Showing posts with label Christmas Recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas Recipes. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pound Cake

Baking insect has bit for a while now. These days my house only smell of vanilla essence, sugar, and everything related to baking.
A classic pound cake has always been my all time favourite. Its simple and tastes great when eaten with evening tea or coffee and a great breakfast option too when served with whipped cream and fresh fruits.

Pound Cake

3 Large eggs
3tbsp Milk at Room temperature
1tsp Vanilla Essence
1tsp baking powder
150gms  Castor Sugar (White)
150gms All Purpose Flour
185gms Butter


  • Pre-heat the oven for 15 minutes at 180degrees.
  • Line the cake mould with parchment paper.
  • Whisk together Milk + eggs + Vanilla essence
  • In another bowl mix together all the dry ingredients, All Purpose Flour  + Baking Powder.
  • Now mix in half of the wet ingredients into the dry mixture on low speed. 
  • Add in the remaining mixture. Whisk it for 30 seconds so that everything comes together properly.
  • Pour the batter into the mould and smooth en the top with a spatula or a palette knife.
  • Bake in for 40 -45 minutes or till the tooth pick comes out clean.
  • If the top starts browning cover it with aluminium foil.
  • When its done remove it From the oven
  • De mould and place it on a wire rack.
  • Allow it to cool.
I served the Pound Cake with homemade orange sauce.

How to make orange sauce:
Take 100ml of orange juice fresh or canned
2tbsp sugar
Pound Cake
Take a pan reduce the juice and sugar mixture till it becomes thick.
It should be of flowing consistency just like any sauce.
D`2Wrizzle on top of the cake

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Chocolate Eclairs

Baking has become my passion lately, just want to experiment with new things. But still there is a long way to go.
But cooking or baking in this case is really challenging when u have a little one at home who just wants to play with u all the time and not sleep.
Nevertheless I keep pushing myself more and more.
I was seeing this food food channel where chef Shipra Khana made these awesome eclairs, which tempted

me then and there to try them out.
I checked my pantry, and hurrah!! I had all the stuff available.
so next step was to START.
I mad my little one sit in his bouncer, played some music and i was all set o bake this awesome delight.

65gms Flour (maida)
1tbsp granulated sugar
55gms butter
120ml water
2 eggs

For topping
Whipped cream with vanilla extract

Chocolate Ganache


  • Pre-heat the oven at 200degree Celsius.
  • Place a parchment paper on the baking tray.
  • You can also use aluminium foil, brush it with butter. This is equally good as using a parchment paper.
  • In a bowl whisk the flour with sugar.
  • In a pan heat water and butter together.
  • Close the flame add in the flour into it.
  • Whisking regularly.
  • Cook it till it starts  sticking to the pan.
  • Remove from flame.
  • Beat the mixture till it becomes lukewarm.
  • Then add in the lightly beaten eggs.
  • Continue to mix till the batter is a thick paste.
  • Put the mixture in a pastry bag with a large pin.

  • pipe the mixture in oblong shapes on the baking tray.

  • Bake for 15 minutes at 200dregress and reduce it to 180 degrees.
  • Continue to bake for another 25 minutes.
  • Remove from oven and place it on a the wire rack
Assembling the eclairs:
  • Slit open the elcairs lentghwise.
  • Dip top part of the eclair into the chocolate Ganache.
  • Fill the bottom half with whipped cream
  • Place the other half on top of it.
  • Chocolate Eclares are ready to be eaten. :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Strawberry Swiss Roll

I remember learning these super delicious Swiss rolls in my first bakery lessons around 6 years back. I was super excited to bake this then, as the way a sponge cake sheet is rolled with fillings of your choice.
I have tried this many times before, but finally created the best possible Swiss roll.
I hope my readers will enjoy this.
Strawberry Swiss Roll

For sponge Cake:
2 Eggs
50gm Sugar (Grained)
50gm Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
Salt (a pinch)
30ml Water
1tsbp Vanilla Essence

For the Strawberry Filling:
As it is not season of strawberries, I used strawberry syrup. You can use strawberry jam too.

Whipped Cream
Strawberry Syrup or Jam
Sugar Syrup to moisten the sponge sheet.


  • Preheat the oven at 225 degree Celsius.
  • Line a cake tray with butter in which you need to make the sponge sheet.
  • Sieve Flour and baking powder together.
  • Whip eggs and sugar for 5 minutes with help of an electric blender till it turns fluffy and moo use like.
  • Add all the other ingredients (sugar + flour+ baking powder+ Vanilla Essence).
  • Beat the mixture till it becomes smooth and fluffy. ( Do not over mix the batter)
  • Fold in water with the batter very lightly
  • Pour the batter into the greased tray and bake it for 15 minutes or till it becomes brown from the top.
  • Keep checking it from time to time.

For the Filling:
250 ml whipping cream
Food color (Pink) (a pinch)
1tbsp Icing Sugar
Strawberry Syrup (I used Mapro)

  • Take 250 ml of any whipping cream.
  • Whip the cream with the help of a beater. Make sure the cream is cold
  • Add the pink color and the strawberry syrup.
  • Fold it in.
  • The filling is ready to be used in the roll. 
For assembling the rolls:
Strawberry Swiss Roll
  •     Remove the sponge from the tray once it is cooled down.
  •     Place the sponge over a butter paper.
  •     Moist the sponge with sugar syrup. (You can add strawberry essence in the syrup if u want to)
  •     Apply the whipped cream with a palate knife.
  •     Spread it all over smoothly.
  •     Now roll the sponge alongwith the butter paper with light hands.
  •     Seal it from both ends. 
  •     Keep it in the freezer for 30 minutes so that it sets and cutting the Swiss rolls becomes easier.
  •     After 30 minutes remove the butter paper.
  •     With the help of a pallate knife do the icing of the Swiss roll with the remaining cream.
  •     Cut into slices and serve.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Honey & Butterscotch Muffin

Its raining crazily here in Chennai... A cup of hot coffee accompanied with the purrrfect combination of honey & butterscotch makes it a magical evening.

Honey & Butterscotch Muffin

250gms Self-raising flour

1tsp Baking Powder

1/2tsp Salt

125gms Butter (salted or unsalted)

175ml Milk

1tsp Vanilla Essence

2 Eggs

1cup Honey
1cup Butterscotch Chips


ü  If using Salted Butter then don’t add in the salt in the batter.

ü  If self raising flour is not available, increase the quantity of baking powder to 3tsp.



·         Pre-heat the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius

·         Grease the muffin moulds with butter.

·         Place the muffin liners into the moulds.

·         Take two bowls, one for dry ingredients and the other for wet.

·         In one bowl, sift flour + baking powder.

·         In another bowl add in melted butter + milk + vanilla essence + eggs +honey.

·         Whip it all together for 5-8 minutes.

·         Now slowly add in the dry mixture into the wet folding it gently together.

·         With the help of an ice-cream scoop or a spatula fill in the moulds with the batter just 3/4th of the mould.

·         Place the moulds into the oven for 15minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

·         Check them with the help of a tooth pick it it’s done.

·         If it’s done take it out from the oven.

·         Demould it after 5 minutes


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Chocolate & Banana Muffin

A sumptuous Buffet laid out out for breakfast in a five star hotel and all that I lay my hands are on the varities of muffins kept.
The first thing that I always pick and relish and enjoy till the end.
So today I am posting one of the varieties a combination of Chocolate and Banana which are both healthy and tastes great too. 

Chocolate & Banana Muffin


250gms Self-raising flour

50gms Brown Sugar

125gms Castor Sugar

1tsp Baking Powder

1/2tsp Salt

125gms Butter (salted or unsalted)

175ml Milk

1tsp Vanilla Essence

2 Eggs

2 Ripe Bananas

100gms Chocolate Chips



ü  If using Salted Butter then don’t add in the salt in the batter.

ü  You can add only castor sugar in the batter which means 175 gms of castor sugar.

ü  If self raising flour is not available, increase the quantity of baking powder to 3tsp.


·         Pre-heat the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius

·         Grease the muffin moulds with butter.

·         Place the muffin liners into the moulds.

·         Mash the bananas with the help of a fork.

·         Take two bowls, one for dry ingredients and the other for wet.

·         In one bowl, sift flour + baking powder.

·         Add in Sugar. Mix well.

·         In another bowl add in melted butter + milk + vanilla essence + eggs.

·         Whip it all together for 5-8 minutes.

·         Now slowly add in the dry mixture into the wet folding it gently together. 

·         Add in the mashed bananas and chocolate chip into the batter.

·         With the help of an ice-cream scoop or a spatula fill in the moulds with the batter just 3/4th of the mould.

·         Place the moulds into the oven for 15minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

·         Check them with the help of a tooth pick it it’s done.

·         If it’s done take it out from the oven.

·         Demould it after 5 minutes.

·         Serve.

Blueberry Muffin

Oh, do you know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man;
Do you know the muffin man,
Who lives in Drury Lane?

Oh, yes, I know the muffin man,
the muffin man, the muffin man,
Yes, I know the muffin man,
Who lives in Drury Lane

The nursery rhyme which we all must have sang in our childhood. While making a batch of these wonderful bread (Muffin) these lines came to mind? 
When I was a child I would have not even thought of actually making these. 
I tried these out with blueberries which has a great nutritional value. Its rich in manganese and helps in 
reducing cholestrol too.

Blueberry Muffin 

Recipe: Yields 12


250gms Self-raising flour

50gms Brown Sugar

125gms Castor Sugar

1tsp Baking Powder

1/2tsp Salt

125gms Butter (salted or unsalted)

175ml Milk

1tsp Vanilla Essence

2 Eggs

200gms Blueberry (Fresh or frozen or canned)



ü  If using Salted Butter then don’t add in the salt in the batter.

ü  You can add only castor sugar in the batter which means 175 gms of castor sugar.

ü  If self raising flour is not available, increase the quantity of baking powder to 3tsp.



·         Pre-heat the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius

·         Grease the muffin moulds with butter.

·         Place the muffin liners into the moulds.

·         Take two bowls, one for dry ingredients and the other for wet.

·         In one bowl, sift flour + baking powder.

·         Add in Sugar. Mix well.

·         In another bowl add in melted butter + milk + vanilla essence + eggs.

·         Whip it all together for 5-8 minutes.

·         Now slowly add in the dry mixture into the wet folding it gently together.

·         Add in the blueberries in it.

·         With the help of an ice-cream scoop or a spatula fill in the moulds with the batter just 3/4th of the mould.

·         Place the moulds into the oven for 15minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

·         Check them with the help of a tooth pick it it’s done.

·         If it’s done take it out from the oven.

·         Demould it after 5 minutes.

·         Serve.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Chocolate Truffle Cake with Dark Rum and Strawberries!!!

Chocolate and Strawberries and whipped cream sounds and tastes sinful. Well I made a cake with all this combination on Valentines Eve. Perfect occasion and perfect Cake makes everything just right. I surprised my husband by making  a photo cake by adding one of our pictures to the cake. Nowadays photo cakes are in vogue so i tried to make it but in a totally different manner.
Though Valentine's Day was 2 months back i am posting this recipe a little too late as the photograph of the cake was lost due to some error. now gt them back so I am posting it finally.
Chocolate Truffle Cake with Dark Rum and Strawberries

1 chocolate sponge cake
100gms Dark Chocolate
100gms Milk Chocolate
1cup Cream
100gms whipped cream
5-6 Fresh Strawberries
Sugar Syrup
20ml Dark Rum (optional)

  • You can refer to the chocolate sponge recipe in my previous post. 
  • You can make the sponge on the same day or 1 day before.
To make the sugar-syrup
  • Mix together 10ml water + 10ml Dark Rum along with 2tbsp sugar.
  • Stir well so that the sugar dissolves well.
  • Keep it aside.
Marinate strawberries in sugar syrup and rum mixture for 1 hour before decorating the cake with it.

To make the Chocolate Truffle:
  • Chop both the milk and dark chocolates. Keep it in a bowl.
  • Now in a pan, heat the cream until it starts boiling.

  • Do not overcook
  • Switch off the gas, pour the boiled cream in the bowl of chopped chocolates.

  • Fold it with spatula.
  • Truffle is ready for the icing.
To whip the cream:
  • Make sure the cream is really cold.
  • Whip the cream with a beater till it forms stiff peak.

Assembling of the cake:
  • Divide the cake horizontally into 2 parts keeping the lower part thicker than the top one.
  • Keep the lower part of the cake on a cake board or on a tray place over a turn-table.

  • Now sprinkle some liqueur (sugar+ rum) mixture over it. 
  • Now spread the truffle sauce evenly.
  • Now place the other part of the cake over it.
  • Sprinkle some liqueur (sugar+ rum) mixture over it. 
  • Pour in the truffle sauce spreading evenly.
  • Decorate it with strawberries.
  • Take a icicng syringe of ur choice. decorate it with whipped cream.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rum Truffle Balls

An exotic flavour of rum and chocolate makes you crave for this truffle balls. if u r making for kids then you can exclude the rum from it.

Rum Truffle Balls

30gms Butter
200gms Dark Chocolate
1/2 Cup Fresh Cream
2tbsp Rum
1 cup Cake Crumbs
50gms Chocolate Sprinklers

  • Heat butter and cream together. (You can use double boiler or microwave it for a minute)
  • Finely chop the dark chocolate.
  • Pour the cream and butter mixture on top of the chopped chocolate.
  • Mix well
  • Now add in cake crumbs and rum.
  • Mix it well.
  • Refrigerate the mixture for 5-6 hours or if u r in a hurry you can keep it in the freezer for 1 hour till it becomes stiff.
  • Now make it in the shape of a ball.
  • Roll it over the chocolate sprinklers.
  • Serve.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Molten Chocolate Lava Cake

Its Christmas. This is tat time of the year when you can hog on cakes, pastries, muffins and everything that is rich in calories without regretting a single bite.
Whenever I order a Pizza from Dominos, I always order this sinful indulgence of melted chocolate, wondering as to how it is made. After searching a lot on google, and watching Masterchef I came up with this recipe slight changes of mine. I hope you all will enjoy making this on this Christmas.

1/4 cup Chocolate Chips
1/4 cup Melted Chocolate
1Cup Maida
1tsp Baking Powder
1tsp Soda-bicarbonate
3/4 cup Butter
3/4 cup Castor Sugar
3tbsp Cocoa Powder
Few drops of Vanilla Essence
3/4 cup Curd
1 cup Milk
Few Cherries for topping

  •  Pre-heat the oven at 180degree Celsius for 10 minutes.
  • Sift together Maida + Baking powder + Soda bi-carbonate + Cocoa Powder. Keep it aside.
  • Melt chocolate on a double boiler. Keep it aside.
  • In a bowl, take butter + sugar.
  • Mix well until creamy.
  • Then add in curd.
  • Mix well.
  • Then add in the melted chocolate.
  • Keep stirring until the mixture is creamy and soft and mixed well.
  • After this gradually fold in maida mixture.
  • Keep adding milk at the same time.
  • Dont mix too fast as the cake wont rise much.
  • Now line the muffin moulds with butter.

  • Dust some maida.
  • Fill in 1/4 of muffin mould. Put 1tbsp of chocolate chips in them
  • Cover this with another tbsp of cake mixture.
  • Muffin mould should not be filled completely till top. around 1 inch space should be left.
  • This is done to give enough space for the cake to rise.
  • Bake till 15 minutes in the oven.
  • Demould.
  • Top it with cherries.
  • Serve hot.