It's official......
My "Large Number" pillow is NOT in the May issue of Country Living magazine...
& I am so very sad.
Let me back up a bit,...a couple months ago, I was elated when an editor from Country Living Magazine e-mailed me, informing me that they loved
my pillows & asking if I would send her two of my "Large Number" pillows as soon as possible!...She was very nice & asked if I would send her a "5" & a "0", both in tan burlap.The magazine needed them quickly, because they were interested in them for the May 2011 issue!.
Of course I was thrilled!....Of all the magazines I purchase, Country Living is one of my very favorites!!...& has been since I was in my early 20's.
Now keep in mind, I was just sending the magazine my pillows,..... nothing was for sure.
A few days later, the same editor contacted me again, with forms she needed filled out as quickly as possible!...which I did, faxing them back to her. Then another e-mail making sure I had sent all the information needed.
Throughout all of this, again, no promise that my pillows would definitely be in Country Living....
Needless to say, the last few weeks have been very anticipatory!...not knowing if my "number" pillow would actually grace a page in the May issue???
And of course during the last week or so, I have been a crazy person, running down to Walmart, or Target, or Barnes & Noble, checking each day if the May issue had arrived!?....And of course Martha's Living- new, House Beautiful-new, Oprah-new, etc. etc.....but no Country Living?
So yesterday, my husband & daughter & I were stopping for yogurt, & there happened to be a bookstore right next to the yogurt shop. We went in & there it was!...the May issue!.....All wrapped in plastic, with the most darling room on the cover.
We purchased the magazine, & went out side. We sat down & started thumbing through each page, scanning each for my pillows.
Then we turned one more page,.... & we saw a section all about "50 Deals Under $50"....& on the first page there is a photo with two pillows, one with a "5" & one with a"0",..... but not my pillows!?
OMGoodness!....It hit me! Someone else's etsy shop & pillows were chosen for the shoot...not mine!......
And instead of being mature & counting all the blessings that have been given me, I sat & I cried. Oh yes!...You heard me, I sat there, with my husband & daughter trying to comfort me, & tears rolled down my cheeks....I just couldn't stop weeping!
After a while we ended up getting our frozen yogurt & going home, where I have slowly come to terms with all this. Not a big deal for some of us, but for me in that moment a huge disappointing deal.
The tears are now over, & a bit of sanity has returned.
Life goes on...