Sunday, December 16, 2012

Party Party Party

I love this time of the year, all the parties and fun it has to bring. In the beginning of the month I felt a little down but after a lot of thought and several talks with my husband I've snapped out it. I was able to  go to Patty's party and see a lot of fiends I don't get to see often. I was a bit late but for good reason, poor Jake worked a 24 hour shift and I needed to feed and get him all situated. When I got to Patty's it was so nice to be around smiling faces and beautiful decor. After Patty's I headed out with friends for some crazy laughs, in the midst of it all Jessica called me 50 million times. I wasn't mad about it at all, in fact is was super cute. I had left her with Jake's phone and told her to help with her siblings.
Yesterday was another adventure for sure and I was able to meet with some friends at the mall and get my makeup done. Jake was able to come and have lunch with a few of my friends and it was so nice to hear him say that he really likes my friends and compliment how they are really nice. Later that night Joe and Amanda came over to watch the kids while Jake and I headed to the Hampton Tedder party. That was the party of the year for sure, a bunch of super cross lineman in one room with tons of food, gambling and dancing. So funny to watch people dance and get crazy. The owner was super fun and his wife was great. Mr. Tedder's kids came up and talked with us for a bit and we got to hear their super-cross stories and see pictures. In fact one of the Tedder boys had a bit to drink and fell down and split his chin open, they asked if anyone was a nurse or EMT....ahhhhh I want to be done with school already!!!!!
When we got home we heard all the fun stories of how Talia liked Chronic Tacos windows, Kaelyn got caught eating her booger and was sleep walking butt naked, and last but not least baby Jake tickling Manda's feet. Welcome to my life!

1 comment:

RachelAA said...

Hahahaha yep, it's a good life. And Patty's right, you totally don't look like you've had four kids