count-up to 1000 miles

LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

Friday, October 23, 2009



Emily and Jake Shoff said...

She's such a little bean! So tiny in Ben's hands! I can't wait to meet her!

Rachel said...

Love the pictures!

How are you adjusting? She is such a cutie-pie. I agree that she looks TINY in Ben's arms. She probably feels like a chunk compared to your other babies though!

Robert and Sandy Kidd said...

Oh she is just beautiful! Can't wait to hold her myself.

The Steele Family said...

Aw...that's no fair. You're kids got to come visit the hospital? They have a new rule for the next 5 months in Utah hospitals that you are only allowed to have 2 visitors the whole time (designated people whom you cannot change out) and they have to be at least 15. So needless to say, Marshae did not get to come over at all. :( Well congrats on your beautiful baby girl! We are so excited that you get to experience the wonderful world of GIRLS!

Utah Summer Vacation 2009

Spring Break 2009

Our trip