
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Poor Gabe!

Poor Gabe.....the kid NEVER get's enough sleep..........

and usually Cael is to blame for it.

Cael is our "wired" child. He gets up early (like 5:45AM-6:15Am) and has a REALLY hard time winding down at night, too. Lucky for him, he get a nap in the middle of the day.

Gabe, on the other hand, is not so fortunate. He has afternoon kindergarten. Not good.

At night, Cael can often be found crawling into Gabe's bed (trying to sleep with him), or trying to shake him awake if he has fallen asleep too quickly. In the morning, as soon as Cael wakes up, he yells Gabe's name until he accomplishes his goal of waking him.

Gabe's like a walking zombie most of the time and is always complaining of being tired at 10:00-10:30 in the morning ("Mom....I'm tired, I don't want to go to school").

So....where is this all headed.

The other night I went in to check on the boys before I went to bed.

After re-tucking Cael in, I moved up to Gabe's bed.

I looked at him for a minute (savoring the sweetness of a SLEEPING child) and lifted my finger to stroked his cheek.

The second I touched his skin he stirred and I heard the softest mumble escape his lips.....

He said,"Get out of my bed."

NO DOUBT in my mind he thought I was Cael.

It was hillarious.

I had to hold back my laughter.

Even in his sleep he is tormented by his brother.

Poor kid!

Any ideas.....other than putting them in seperate rooms?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's the GRAND Chahee's Birthday.....or Cha-chi, as we call him!

Cael IS THREE!(or if you ask him........eighteen, or eight, or eighteen months)

If we thought the "two's" were terrible we were mistaken.

In just the few short days he has been three, the phrase "terrible" has taken on a WHOLE new meaning.

Mostly just a lot of screaming and yelling (and How is that different you ask?). Lots of temper tantrums and stubbornness too (he does come by that naturally).

But, all in all, he is a fun kid. Like we always say, "There is just something about him."

He has begun to have a lot of fun with him lots of kisses, helps him take his coat off and get's toys for him. He and Gabe, when they are not fighting, have bunches of creative fun together, too.

Cael has an imaginary friend.......usually named "Sonic" (as in Sonic the Hedgehog) who goes with him everywhere. He leaves room for him on his chair at the dinner table, on the couch, even when he is standing on a chair helping me cook. It's very funny. We haven't dealt with imaginary people before. Very interesting.

Here are some pics from his b-day (very few, mind you......Rob was in charge).

Cael singing "Happy Birthday" to himself.....along with everyone else

Man.........blowing out candles is HARD work!

We didn't actually get any picture of him opening his presents.....In fact, I don't even remember watching him do it (where was I?). But....this is him playing with his Helicopter (from G and G H.) the next day. It is the "hot" toy and as such is constantly contended over. I'll is pretty cool. If I weren't too old (and stuffy) I would probably play with it myself.

These next picture are not of the birthday variety. Today I got all "homemaker-y" and decided to make cookies for the boys when Gabe got home from school (I know, aren't I the best mom?). Well, the kids really enjoyed them......especially Isaac. He had chocolate spread from here to kingdom come.


Gabe insisted Isaac have "rabbit ears" for the picture. Where did he learn that?

Isn't Isaac so cute? If he weren't so naughty all the time I probably would never be able to be mad at him. So.....I guess it's a good thing he absolutely drives me crazy ALL day long. It keeps me from loosing my reputation as a "mean" and "nasty" Mom. I have worked long and hard for it.

Truth be told..........I love my boys.

They drive me NUTS.........but I love them.

Happy Birthday Cael!

We love you, Cha-chi!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Potty talk............Little boys disgust me! usual, we have a lot of "potty issues" here at our house. Here's the latest from the "Gillespie's disgustingly smelling potty house from HE_ _."

Cael is now showing an interest in potty training. He randomly decides he wants to sit on the toilet. Nothing serious but it will be coming soon, I am sure. Yes, we should be somewhat excited. But we aren't. You see......we already have one "potty trained" child (cough, cough) who stuggles to use the bathroom on his own accord..........that is unless it is in his underpants. He does a right fine job of that. Best I've ever seen. So..............we are not so thrilled, we should be.... but we are not, for #2 to begin his own quest to conquer toilet training. I never thought I would say this but...............I LOVE DIAPERS.

So.......Rob and I, in a quest of our own, to combat previously mentioned accidents of child #1, have started a "dry chart" for Gabe. For every day he stays dry during the week (as in no leaks, no wet spot on the clothes and definitely no puddles on the floor), he gets 5 minutes of "Star Wars Legos" time with Rob on the X-box. It's one of his most FAVORITE things. It is something he looks forward to EVERY Saturday and now he can earn up to 35 minutes of playing time. Also, with every 30 days he stays dry he will get to choose a special "big boy" activity such as a night out with Mom or Dad, going to get a special treat, or renting a movie.

So far so good. 3 days dry.....and counting. The poor kid just needs a bit of positive reinforcement which, judging from this oh-so-long dry spell, seems to go quite far with him. (You would think Rob and I would catch on to that.......but seriously, after all the screaming, spanking and life dictating we do,.....who has time for positive reinforcement?).

And last on our long list of "potty talk" comes the clincher......the icing on the cake.......the................"thing" to top of all "THINGS"..........

Yesterday afternoon I was putting Cael down for a nap. I glanced in their closet and noticed something strange. The clear, plastic storage container that usually houses their stuffed animals was empty.....well, not quite empty.....but there were NO animals in it. Baffled, I got closer and closer. "What is that in there?" For the life of me I couldn't figure it out. Something liquid that had formed two puddles......something yellow.........I picked up the bucket and the realization of it all hit me just as the putrid stench did. (So I'm thinking to myself, Oh no.......this cannot be happening. My boys would NEVER do a thing like this..........I'm pretty sure I have drilled it into their little heads that their very lives would hang on a tread if they ever did something like this).

Cael pipes up, "Gabe did it."


We won't go into too much detail of what was said or done at this point..........Although, I am very proud of myself.....I did refrain from beating fact, I didn't even spank him.......I was too busy screaming at him.

I marched his bottom straight up the stair and made him scrub........and when I say scrub, I mean SCRUB, the storage container in the bathtub until I could see my reflection in it (under my ever patient tutilage, of course).

Rob said the conversation from the bathroom reminded him of last weeks episode of "The Biggest Loser" when Bob Harper blew up at that Joelle lady ("I'm doing my best..........NO YOU ARE NOT............yes I am.................NO YOU ARE NOT............YOU CAN DO BETTER SO DON'T EVEN SAY THAT TO ME.................I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT.......etc, etc..............Sniff, Sniff, Sniff.................NOW DO IT.................DON'T GIVE ME EXCUSES JUST DO IT!). (Makes me right proud..............I love Bob Harper.)

Anyway.....back to the story.

When he was done I sent him back to "quiet time" (which, if you can imagine, was not all that quiet up to that point) and told him that we would discuss the consequences for his actions later and that if I even heard a peep from him in the next hour I would go "all out freak nasty" on him. Silence prevailed....I didn't hear a word.

Mad, did I ever need time to cool down.......otherwise he would have been on his way to "Boot Camp for pants dropping urine offenders" long before dinner.

I dont get it. I just don't get it. Is there that much difference between the XX and the XY? What the heck posesses these nasty, disgusting, little boys do pull down their pants and mark their territory anywhere they please (Thankfully it was in a plastic container instead of down the heater vent..dripping from the ceiling below, like my brother little boy). What is wrong with these kids. The're ANIMALS...........Just like animals...............

On that note, I failed to mention that I gave Gabe a lesson on "housebreaking" rules for dogs. I told him if he wanted to act like a dog, he would be treated like a dog. Then, I vowed to him that if he EVER did ANYTHING like that again I would rub his face in it, lead him to the bathroom, scratch his hands on the potty, and place him on top of it so he would be able to "remember" where it is that our urine belongs.

So, let's all just pray for Gabe's sake that he is smart enough to keep "it" where "it" belongs because I WILL follow through.......I ALWAYS FOLLOW THROUGH (In fact, one time my mom told me that she was glad that I am always so good to follow through but "cringes" sometimes when I threated because she KNOWS I will follow through no matter how rediculous the threat is.)

So... we survived the ordeal......more importantly, Gabe survived the ordeal.

Today he was assigned to scrubbing both toilets as a consequence for his actions (under my ever patient tutilage again). He actually enjoyed it and asked if he could help me EVERY time I have to clean the toilets. (I hate it when that happens.......a consequence is not a consequence unless it hurts. Without the nashing and whailing of teeth.....and at least a tear or two, what good is it? NONE I TELL YOU!)


I'm just not sure we are all going to make it through their childhoods. I just don't handle violations to the sanitation or smell of my home very well.

What's a girl to do?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Over here Mentor Lady....can you pull that knife out of my back?.......Ha, Ha, now I am the victor......than again, maybe not so much

Someone once told me that the industry of aerobic instruction is ever changing.........and quickly at that.

I have only been a part of this revolving world for the last few months but have never been more convinced of the truthfulness of this statement.

And the whirlwind begins as outlined..........(inhale and "GO")

**Rob and Melanie move to the South Hill..... join hole-in-the wall "Gold's Gym"

**Melanie meet's aerobics instructor and expresses long term desire to teach "someday"

**Teacher is burnt out, gets permission to mentor Melanie and allow Melanie to teach portions of her interval classes while Melanie works on getting certified

**Mentor lady tells Melanie that after she is comfortable teaching portions of classes, she will take over entire class as a "sub", then Mentor Lady will suggest to Aerobics Coordinator that Melanie takes over classes completely and Mentor Lady will slowly begin her retiring process

**Melanie works butt off teaching portions of mentor ladies interval classes and studying for her certification

**October.....Melanie begins "subbing" whole classes for Mentor Lady........AND GETTING PAID FOR IT ($12 an hour, baby)!

**November.....still teaching two classes a week and preparing to take certification test

**Weekend before Thanksgiving.....Melanie flies to Utah to attend certification workshop.......after 5.5 hours of working out and 3.5 hours of studying/test taking, workshop is complete

**Melanie has 4-6 weeks to wait for results

**December......Mentor Lady calls and says she wants her classes back.........Does Melanie want to alternate weeks? One week on, one week off?.........(What ever happened to retiring?)

**Melanie agrees.......What else can she do?

**Four days later, Mentor Lady calls and says she wants class #1 back completely but will continue to alternate class #2 (WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?)......Mentor Lady says, "You weren't counting on the money for Christmas were you?).......Melanie says, "Oh no..........(in head: husband has no job and we have no income but.........NO, we had NO plans for the $)............that will be fine

**Melanie is now only teaching one class every other week............(SO I JUST SPENT $400+ FOR WHAT?)

**December 27th.......Melanie get's mail.........YEAY! I PASSED!......leaves for Utah

**Melanie get's a phone call while in Utah......Will she be at "BIG CHANGES" meeting on Sunday........NO, out of town......OKAY........ Does she want to teach Step class on _____ night? Sure, but wasn't Mentor Ladies #1 class on that night?.................YES! OKAY........(guess it's just all part of "BIG CHANGES")

**Home from Utah, takes certificate to gym, receives an $8 hr pay raise

**Mentor Lady calls (she's injured from shoveling snow).......can Melanie sub #1 class for last time ( week it will be Melanie's Step class anyway)..........YES!

**Awesome.........They LOVE Melanie! Class was so glad to have her back!

Now......we enter the present

Yesterday (Tuesday) I was at the gym at about 11:00AM preparing for my new Step class that starts tomorrow (Thursday) night. I get a phone call from Aerobics Director. She wants to know if I want more classes to teach. Of course I say "yes." I ask her when and she tells me and I'm shocked. They are Mentor Ladies classes. I ask........."So where is Mentor Lady?........Is she still injured?.....No.........An ATTITUDE PROBLEM?" From there, I changed the subject. I don't want to know what's going on. I try not to get into the gossiping politics that are so rampant in this business.

So.....I was asked to take over her pilates/yoga classes as well as her interval class (which I was teaching a few weeks ago anyway). One things for sure, I am not a pilates/yoga instructor.....I'm too hyper active.....not enough Zen in my blood. I need loud music and bright lights.

Not to worry.....the class will no longer be pilates/ of now it is a Core, Stregnth and Flexibility class......just try to incorporate SOME pilates or yoga to make the transition smoother. Oh, by the way....Can you start tonight?

TONIGHT!........(how the heck do you expect me to start tonight) sure.

6 hours and counting..............and I still have to go grocery shopping.

To make this saga shorter, I stressed and stressed and stressed and then went to the gym. The class actually went well. I was really nervous at first because the whole dark/relaxed/quiet music thing and I was trying to be something I'm not (centered). I relaxed a bit and decided to just be myself and things went much smoother (did I mention that 24 people showed up.....I have NEVER seen that many people at this gym at one time let alone all in the aerobics was CRAZY!). I got a lot of positive feed back (although,naturally, some people were really miffed about Mentor Lady leaving ("but I have been taking her class for two years"......."Is she coming back?")........and they were ever more miffed that there would no longer be any CERTIFIED pilates or yoga classes at the gym.

"Sorry....I dont know where Mentor Lady went.......I don't know when they will be able to add Yoga/pilates back on the schedule......I do understand that every gym needs those classes.......Sorry.....Sorry......Sorry.......I know that change is hard.......Let's try to make it good"

I really did feel for these people and their anger/annoyance and I really wanted to make the transition smooth for everyone so I spent a lot of time (a crazy amount of time) last night, after I got home, and all day today preparing for both the Core/Strength/Flex class and the step class tomorrow (which are taught back to back)..............and just when I think my life is spinning so out of control that I may never be able to sit down again.......I get another phone call......

It's Aerobics Director.

Do I want the Good News or Bad News first? (Does it really matter?)
Good News.........I got really positive feedback from all surveyed participants of the class yesterday. Everyone really enjoyed it. Unfortunately...........
Bad News..........Big Manager man had to call in back up from a "certified" Yoga/Pilates instructor that used to teach at hole-in-the wall Gym....I mean, Gold's (apparently the phone was ringing off the hook today with complaints about the sudden disappearance of Yoga/Pilates.....not with me, mind you, just the class being gone)

"That's okay......I understand", was all I could say (after I rolled my eyes) to Aerobics Coordinator. (Interpretation of the eye roll: why could they not have just asked me to sub the class until they could come up with a better solution instead of offering me the class before they really thought it through?)

Man, did Aerobics Coordinator really appreciate that I handled the news so well instead of freaking out on her. She mentioned it over and over.....something about being really "cool about it all." (It's funny. I remember an almost identical conversation with my first boyfriend when he called me on the phone and broke up with me. I guess I knew, even at 16, how to handle myself with dignity in front of people. Although today, unlike the time where the boyfriend was concerned, I did refrain from bursting into tears once the phone was hung up). :)

So......goodbye 4 classes a week and all the extra $ I would have made.

I'm okay with it really. Relieved even. Doing a semi pilates yoga class really did make me a little nervous and scared and is totally out of my groove.

But......on the other hand, I am a little disappointed. It would have given me the opportunity to learn something new and become more comfortable with a different class format......and again, the $ would have been nice (especially since husband still does not have a job).

So.....Aerobics Coordinator promised me, on her life....not on her childrens' lives mind you ("because [she] never swear[s] on THEIR lives") that the Step class and interval class are mine....all mine.

So she least for now.

Tomorrow could be a whole new story................I'll try to spare you.......or at least try to tell it in a lot less words (My dad always teases me about saying so much, so fast that I never come up for air.........I guess he has a point)


Monday, January 12, 2009

Another Cael funny!

I had just finished blogging today (check out the other two posts) when Cael woke up from his nap. So here I am again, typing away. It's just that he said the funniest thing......I had to record it.

When I put him down for his nap today I told him it was "NAP TIME AND HE HAD TO TAKE A NAP TODAY." He asked me why and I told him that it was so that he could "be a happy boy when he woke up."

When I left his room I locked the door (from the outside....we turned to knob around). I rarely do this but he has been trying to sneak out a lot and I didn't want to deal with it today.

So.....after a 1 1/2 or so, I was sitting here at the computer and hear him get out of his bed (his room is just above me) and walk over to the door. He jiggles the handle a few times, realizes it is locked and starts to cry......

Cael (screaming at the door): "Mommy......let me out. Let me out. LET ME OUT!"

All the while I am on my way up the stairs to unlock the door.

Cael (still screaming): "UNLOCK THE DOOR......MOM.......LET ME OUT......UNLOCK THE DOOR.....................I'M HAPPY......(sob, sob).......I'M HAPPY."

I just had to laugh.....and laugh.....and laugh.

I opened the door and said, "You're happy?"

He (with a big 'ol pout on his face) said, "Yes."

So I picked him up and hugged him.

What a funny boy.

Great Grannies!

During our trip to Utah the kids got to see and visit with two of their Great Grandmas.

Granny T (my mom's mom)

and Granny G (Rob's dad's mom)

We actually got to see Granny T a lot. She lives with my parents and that just happens to be where we stay when we go to visit. Gabe loves her so much. Every morning he would ask when she would be waking up (which usually isn't until 12:00PM). Then he would tell her how much he missed her while she was gone. It was really sweet.

Granny G is now living in a care center. We got to see her twice while we were there. Once on her birthday and again the next Sunday. We were also privileged to visit with a lot of Rob's family we haven't seen for quite a while. It was great.

I am so glad my boys have had the opportunity to get to know quite a few of their great grandparents (Great Grandma and Grandpa T included). It's because of their examples and traditions, passed down generation after generation, that we are who we are today.

We love our families and are so grateful for them.

Just some winter-something-something- thingy-dingy's!


Yeah, I have no idea what that means either. Fact is....I didn't have a title so I came up with something creative.

Just wanted to post some random pictures and happenings in the lives of the G's.

I finally got a picture of Isaac with his "santa" gift. I cant say that he ever really rides it but he does drag it around sometimes (and I thought he was REALLY going to like it).

This is a picture of the "project" I did for Rob this Christmas. A flashback to the glory days. Ahhhh....the glory days. (Okay so it's not a very good picture but you get the idea).

Talk about a Winter Wonderland. This picture was taken from our front porch. Our neighbor sets corn and bird feed out three or four times a day and we get to watch all of the ducks and Canadian geese eat it up. It's pretty funny. The ducks scare very easily. They fly off at the slightest sound. The geese just stare at you,totally unmoved by your efforts....even when you honk and swerve at them. Here you can see the ducks flying away as I opened the door.

Rob is feeling pretty accomplished. Look at what a good job he has done keeping his family from being snowed in. This picture was taken before we left for Utah. When we got home 9 days later we had to shovel another 18 inches off our driveway before we could even get the car into the garage.

Other random news:

Rob is still looking for a job. He had a language assessment test with the IRS today and has 7 other job applications pending. He is also applying for another 6-7 today when he gets home. We have faith that the Lord will take care of us and are mindful of his time frame. We are just hoping the Lord wants us to find something before the end of February. Otherwise we will be moving in with Mom and Dad G. A GRAND ADVENTURE FOR ALL!

Well, I have some fun news (NO.......I NOT THAT KIND OF NEWS......SERIOUSLY PEOPLE!) I get to teach STEP aerobics. YEAY! I LOVE STEP AEROBICS.

I start this week and am SUPER excited. My very own class (that no one can take from me......except my boss, I guess). Wish me luck. Also, MY GOLDS GYM finally got a Power Pump class (1 hour of weight lifting) three times a week. I know this may seem trivial to some of you but I have been waiting for this for a long time. I went this morning and can barely move. I LOVE IT! I can certify in it as well come March. It will only cost me....... choke..... cough....... $399. For that, we will have to wait and see....until then, I will just thoroughly enjoy going to someone else's class.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Cael "funnies"

Cael is definitely our comic.

He has such a sense of humor (when he's not screaming at someone) and says some really funny things.

I was putting Cael down for a nap. He crawled into be and pulled up his blankets.

Cael: "I love my bed."

Me: "You love you bed?"

Cael (with a smile of absolute contentedness): "Yeah."

Then rubbing pillowcase, "Mommy, feel it." (as if I would fall in love with it too if only I touched it)

Gabe came in and woke me up at about 6:30AM this morning telling me that Cael had thrown up on his blanket. I went out into my mom's living room to investigate (we were on vacation). Sure enough, he had.

Me: "Oh, Cael. Did you throw up?"

Cael (very casually): "Yeah, I went eugh, eugh, eugh and then in all came out."
(now, I have no idea how you would begin to spell out retching noises but use your imagination)

I just had to giggle.

Me (smelling something other than throw up): "Oh, are you poopy to?"

Cael (very matter of factly): "YES."

Me: "Okay. Well let's change you. I'll go get a diaper."

Cael (over his shoulder...again, very casaully): "And wipes"

Now, this conversation may not seem very significant or even funny to some of you (other than the retching noise bit) but it amazes me that he can be so casual about throwing up.

In fact, if he hadn't inherited my red hair (and come out of my womb) I would wonder if he was my kid at all.

Friday, January 2, 2009

What a way to welcome in 2009!

Beware ye weak stomached people!

I can't believe it is 2009!

We certainly did our best to bring it in with style.

Vomitting children, husband sick (although he bypassed the vomit) and me......well, I wasn't so lucky.

5 years and 6 days marks the date of last time I threw up.

It was 2 nights after Christmas.

Before that, it had been over 18 years.

Can you believe that!

Anyone who knows me well knows that I have a real fear of throwing up. I mean, a crippiling fear of it.

5 years ago I had to have Rob there to baby sit me, rub my back, clean the sink out (because I refused to vomit in the toilet even after he cleaned it), and even say a prayer that I would let my body relax enough to let it do what it needed to do.

He then called my parents and announced to everyone that my "vomit-less" streak was over and I had lived through it. Cheers were heard around the world.

I handled myself much better this time.

I did it all on my lonesome.

Just like a big girl.

I even cleaned up after myself.

Progress............Progress is good.

Here's to another 18 years........and may it not come sooner! :)