
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fizzgig and Katie Kaboom...our family in a nutshell!

The character Fizzgig (from "The Dark Crystal") reminds me so much of my children. minute they are content and hopeful. Within seconds they are throwing the HUGEST tantrum....all because of one simple work...."NO"! It drives me NUTS! Head back, gnashing of teeth, the whole works (although this position IS useful for gives a REALLY clear view of those darned boogies that have been evading "the picker"...just don't try to go after them during the doesn't stand to improve their mood. Believe me...I have tried). I, however, DO NOT give into their little tantrums....okay, most of the time. Enjoy! Katie Kaboom.....or should we say.....Melanie Kaboom (real original, I know). For quite some time I have seen a resemblance to this over-reactive teenager in myself. After showing Rob this clip and inquiring whether or not he saw the resemblance too I said, "Huh? What do you think?" To which he replied, " don't cool down that easily." Thanks Rob....thanks a lot. (So...the scenario isn't right but the reaction is quite similar most of the time...minus the cool down I guess). Y'know....maybe the children's reaction is genetic. Humph!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

$$$ makes me cranky!

I know that we have been HUGELY blessed $$$$ wise even though Rob is unemployed. We truly have. That doesn't mean that I am not completely cranky when month after month money comes out of our savings account. I hate that! I thought that somehow we would be the lucky ones. That each month we would somehow miraculously be putting money INTO our account what with collecting unemployment, living with the parents (y'know........huge rental/utility discounts), and the "large" sums of money I pull in each month teaching. Well...............not so much.

Could it be that we have taken two trips in the last month (and have another one scheduled for May), or that we have had numerous repairs to our Altima and 5 new tires between the two cars, or that Rob flew to Philly (for IRS testing) this week and although they paid for the plane tickets, Rob had to pay for hotel accommodations ($130 bucks one night...he slept in the airport last night), and food.

Not that I am complaining.......(cough, cough). My mom always tells me that we should be grateful we have the money to take care of those kinds of things. I am grateful.....I am. But, it still totally stinks.

Just this morning I made an Excel spreadsheet (I LOVE making speadsheets....I know I am such a geek) calculating my income/expenses from my job CTD (career to date). I have now made $30.00 (unless you count my $80 aerobics shoes....then I am in the red $50.00)! That's right. Nothing like a bit of number crunching to ruin ones day! I totally thought I was a couple hundred dollars in the black until I remember that I paid $235.00 for a plane ticket to go to my PGE certification in Utah. UGH! At least I have a paycheck to pick up today. It will ALMOST put me in the black again....ALMOST (It's going to be tinier than usual. I had to sub out some classes because of above mentioned vacations). On top of this....... GOLD'S WANTS ME TO FORK ANOTHER $150 into a new certification to teach BODY PUMP at the end of May (which is actually a discount....they are going half-sies with me. It's normally $300). It will ONLY (cough, cough) take me a MONTH of teaching the class to make up the expenses.........ONLY!).

When they told me that aerobics instructors aren't in it for the money I thought they were joking. Now I know just how naive I was. It's a good thing I like doing it (even LOVE it most days). Well...I guess I WON'T be buying a new step cd today. Bummer!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Boys and bugs.......disgusting!

Isaac found a new toy today. He was very excited to show it to me. He kept saying "loo, loo" ("look, look"). By the way he was carrying it around I thought it was a pebble or something. was a giant beetle. Rob was grossed out and told him to put it down (this is the man who, when we were dating, told me he would never hold my hand again when I picked up a praying mantis). I didn't care though as long as he didn't squish it's guts all over the place. He did, inadvertently, squeeze it a few times (luckily they have hard shells) but in the end, the beetle walked away unharmed. Isaac was REALLY sad to see it go.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

One small step (or flip) for (wo) giant leap for mankind!

I did a back flip on the trampoline today. A small feat for some but a big deal for me. It has been a LOOOOOOOONG time since I have dared to do one (funny since I used to do them on gravel roads (in parades) all the time when I was younger).

Nothing feels better than overcoming fear.

It was...................INVIGORATING!

What's next, you ask? The sky is the limit.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

HE IS RISEN!...........

...."He is risen indeed."

This has been a family tradition for many generations. Started with my great-grandma Morley.

We get a call each Easter morning (from my mother). After saying "Hello?" we hear, "He is risen" and the reply is supposed to be, "He is risen indeed!"

It's something we look forward to each year. Rob used to think in was weird but now he loves it. He thinks it's very funny.

This year, however, since we are AT my mothers house, we will not be getting the call.


Don't be surprised if I end up calling YOU tomorrow morning. I may just have a hankering to spread some Easter morning cheer.

In the midst of all the commercialism (Easter egg hunts, pricey spring dresses (and accessories), and ridiculous "Easter" gifts)....don't forget to stop and think (and teach your children)about why it is we REALLY celebrate this day.

It is because of our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. He was resurrected so that we may be also. He paid the price for our sins so that we can be forgiven them. THAT is what this is all about. A renewal.........a new EVERLASTING LIFE!

Happy Easter Everyone!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Here one day (actually 2 1/2).....gone tomorrow!

Weekend away...................SUCCESS! Oh.....and the job fair was a success as well.

Sunshine, shopping, children-less conference listening (3 sessions worth), time to talk without being interrupted, no crying (unless you count Rob and I during Pres. Monson's Sunday morning talk), no diapers, no dishes, no cooking, no cleaning........ seriously awesome!

We did not, however, get to go to the temple. I forgot to bring a dress (thinking.....we don't have to go to church this weekend). I shopped for 2-3 hours for one......came up with nothing (unless you count the $80 dress we can't afford) and decided to give up the search. It was quite hillarious when I showed up at the stake center for conference on Saturday morning in jeans. A sweet older man sitting next to us must have thought I was a "golden" investigator. He practically tackled us on the way out (okay, not really). I'm sure he was quite disappointed when he realized we were already members.......just forgetful ones.

The kids had a good time with grandma and grandpa and were even happy to see us when we got home. A mighty feat as well!

I if this good news isn't just keeps getting better.

Rob had a job interview in Moses Lake this morning. He thought it went well. On his way home he got a call from "THE BIG COMPANY" (I can't remember their names) from the job fair. They want to interview him tomorrow! YEAY!

It does throw a slight kink into our previous plans. You see.....we are leaving to go visit my family tomorrow. So.....after a slight detour to Richland we will be on our way to Utah.


Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm leaving on a jet plane......don't know when I'll be back again.

So I am not actually leaving on a jet's a run down Nissan Altima that we just forked $1300 bucks into. And........I do know when I will be back. Sunday afternoon. But......the point is I AM LEAVING!

Rob and I are going away on our very first "getaway" since chico #1 graced us with he presence. We are going to a job fair in Kennewick (about 2 hours away). Yipee. Grandma Gillespie offered to watch the kids for us. My mother also offered to fly up this last week and watch the kids for a night while we went away as well. Do you think it's a sign? Is it that obvious that I am in desperate need of a break? YES! What would we do without our wonderful mothers?

I'm all giddy and nervous at the same time. And VERY........VERY EXCITED.

So in case our regular readers are wondering......NO, Rob did not get the job in Irvine. Total bummer. They told us that they actually liked him better than the winning candidate but they decided to hire the other because he is already a licensed CPA (so they wont have to pay for him to obtain it) and he has a bit of "Internal Audit" experience that Rob doesn't have. At least it was a boost of confidence for Rob. "They like me, they actually like me"..........A LOT!

On to the next interview..................

So......I'll let you know how the weekend goes. If I come back that is! :) Just kidding......I'm TOTALLY just kidding (maybe).