Blogger has a "Links to this post" function which does exactly what enables people referring to a post to let it be known.
At the moment this function appears to be malfunctioning and several of my posts are being filled with links that are of no relevance and even more strangely several other blogs are also being filled with trackbacks to this site (among others), even though I haven't used the feature to put them up. So I am not spamming anyone with links to my posts, it is a technical fault.
3 hours ago
On the plus side, if it weren't for the bug, I never would have found this blog. I clicked in from .
That's an upside.
Yes, 've noticing this, particularly as a fair number of those being listed in various places came from my own 'blog, though thankfully not all of them (otherwise I'd wonder what I had done wrong wrong).
Hopefully this bug will be easily found and removed, soon.
Yes, I can see that there are 6 links to your blog on this post!
For now I'm logging out of blogger before browsing other sites.
I noticed that around the blogs too. Blogger is also buggering up the edit function when you upload pics.
My 'links to' was always a hit and miss affair, but that's not so terrible (you can always work backwards from Technorati or Lijit etc), what's even more annoying is that 'recent comments' appears to have stopped working.
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