"Oh what a night!"
...that was my day. I rarely vent or complain publically but this is my place, sort of my diary... Today I was told my best friend is no longer able to speak, she is nearly non-responsive and her days are very few. She has suffered so much as well as those who love her. As if my life wasn't changed already, it really is changed now. I realized that day before yesterday was the last time I would talk to her and if I had known that would I have said other things? I wasn't sure she really understood everything I said but she knew it was me and didn't want me to get off the phone when I tried. She said very little. The last thing I said to her & she to me was I love you, so that is comforting. Today they put her on a morphine pump. I already miss her and she isn't really gone. I'm sick right now too, a horrible sore throat, body aches, so the news & realization that I can't talk to her anymore just added to my ailments, my chest literally hurt and I would find tears falling off my cheeks when I didn't realize I was crying. Unless we were on vacation or out of the country there has hardly been a day without either being with her or talking to her in 30 years. She is a sister to me, one of the longest relationships of my life and I can't imagine it without her right now. So instead of yarn, I consoled myself with paint and paper. Painting one after another. Then pictures, scanning... blogging. I'm still going but I'm ready to crash.
... I've had this drawn out for some time. He looks like my little Bubbie. I kept the piece at the front of the pile, often picking it up, then putting it down. (I say front of the pile because it was a stack, then the stack fell over and now they are all in a row like a library drawer- yes I have work to do!) Feeling afraid to "ruin" it because I liked the drawing & planned to paint on white, using a built up of lots of thin layers, which is something a little new for me. This is the first layer.
At one of my Swell Sister meetings a Sister brought in postcards to share. I had to have this one! I put a magnet on the back and placed it on the frig!
A little history... (to validate my qualifications to attest to the fact that males can't find anything)...I grew up with 2 brothers, a dad who can't have anything organized & no you can't touch his piles of things, I had more guy friends than I did girlfriends (I was a tom-boy, which leads me to ponder my art...another time), raised 2 sons, married a man that had 2 fathers, & 6 brothers in total... Well today while watching my grandson I noticed the first signs of the male's inability to find something! He was playing with a spoon, put it down in front of himself, then started looking all over for it. I laughed to myself, it actually does start younger than I thought! Just the other day I tweeted about this when my son couldn't find something and ElisaAlvarado a wonderful artist I met on Twitter said that she thinks it's genetic & that ovaries are location devises. I'm still laughing about that. C'mon guys no offense but you know it's true. haha
I had so much fun today! My Doodle Bug is just a joy. I think he'll be walking before his 1st birthday next month. He lets go of tables or whatever he is holding on to & stands on his own for quite a while & has honed his navigation skills in his scooter/spaceship walker. We had fun watching the Gummy Bear video on youtube, dancing & it was so hot today we went swimming in the kitchen sink! He loves spoons. Maybe he's gonna be a chef? Hopefully I can see him again this weekend.
Gallery Exhibits:
Currently at Hoyt Gallery, USC Los Angeles, CA
Heart & Soul Gallery, Cameron Park, CA
The Empress, Placerville, CA
Twitter Art Exhibit - New York City, March 2016, Moss, Norway 2015 - Annual exhibit, Location varies, 2011 to present.
City of Fremont Olive Hyde Gallery, Fremont CA Oct 2010
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 2010
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA May - July 2010
Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, CA May 2010
Tangent Gallery, Sacramento, CA March 2010
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA March 2010
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 09
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA June 09
Cafe Refugio, Sacramento, CA Feb 09
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 08
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA Nov 08
Tangent Gallery, Sacramento, CA Nov 08