Thursday, December 27, 2012

Aunt Debbie

This year for our annual get together it was at Debbie's house. I have heard stories of how she has her whole house decorated in Disney but I never realized EVERYTHING was Disney. Her whole bathroom is Mickey mouse down to a black toilet. I was in AWWW, so much to see and hear stories about. Forget about getting a Disneyland pass, just go to her house. It was really fun seeing everyone and and hanging out, I was a little nervous about the kids touching everything but Debbie seemed really calm and that made it being there so much easier.
We all attempted to take pictures but the ones I got did not have everyone in them, as  chaotic as it was to do them, they will be appreciated one day.

The big 2!

This kid is getting so big and I'm not liking it. Jake always says I baby him too much but what am I suppose to do, he is the baby. We didn't do much for his birthday because Jake was working late so Cindy and Russ invited us to Buca di Beppo for dinner for a birthday/celebrate Crystal getting a job dinner. Is was fun to get out and have great company. Baby Jake was in heaven with the pizza and gifts he got. He was so funny, he would not let go of his gifts. It was as if someone was going to steal them from him. Things he loves are Cars, Cars, hotdogs, and is very much attached to me....not joking! The term mama's boy fits this kid, he is my shadow...(and I love it) By the way the picture where he is trying to lick my face took me by surprise, thanks to uncle Joe and Aunt Manda he copied them and I didn't know he was doing it.

Here's to many more birthdays with this handsome little boy!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Talia's party

I was able to make it for Talia's party and I'm so glad I did. I want my kids to know I love them equally and I will make every effort to be at their stuff. A few minutes after I walked in Santa came in, it was so funny because I wanted to scream out "SANTA" just like buddy the Elf did in the movie. I could just imagine the looks I would of got. The kids had a blast, baby Jake didn't want to sit with Santa but he did say Thank you for the present. I have more photos but it is taking forever to upload, I will have to add them later.

Kaelyn's program

This day was going to be busy for sure and I was prepared for it. First on the list was Kaelyn's Christmas program. A note came home that the kids needed to dress like Elf's, I mentioned to my friend Jen how fun it would be to do it for the girls and she went into outfit idea mode and I have to say how grateful I am that she knows what she is doing. The girls looked great and I'm grateful for her huge heart and kindness. My mother inlaw was able to help me out and thank goodness for that, she is always so willing to go out of her way for me no matter what.
The program was super cute and I tried to get a ton of pictures but it felt like the day was speeding up and I needed to get to Jessica's classroom,.....I got dumbed room mom! lol

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Party Party Party

I love this time of the year, all the parties and fun it has to bring. In the beginning of the month I felt a little down but after a lot of thought and several talks with my husband I've snapped out it. I was able to  go to Patty's party and see a lot of fiends I don't get to see often. I was a bit late but for good reason, poor Jake worked a 24 hour shift and I needed to feed and get him all situated. When I got to Patty's it was so nice to be around smiling faces and beautiful decor. After Patty's I headed out with friends for some crazy laughs, in the midst of it all Jessica called me 50 million times. I wasn't mad about it at all, in fact is was super cute. I had left her with Jake's phone and told her to help with her siblings.
Yesterday was another adventure for sure and I was able to meet with some friends at the mall and get my makeup done. Jake was able to come and have lunch with a few of my friends and it was so nice to hear him say that he really likes my friends and compliment how they are really nice. Later that night Joe and Amanda came over to watch the kids while Jake and I headed to the Hampton Tedder party. That was the party of the year for sure, a bunch of super cross lineman in one room with tons of food, gambling and dancing. So funny to watch people dance and get crazy. The owner was super fun and his wife was great. Mr. Tedder's kids came up and talked with us for a bit and we got to hear their super-cross stories and see pictures. In fact one of the Tedder boys had a bit to drink and fell down and split his chin open, they asked if anyone was a nurse or EMT....ahhhhh I want to be done with school already!!!!!
When we got home we heard all the fun stories of how Talia liked Chronic Tacos windows, Kaelyn got caught eating her booger and was sleep walking butt naked, and last but not least baby Jake tickling Manda's feet. Welcome to my life!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Soccer 2012

Another soccer season has come to an end and I have to say it was a hard one. Getting use to 2 to 3x's a week practices took a lot away from our household. Jessica never complained about going to practice, she looked forward to her Monday and Wednesday practice schedule. We got an awesome coach this year (Coach Fernando) and the team was great. All the parents were so nice and everyone stuck together. The team ended the season with 2nd out of 11 and played hard all season. Jessica's coach cracked me up when he was passing out the trophy's. His words were that he could hear me on the side lines screaming "Jessssss come on." Awesome, I'm that mom. The mom that gets competitive on the sidelines, who gets into the game and gets jerky as if I was kicking an imaginary ball when Jess would go after the ball. Haha Honestly, I love sports and it is so fun to watch her play.Can't wait for next year, I'm sure I will be eating my words because I will have 3 in soccer but it's worth it. The team, games, new people and memories are worth it.


Oh Hampton Tedder, thank you for the fat candy food. I will send you my gym bill.

These are some old pictures I found, one is of my grandmother Francesca when she was younger and the other is of my baptism. You can tell my mom doesn't like my grandmother haha

We have Fred on the loose and he left a message for the girls, did they listen to it....ummm NOPE!

Before I went to Chicago my friend Gina (kind of a second family to me) took pictures of the kids. She has been dabbing in photography and this is what she sent me.

I recruited Becky to take some pictures of my monkey's. It it hard getting them to all look at the camera! I love the goofy ones and these are just a few of them. The one with Kaelyn's eyes all big is from when Becky said to Kaelyn "Let me see those pretty eyes," Oh don't you worry Becky, she will show

I sent a package to my nieces and nephew in Texas and my sister in law posted this picture of them enjoying the ring pops. 

LOL, testing out the photo booth~
Melanie's birthday was coming up and her mom wanted to make it special. Jenn went all out and I'm sure that the kids had a blast, I was able to make the cake and I was iffy about it but I guess they liked it. I don't know how people enjoy cake decorating....STESSFUL!