Sunday, October 19, 2008

Update on Elder Fowlks

Daniel and Elder Edemenang His shirt he bought at Wal-Mart

He was transferred on Oct. 1 to Commerce GA which is only 30 miles from Winder where he served in his seconcd area. He was made District Leader and his new Comp. is the one he had in the MTC Elder Edemenang, he is doing great, feels a little overwhelmed with the new calling as DL but I know he will do a great job. Oct 30 he will have 6 months yes I said SIX MONTHS left. I really can't believe how fast the time has past. I am just hoping that these last six months don't take as long as the whole mission, I have heard that from other MOMS.


Emma said...

What a funny shirt!
And really, only 6 months left? That went by so fast!

Jen said...

That's my tractor! And the house in the background had just burned down the day before. One little detail, the reason way Elder Ed is on the tractor instead of Elder Fowlks was because apparently there was a very scary spider spotted on the tractor so Elder Fowlks felt safer staying on the ground. :-)

Des said...

The six months will fly by, just like the last 18 have. Brittany and I were just talking the other day about how when Dan left and Raylie and Ellie were just babies, it seemed like it would be forever before they would be two and he would be home, but now Raylie's two and Ellie's almost there then he will be home before we know it!

Jen said...

Actually, Elder Fowlks showed me your blog. He wanted me to see the pic of his dad with the shovel and gun. :-) He is treating our family great! The more we have him over and spend time with him the more we love him. He has been so much fun in our Tai Kwon Do class. He is my only white belt right now, and it's nice to get to review the basics one one one with someone again. He is also very patient with our kids. Harley, as you probably read, is constantly trying to challenge him to a wrestling match. He is only 13, but is already about 5'10" - 5'11" and quite strong and been taking Tai Kwon Do since he was 4. When I wrote about it in my blog, I did so assuming that anyone who read it would know that and know that I was being sarcastic about anyone being hesitant to wrestle him. Very few people will anymore. Our 8 year old daughter, Miriam, can also be a challenge for these young missionaries in that she is very eager for attention and affection. She is quite tall and strong for her age also and wants to be in these guys faces all the time. Elder Fowlks has a lot of patience with her and I appreciate it.
I haven't had the opportunity to watch him teach yet, but if the love and patience he exhibits elsewhere transfers over to his work with nonmembers, as I suspect it does, than I'm sure he does great. We are very lucky to have him in our ward family.

Peyton and Jayce said...

Wow, 6 months will pass so quickly! Thank You for sharing his successes and experiences with us! He is an amazing young man!