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Friday, 29 November 2013

Wise Old Owl - Katie's handmade birthday

Wise Old Owl is Angus' birthday present for Katie.  Angus had actually started making the owl for himself but when Islay and I made her the teddy carrier he decided that he'd like to give the owl to Katie.

Angus made pretty much all of owl himself - except for hand sewing the gap once owl was stuffed.
 I asked Katie to show me how much she loves owl.  I think she loves him quite a lot!

Pattern - Wise Old Owl from Sewing For Children by Emma Hardy
Fabric - bought in Tanzania by my sister-in-law
Felt - wool felt scraps leftover from other projects, bought from The Village Haberdashery and Myriad 
Comments - a great wee pattern although the template has to be enlarged which always frustrates me (that was too much faff for Angus and me so we just sketched it out to a similar shape and guessed the size). Angus machine sewed most of it although it can be hand-sewn

Katie loves her Wise Old Owl and Angus is very proud that he was able to make something for her. 

Wishing you all a lovely weekend, especially those of you who have been celebrating Thanksgiving.
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greenthumb said...

What a lovely thing for him to do, I bet she loves it.

Katy Cameron said...

Looks like a very satisfied customer there, go Angus!

Sarah said...

aww! lovely.

Saffa Barkhordar said...

Ow Katie does love her owl :) how lovely! Angus must be proud as mr owl looks great, handmade presents are the best! Hope you all have a lovely weekend, safxxx

the running hare said...

Well done Angus! Owl looks great and obvs much loved by Katie.

Louise said...

what a lovely big brother he is. The owl looks great :)

haggiz said...

Angus is obviously following in mum's footsteps! You can see Katie loves it! Julie x

Down by the sea said...

What a lovely brother Katie
has! Angus has created a wonderful owl. Hope Katie had a lovely birthday.
Sarah x

Gillian Roe said...

I love it! Clearly, Katie adores the owl. Who wouldn't though, it's brilliant. We have an Angus in our house too, great name. :-)
Gillian x

Mrs. Micawber said...

Nice work Angus!

And Happy Birthday to wee Katie. :)

Annie Cholewa said...

That has to be one of the best presents a brother ever made a sister ... it's delightful :)

Beth of The Linen Cat said...

Brilliant owl - well done Angus!