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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Love note

This is the love note that came home from school with DB today. I think he means it, too....I mean, look at all those exclamation points!! We had a VERY rough morning today and he lost some priveleges. Man, I am a good mom!
P.S. He doesn't hear the "n" sound in "Don't" and "won't" I love phoenetic spelling!!


Emily and Jake Shoff said...

hahahahahahahahah! Oh what a treasure! Keep that FOREVER!

Jarom said...

Wow, are you awesome or what!? I have to laugh, though, because I heard almost identical sentiments just a couple of days ago. The best part is that notes like that just mean you are doing it right, imo. Keep up the good work! :-)

Joshua said...

Love it!! Take more privileges away and you can keep getting spectacular letters like this. At least he is having some great practice expressing on paper.

Matt and Anna Hone said...

Oh you have no idea how much I loved that you posted this. We had about the same kind of morning as well. I love your post. Love ya

Rachel said...

That is SO cute! I love it! I have a note similar to that from Katelyn when she was in kindergarten.

Josh and Michele said...

Oh my goodness, that is funny! BTW, I am so proud of you for keeping that baby in for so long...isn't this a record?

Amanda said...

How funny is that!! It looks like you win mother of the year! Congrats!! Hey DB has great handwriting for being in Kindergarten. That is definately a keeper!!

Kurtis and Iva said...

Love it! Ben just sends me to time out when he gets mad at me!

Robert and Sandy Kidd said...

Very cute letter DB. Your Mom wrote letters like that to me all the time.

Jessica Kidd said...

That is so funny, yet so sad at the same time!! Way to be a tough mom!! :)

Tyson and Angela said...

That is so stinkin' cute! What a mean mom you are!!!! Poor Dallin can't play XBox!!!

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