Sunday, July 13

Announcing SHF #45: Berries!

fresh strawberries in bowl

July is a berry-licious month. From the humble strawberry to the playful olallieberry, there is a berry out there for everyone.

Yup, if you look around this month, you'll find blueberries, blackberries, boysenberries, red and black currants, gooseberries, juneberries, loganberries, marionberries, mulberries, olallieberries, raspberries, strawberries, and tayberries.

So here's what you have to do: Make a dessert featuring berries, and send it to me by Sunday, August 3rd. Because of a scheduling snafu, Jennifer, the creator of the SHF, asked me to be the emergency hostess this month. Since we're already in mid-July, I've extended the deadline to Sunday, August 3rd, to give you a little more time to submit.

The ideas are virtually endless:
  • You could cool off with some berry refreshing pudding, parfait, mousse, ice cream, or sorbet.
  • You could get all warm and fuzzy with some homemade berry cupcakes, muffins, cakes, scones, or cookie bars.
  • You could show your saucy side with tarts, pies, pavlovas, meringues, pastries, and sauces.
  • You can get all nostalgic with old-fashioned cobblers, crisps, and crumbles.
  • You can also go simple yet chic with desserts like galettes and crostatas, berries in wine, berries and cream, or berries with balsamic reduction.

If you’d like to participate, then kindly follow these steps:
  1. Post a dessert recipe featuring berries on your blog any time between today, July 13th and Sunday, August 3rd. (Please no back dating or late entries.)
  2. Please include a link to this announcement and to Jennifer at the Domestic Goddess, the creator of SHF.
  3. Please attach a resized 200 pixel image with your blog name as your picture file name.
  4. Email the following information to foodblogga [at] yahoo [dot] com, and mention SHF Berries in the subject line.
  • Your preferred name
  • Blog name
  • Post URL
  • Recipe name
No blog? No problem. Just email your preferred name, location, name of the recipe, and a 200 pixel image to foodblogga [at] yahoo [dot] com, and mention SHF Berries in the subject line.

I will let you know when I receive your entry, so if you don't hear from me in more than a couple of days, feel free to drop me a line.

I have resized two different logos for you. Including a logo is optional but always appreciated.

Here are some berry recipes I've posted, and I've got a few more in the works:

Fresh Blackberry, Oatmeal, and Cashew Cake

Mini Custards with Limoncello-Spiked Raspberry Sauce

Strawberry-Rhubarb Sponge Pudding

Ginger-y Cranberry Walnut Scones (Heart Healthy & Low Fat!)

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Anonymous said...

Yay.. Berries!!
Just found Tayberries in the market last week. Hmm, let me try to think of sumethin'. :-)

glamah16 said...

Cant wait to see the roundup with all the varieties of berries.

Manggy said...

Gulp! I hope I have enough money to buy berries with! Hahaha! :)

Judy said...

Oh, good! I've been waiting to see what the theme would be. Also glad to see that you are the hostess this month.

Unknown said...

lemme see what i can whip up :)

Deeba PAB said...

We're almost running outta cherries now Susan...lemme see what I can lay my hand on. BTW, is a plum a berry ?(just a thought!!)

Ivy said...

Strawberries are out of season and can't get any of the other mentioned. Are cherries considered berries?

Anonymous said...

Excellent choice, I was already planning to use berries for one of my birthday cakes :)

Mike of Mike's Table said...

I know just what I'll submit for this one. Can't wait to see what everyone else has in mind!

aforkfulofspaghetti said...

Olallieberries? New to me...

Off to look them up!

Lisa Johnson said...

I have four containers of berries in the house right now! The sales are wonderful. I'll do my best to participate in this event! ; )

Annie said...

Sounds "bery" tempting! I get working on it.

cindy said...

o.k.! i have to do this! i have many books just berries! i can't wait for the first ripe blackberry here...they will be ready soon! (i know, all y'all already have ripe ones) :D

Lisa Turner said...

This sounds like a fun challenge. I will try to submit something.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Berries! Can't wait to see everybody's entries. I may not be able to participate though:(

Susan from Food Blogga said...

zen-You found tayberries? Cool! Hope you think of something. :)

coco-Me too!

mark-I hope so too.:)


rita-I'm sure it will be delicious.

deeba-No, it's not, sorry. But check out Wikipedia for some fruits that you wouldn't think are berries! If you're really stuck, I think I can make an exception. :)

ivy-Not really, but if that's all you can find, I'll make an exception. :)


mike-I can't wait to see too!

forkful-They're fantastic!

anali-I hope you do!

annie-Looking forward to it!

cinderelly-Oh, terrific!

lisa-Sounds good to me.

farida-If you can, great, if not, no worries.

Elle said...

You are a star! I love SHF and will surely be making things with berries now that blackberries are plentiful. Yum!

Helene said...

Wonderful theme! I won't miss this one for sure! You are going to be a great hostess!

David Hall said...

Susan, that blackberry, oat and cashew cake, droooolll!!! I'll try and get my finger out and submit soon.


Anonymous said...

Susan, I love the theme as it most likely will produce fantastic food, but an assortment of interesting berries. Thanks for being the hostess!

Patricia Scarpin said...

Susan, great choice!

NĂºria said...

It's amazing how many berries you have in the States! I could only mention 3 or 4 that I normally see in the market... but, I like the idea, I'm in with Strawberries :D

Anonymous said...

Impossible to go wrong with sugars on Fridays!!! I will do my berry best to participate. ;)

xoxox Amy

Anonymous said...

Strawberries are the mostest! ;)

Cris said...

It's strawberry season here too!!! Can't wait to see what everyone will come up with!

LyB said...

So many berries to choose from, so many possibilities! This is going to be fun! :)

Prudy said...

Yeah! I'm plotting my berry recipe already!

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

Great idea. What a nice picture.

Mansi said...

a great theme Susan! I guess one more berry treat is left for me this season:)

Johanna GGG said...

I really love berries but I don't know if I will manage to participate because I think of berries and summer as being hand in hand - but will think about if there are baked desserts I might do with some frozen berries

Susan from Food Blogga said...

elle-Really? Thanks. :)

tartelette-Oh, thanks, I appreciate that.

david-Look forward to it!

kim-It's my pleasure.


nuria-Strawberries are oldies but goodies. ;)



cris-Me too!

lyb-I'm excited about it.

prudy-I'm already curious. :)


mansi-Oh, good.

johanna-Oh, sure, frozen would be fine too.

adli said...

hope I can make it :)

kellypea said...

Okay, back from vacation, and back to work! I have the PERFECT recipe for this. Can't wait! And maybe, just maybe, I'll actually get it done before the last minute, too. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi susan, i just submitted something to Sugar High Friday on my blog. :-)
I will send you an e-mail too.

Unknown said...

happy berrylicous, everyone! i don't know if i can find fresh berries with reasonable price down here.

Jeanne said...

Mmmm, another excuse to cook with berries (after the berried treasures WTSIM in June ) - hurrah!! I'll be sure to submit something Susan :)

Marianna said...

yay, berries! I'll submit sthing for this SHF if I can make it before the deadline!!

Elizabeth said...

This will be my first time participating in SHF, but I'll be baking something either tonight or tomorrow!

Sunshinemom said...

Nice theme! I made a semifredo using strawberry juice. Here's the link

Pls. let me know whether it qualifies!

Sihan said...

I've submitted mine! A Double Berry Whammy Bread and Butter Pudding. *phew*.. made the deadline. hope that you got it!

Anonymous said...

Almost done with my entry! I hope I make it in time. :)