Hey everyone, we are almost ready to put the post on the Safety Week but tonight we wanted to just do a fiddle post as we watched "Survivor" My Vickies most favorite show.
Sweet Willa wanted to say Hi......so Hi....from Willa
Today was Gus's 9th birthday. Can you beleive he has been here with us for nine years. And Cleo will be 11 years old on her next birthday. We did a short video of the birthday guests. We all played and swam and had a great day. Thanks Gus for being born.
My Vickie wants to thank everyone who has donated to the Homeless shelter for the doggy's. You guys have been amazing. We even got a piggy bank the other day and some of you have put change baskets on your desks and other people are helping by putting money in your baskets. Some of you are generously sending money, bringing money and well, we are just so great-ful for all your respons.
They told us the other day when they came and collected some of the money that I can have a contest to help pick the name for the doggy part of the Homeless shelter. So watch for the contest.
Can't say thanks enough....oh and Don't stop.....
One day we saw this cool cloud. What can you see in it. WE see a grumpy old man with no teeth. Then My Vickie had to play with the picture.
PRetty cool, isn't it.
Now lets do one of Abby
Very Interesting......
I didn't really go water skiing, but I can pretend......
A sad note is that we lost our Sweet Sarah last weekend. She has been with her loving family for about 14 years. Her big brother Charlie was one of My Vickies first dogs to come to Canine Country Club back in 1995. We will miss her very much.
This picture made My Vickie so sad. We took Jamie up in the mountains with us Monday. She was so excited to come. She just layed in the back of the van and you could see her nose go like crazy as she smelled her beloved surroundings as we drove down the old dirt road. Now that she is so old and cant walk for very long, plus she is almost all blind and can't hear, My Vickie is afraid she will wander off and get lost. so she doesn't get to come with us often.
Seeing Jame struggle along, then get a little panicky because she doesn't know where we were, well we just cant' take a chance. It hurt My Vickies Heart to realize that Miss Jamie cannot come when we go camping any more.
On the up side. Guess what was wandering around camp.
Some of them are still loosing their velvet and it is a bit icky to see, but it is part of the process each year.
They are still a little calm, but the rutting season is not far away so shots like this are going to become less and less likely.
Well, thats it for now.......
Don't forget to check in Thursday night or Friday morning for more information on: