tup tap tup tap, I gain some friends eventho just dalam blog. I got tickets untuk tgok premier screening, from Nuffnang, too :'D Serious talk I like blogging when I realized that its actually sangat fun to do. okay dah habis merapu. intro je baru tu hihihi. and look at my Nuffnang :3 dah bersawang sikit tapi alhamdulillah still dapat k...

CPUV campaign #Nuffnang 6

Assalammualaikum, Hello everyone :) Hari hari pun nak cakap sedih sebab tak dapat usha blog selalu pun tak boleh jugak. So here I am gonna share with youguys a good news pulak. yayayy! For the first time, I got credited for nuffnang ads :") ahahaha even its only 43 cents but I feel so grateful alhamdulillah :D thanks to all of you tau! and thanks too nuffnang for this oppurtunity. Nowadays serious talk dah berkurang orang click nuffnang. and so do I. I click less dah due to no time to click mehh. apa apa pun lets keep support this campaign and support on each other! rajin rajin lah kita update blog ;) the more you give the more you get kan? Posted by Nur Farhana

CPUV campaign #Nuffnang 5

Assalammualaikum, Hello there, I know it is quite hard for me to visit others blog, to post more entry like before. Masa sangat mencemburui ku lalu dia paksa diri ini do something else yang much more important than this. Bukan nya bermaksud blog ni tak penting, but what is important more than test 1 kan? nothing :') Sad but well, apa boleh buat. Tapi nya.. some of us yang sangat lah baik, rajin dan sudi meluangkan masa untuk click click my nuffnang ads , buat kan cpuv blog ni bertambah :'D alhamdulillah! terharu sangat dengan yguys yang sudi click click tauu. satgi am gonna spend more time to click korang punya nuffnang ads okies ;) Am sorry but if yguys tengok bebetul, tu ada Cicakman 3 punya ads tu.. hhaaa nampak kan? if its not yguys, sapa lagi kan tolong dapat kan rezeki ni daripada Allah. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL OF THE NUFFNANGERS AND NUFFNANG AS WELL ! (CLAPS)  So siapa dah tengok cicakman 3 ? I heard that this time diorang buat diff storyline sikit. ...

CPUV campaign #Nuffnang 4

Assalammualaikum, I know day by day, dah less dah idea nak post entry. Sometimes bukan nya takda idea :') I do have but, I got no time meh~ this is sad! My assignments pun dah start masuk menimbun, and test is just around the  corner. haaaa ok, as the title di atas yguys mesti tahu dah apa yang I nak bagi tahu kan? Alhamdulillah, syukur :D and thanks to nuffnang plus my awesome bloggers yang sudi menjenguk blog plus click click nuffnang. :* Actually kan.., to be truth.. clicking nuffnang ads dah jadi macam my routine everytime jenguk blog someone. Tak kisah la entry seseorang tu menarik perhatian atau tak. Tapi lagi best la kan if yang tarik perhatian with their entry, lagi semangat den click click nuffnang ads diorang. like 2 , 3 kali tauu hihi I know I am rajin :') This time, IKEA -BED & BATH (march) punya ads dah rajin menonjolkan diri kat nuffnang ads kan? btw, Ikea is a fav place to shop barang barang rumah and a place for you to eat cheap, and awesom...

CPUV campaign #Nuffnang 3

Assalammualaikum, hello fellow peepals ! Ya Allah, sorry sangat sebab nampak macam berderet post pasal cpuv nuffnang ni, tapi sementara ada masa nak post ni lah rasa boleh ucapkan berbanyak banyak banyak terima kasih to all of you and nuffnang. Alhamdulillah lagi dua ads menenggek kat cpuv tu haa. I pray for you guys bahawa yguys pun sama ditenggekkan ads ads kat cpuv memasing. InsyaAllah, ads kali ni pasal 1. Physioge; - Ready for Any... 2. Digi live dah ada dua digi punya ads, quite interesting cuz I am one of the digi user ;)  oh and physiogel tu, if yguys nak tau it has something to do with our skin. More likely, it protects us from anythig! such as cuaca panas terik yang tetiba berkepam hujan (like now), bila kulit kering bila kita sejuk sangat if stay dalam aircond and so on. (cerewet sangat kulit kita ni kan :') panas tak boleh sejuk tak boleh). So! basically Physiogel is the answer :D sangat sesuai dengan tagline dia "Ready for anything". pr...

CPUV Campaign #Nuffnang 2

Assalammualaikum,  Hai again guys. Tadi lepas post satu entry.. baru sat blogwalking baca entry orang lain, and click click nuffnang diorang. Then I dont know why is my tangan so gatal pergi bukak Nuffnang padahal baru check siang tadi hahaha. Suprisingly and Alhamdulillah.. dapat satu lagi ads from cpuv campaign nuffnang :) I couldnt say more but am really appreciate it. Thank you Nuffnang and thanks wahai rakan rakan seperjuangan blog ku sekalian hehe And......... the ads is brought from "Sensodyne Campaign" ! Oh and ads tu starts from today. Bila tah haritu ada nampak cik epal pegang giant punya kotak ubat gigi sensodyne. I believe it is from the same campaign. kan? So lets support this campaign okay :* and thanks again and again to you guys! Posted by Nur Farhana

CPUV campaign #Nuffnang

Assalammualaikum, Hello everyone :) Di siang yang mulia ni, ku panjatkan syukur atas illahi, for His blessings.  Alhamdulillah, Ok cemni cerita dia.. Ive read from some bloggers bout cpuv campaign and stuffs. and.. the results is I dont understand :') *sobs But from what I observed, if ada rezeki dapat cpuv tu.. then most of em post satu entry pasal ia and say thanks to everyone for clicking! So thats what am I gonna do. From apa yang I faham kat sini , ada dua ads yang ongoing. ok. and probably it comes from your help. ofcourse lah kan? and The ads are about.... 1. Digi project byte. Obviously yang ads colour kuning kuning tulis digi tu ada kat nuffnang box dekat page memasing.. so if youguys nampak, rajin rajin lah click. (terharu lagi sebab I know yguys memang rajin click. like me :') ) 2. Brighter Smile, Better Co.. . I dont know what is this about nanti am gonna find out apakebenda nya kah ini. But Im pretty sure it has something to do with gigi. ye ...