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Showing posts with label Madrona winery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Madrona winery. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Brainstorm or Storm in Brain?!

Wow it's been almost a week since I've blogged! Time is flying by so quickly! I've been busy painting, loving on my kids and dealing with horrible headaches the last few days.

I've painted a totally of 2 ACEOs in the past for a Swell Sister trade and so I decided to do some more to possibly sell. Well it's hard for me to hold the little card in hand and paint so I thought I had a brainstorm. I traced the card onto canvas paper 6 times, painted them and then cut them out. The dilemma is that I can't color within the lines! I cut them a little larger for framing but I think they look a little messy. I then decided I'd put the card over the painting and paint black around it. Well that didn't work out well either. So I will end up cutting them out exactly to the ACEO size with no border. I don't collect these and really don't know what people do with them but I do know people seem to buy & love these little paintings. Here are a couple...
I liked the yellow so much I decided to do a yellow on wood and started one on a large canvas too. Since my brainstorm didn't work out as well as I thought it would (I did have a headache) I will have to go back to holding the little card in hand or attaching it to paper or canvas so I can paint them. I will be listing for sale the following paintings on 5 x 5 recycled wood tomorrow. Haven't decided on Etsy or

Ebay. These are different than my normal Aura Angels. I decided to challenge myself, have a little fun and use no more than 3 colors in each not counting black & white instead of every color in the rainbow.
I also finally finished the funky little farm paintings for my adorable little JJ's room. I still have to do a horse of course!

I have also been doing more work on my gallery pieces for the December show and started painting a fun winery painting. It's not finished but I'll share a picture anyway. This painting reminds me of a wonderful Port Release Party at Madrona Winery in Apple Hill a few years ago. The weather was beautiful and the tables were elegantly set up in the middle of the vineyard around a big oak tree. The port that we bought had that oak tree done in 23 carat gold on the bottle. The food was fabulous and wine was flowing all night long. They had a great band and we met a lot of really fun people. It was a little uncomfortable at first sitting with people you don't know but after a bottle or 2 they were like best friends! hahaha A couple actually followed us home and we drank even more wine sitting on the patio listening to music until the wee hours of the morning. The next day wasn't as much fun that's all I'm saying.

**Update Wednesday...Paintings now listed on Ebay