Showing posts with label Companion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Companion. Show all posts

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Doctor WHO - Nightmare in Silver [Ep.7.13] ~ The Crimson Horror [Ep.7.12]

Doctor WHO - Nightmare In Silver [Ep.7.13](click on the above image for the larger poster view)

Hello everyone, 
Since I missed to post it in the last 2 weeks, you get another double DOCTOR WHO art today!

Above is NIGHTMARE IN SILVER aired on BBC America last week and written by Neil Gaiman, and below THE CRIMSON HORROR, aired  2 weeks ago (I was out of town for FCBD) and a rare case where I thought I needed to use a color instead to go plain B/W as usual.
Hope you guys enjoy 'em :)

Doctor WHO - The Crimson Horror [Ep.7.12](click on the above image for the larger poster view)


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Doctor WHO - Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS [Ep.7.11]

Doctor WHO - Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS [Ep.7.11](click on the above image for the larger poster view)

Hi everyone, 

here's this week's Doctor Who episode poster for "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS".

I think this might be my new favorite poster yet: it came out kinda Twilight-Zoney, which I love :)
I hope you dig it too :)


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Doctor WHO - Hide [Ep.7.10]

Doctor WHO - Hide [Ep.7.10](click on the above image for the larger poster view)

Hi everyone, 

here's the latest Doctor Who poster for this week's "ghostly" episode.
Beijng a huge fam of HORROR, I really enjoyed the Poltergeist/Haunted Mansion vibe of the episode.

Doctor Who needs more Horror! (Weeping Angels anyone? ;))


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Doctor WHO - The Rings of Akhaten [Ep.7.08] - Cold War [Ep.7.09]

Doctor WHO - The Rings of Akhaten [Ep.7.08](click on the above image for the larger poster view)

Hello everyone, 
Since I missed to post it last week, you get double DOCTOR WHO art today! YAY!

Above is THE RINGS OF AKHATEN aired on BBC America last week, and below COLD WAR, aired on TV last night.
Hope you guys enjoy 'em :)

Also: Clara is still very very cute :)

Doctor WHO - Cold War [Ep.7.09](click on the above image for the larger poster view)


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Doctor Who ~ "The Bells of Saint John" [Ep.7.07]

Doctor WHO - The Bells Of Saint John [Ep.7.07](click on the above image for the larger poster view)

Hello everyone, 
DOCTOR WHO is back! YAY!

Here's the poster I did last night right after watching THE BELLS OF SAINT JOHN. As usual I tried to keep it as much spoiler-free as I could :)
And I think it's not a spoiler if I say the new Companion, CLARA, might be the cutest one yet ;)

Also, the wi-fi name that appear at the beginning of the episodes was looking kinda familiar, so I moved the symbols around a bit and it looks to me like the name was the anagram for MOFFAT: am I seeing too much here? ;)

And - in preparation of the new episodes - I put together this little WHOmnibus compilation of the posters for Season 6 and 7 so far :) [click on the image for the bigger view]

Doctor WHOCan't wait for next Saturday now :)
