Showing posts with label Sewing and Other Crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sewing and Other Crafts. Show all posts

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Little Friends

Over the summer I've had great fun making tiny dolls inspired by Milly Molly Mandy stories and Miss Read's 'Village School' books.

Each little doll is 15cm (6in) tall. 
They are all dressed as 1950s children and wear cotton frocks with full skirts, cardigans, sandals and short white socks.

The little friends love to skip and each little girl holds her own skipping rope. 
Summer will soon be over and it will be time for school again but for now they happily spend their days skipping around their village.
These four little friends can be found in my Jollymakes Etsy shop.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Still smiling!

I've been busy again this week with my happy theme. See what you think.

First I made some Happy Knitter brooches

I thought the knitters needed a few friends so I made some Happy Quilter brooches to keep them company. Their little patchwork quilts are made from tiny scraps of Liberty Tana Lawn trimmed with vintage pearl buttons.

Finally I decided children needed something cute and smiley to cuddle so I made these tiny jolly dollies. Each one has a pretty tote to sleep in.

 I've now listed some of my happy characters in my Etsy shop. I've renamed the shop 'Jollymakes' which I hope better describes the shop's contents.

Monday, 24 March 2014

More smiley makes

Greetings friends. I've just popped in to show you some of the happy little characters I've been making over the past week.

Little brooches

A happy flower on a patchwork pouch

And finally - four little pin-keeping dollies who take care of the beaded pins in four little pin cushions.

More smiles to follow!
Eli x

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Happy stuff

TV news bulletins showing an endless stream of man's inhumanity to man and popular TV programmes showing even more murder and mayhem make me feel quite downhearted. I often feel the need to escape to a happier place and what better place to escape to than into the pages of a children's story book.

Let me show you a couple of books I've recently acquired. 'Aunt Amelia' by Rebecca Cobb is about two little cuties who worried about a strict auntie coming to stay with them. But she turned out to be a very unconventional auntie as you can see.

Together they did lots of fun things.

They painted pictures.

Ate scrumptious meals.

And found a cosy spot to watch TV.

A really happy tale for little ones. Full of fun and mischief and beautifully illustrated.

And here's another one of my current favourites.

'Not Me' by Nicola Killen is about five cute kiddies who create lots of mess around the house. The illustrations are colourful and uncomplicated and clever paint effects depict the 'mess' created. I love it!

And of course by now you'll know I'm a big fan of Mabel Lucie Attwell books where carefree children live in a safe, happy world.

I've been doing a spot of sewing this week and the 'happy' theme has continued. The grey weather here in the Lake District resulted in me choosing brightly coloured Kaffe Fassett prints for my happy purses. Each one has it's own smiley dolly stitched to the front.

They were such fun to create I couldn't stop myself making some larger ones using pink flowery prints that I trimmed with vintage lace.

The smiley purses will eventually go into my Etsy 'Flutterby Stitch' shop which I'm ashamed to say has currently got empty shelves. I've moved the PDF sewing patterns for Ragtaggle Rabbits and Little Counting Dolls into Dollytime (my other Etsy shop). These sewing patterns are now for sale alongside my knitting patterns.

Meanwhile, my Flutterby Stitch shop will remain empty until I've produced a few more items. I'll continue to concentrate on 'happy stuff' and next on my list of makes will be happy brooches. . . . . . Watch this space!

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Garden days and needle cases

Today is one of those golden September days that make you want to amble round your garden to take a last look at the fading summer blooms. So why, you might wonder, am I showing you a picture of a festive cutie that is snugly wrapped for winter? All will be revealed later!

First I'll take you into the garden and onto our terrace where growth has been prolific during the recent rainy spell. Weeds manage to spring up from all the cracks and crevices on the paving and keeping them in check is a never ending job. However, there seems little point attacking them now as they are nearing the end of their growing season so those that remain will stay there until next spring.

If we turn and look the other way we'll see my little stone rabbits. They can often be found wearing hairy coats of green moss but they were brushed down recently and today are looking quite presentable. They stand on the corner of an old stone wall that edges the terrace.

And here they are on their corner. The gap between each of the stone provides a home for tiny ferns and ivy-leaved toadflax that seeds itself everywhere and is awash with pretty mauve flowers throughout the summer. Now let me show you what is happening to this lovely wall !!!!!!!

Hubby is knocking it down!!

And what a dreadful mess it looks. But fear not, there is method in this madness. We are soon having a window in our breakfast room replaced by a patio door which will look out onto this stone wall. The wall is very pretty and colourful in summer but can be depressingly grey throughout the winter. And so the length of wall in front of the window is being removed and we will be able to look into a small area of garden which will be a nice place to sit once the jungle has been cleared. A low wall will be built on the far side to prevent people falling into the garden below which wouldn't be a fun thing to do. If we walk towards the tree you will see what I mean. . . . . . . . take care crossing the lumps of rock.

Here we are beside the tree and as you can see the garden is many feet below us so a tumble would not be advisable. I'll invite you back once the project is complete but it might take a while!

But that's enough about stone walls and gardens, let's get back to the stitching I've been doing recently. In the last post I showed you three little needles cases with dollies on the front that I'd put in my Etsy shop. When two of the girls were chosen to go and live and Australia I suddenly felt very sorry for the little one that remained as she had no one to chat to!! Being rather soft-hearted where dollies are concerned I knew I'd have to provide her with a few friends and so here they are.

I used linen and a pretty Liberty lawn for the needle case on the left and pink and white candy stripe and blue cotton strewn with summer daisies for the one on the right.

Knowing these little girls would definitely not want to be hidden away in a drawer or cupboard when not in use I have given each needle case a tiny handle which means it can be hung on a hook or knob so that each little girl can smile at anyone passing by.

I'll finish with the little girl in festive colours that I showed you at the start of this post. I hate thinking about Christmas at this time of year but the weeks are quickly slipping by and anyone keeping an eye open for a small, easy to pack gift in festive reds and greens might be wanting a needle case. To add extra sparkle I've attached to the hat a tiny silver charm in the shape of a holly leaf. The needle cases can be found in my Etsy Flutterby Stitch shop.

Today is Saturday and the weather is lovely but it is due to take a turn for the worse overnight and tomorrow we are promised gales and torrential rain. . . . As we live in a wood a tree will probably fall on the power line (again) and we shall have a power cut. On the positive side this would mean I could get on with my new knitted dolly as the sewing machine won't be working!!!

I hope you are all enjoying your weekends
Eli x

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Keep smiling

I couldn't resist buying this new book when I spotted it recently. All the postcards that Mabel Lucie Attwell created during the two world wars are illustrated inside. What a prolific artist she was.

The little knitting girl below appeared on a card in 1916 and is very typical of MLA's early work.

The knitting girls below are from the early 1940s and by then the style had changed considerably.

As Mabel Lucie Attwell grew older her daughter painted the illustrations for all the books. The two annuals below are typical of her work and date from the early 1970s. Just look at those tots dressed in 70s flowery shirt, tank top and flares! Happy days!!

Whether painted by Mabel Lucie or her daughter the sweet faces of the little children have always been favourites of mine.

I took a break from knitting this week and designed three little needle cases. On the front of each I appliqued a little girl with rosie cheeks and smiling face. No prizes for guessing where my inspiration came from.

If you'd like to take a closer look you'll find these needle cases in my Etsy sewing shop 'Flutterby Stitch'.

Thanks for popping by.
Eli x

Sunday, 26 May 2013

New Doll Pattern

Seven little counting dolls
Climbed on a wooden gate

Another came to climb with them
So climbing dolls were eight

I've recently been having enormous fun making these little rascals and writing their pattern for my Etsy shop. I was originally only going to make two or three but the family quickly grew. They are such amusing little characters that I was unable to get off the dolly-go-round and eventually came to halt when I'd completed ten.

I've called them 'Little Counting Dolls' and each dolly is numbered so I'm hoping they could become fun learning toys for young children.

There is Velcro (hook and loop) tape on the hands which enables them to link together and create cute dolly bunting.

One little rascal decided she'd stick herself to a birthday card.

As the dolly making continued I found I had a little verse popping into my head and I knew I'd have to illustrate it. It starts with . . . . . 

One lonely counting doll
Wondered what to do

 . . . . . . . .   And so in storybook fashion the doll numbers increase one by one.

There are sailing dolls

Driving dolls

 . . . . . . . . and eventually we arrive at . . . . . . . 

Ten doodling dolls

Don't you just love those dolly doodlers! I'm rather sorry to have completed this little project as it's given me enormous fun. If you'd like to have a smiley time making these little dolls for youngsters you will find the pattern for the 'Little Counting Dolls' in my Etsy Flutterby Stitch shop. And guess what . . . . The pattern also includes the little verse which is fully illustrated.

I hope you are all having an enjoyable weekend

Sunday, 12 May 2013

More Bunnies

A number of nice people have recently asked if I ever list sewing patterns alongside my knitting patterns. So far I haven't, but this week I decided to create some cuddly bunnies and the sewing pattern for them is now in my Flutterby Stitch shop as an instant PDF download.


These colourful little rascals are all made from the same pattern and they are great for using up all those fabric odds and ends we all hoard. They make ideal soft toys for very young children and wouldn't mind the occasional wash if too many kisses and cuddles have made them a bit scruffy.

VIOLET is the little girl on the far left and is made from soft flannel and printed cotton.
RAINBOW is made from multi coloured cotton and could help young children with colour recognition.
LOVELY ROSE stands proudly in the middle. For the millions of little girls who want everything to be pink I had to make a perfectly pink rabbit and she's very proud of her pinkness as you can see.
LINDEN is a cute little fellow made from natural linen and printed cotton. I hope he will appeal to little boys.
PETAL is the little girl on the far right and it looks like she will be the one keeping house for the other four.

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.
Until next time x

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

More stitching

Just popping in to say a big thank you for the nice comments you left last time and also for visiting my new Etsy shop. My shop shelves were a little empty by yesterday morning so I've been busy again.

Here are two more pencil cases with applique and a profusion of freestyle machine embroidery. These designs were great fun to create. I'm a constant doodler with pencil and paper and this type of embroidery is very like doodling with stitches which is why I love it.

My 'work-space' is littered with doodles like the ones below. Little dollies with happy smiling faces are scattered on all available surfaces. Yesterday I looked through  hundreds of pages of 'scribble' and reintroduced myself to some of the little characters that had popped off my pencil over the years. When I came across this little cutie I knew she'd be just right for one of my freestyle garden scenes. 

Most sensible people would plan what they were going to do before they started stitching but I tend to launch myself into a project and wait for something to appear. The stitched outline came first of course. Next I had to choose the fabric for the little wristlet bag I planned to make. My Moda jelly roll 'Tropicana Batik'  contains sumptuous colours which I knew would be perfect  for the flowers and butterflies. So out came the dyes and paints and the little scene was tinted in colours to match the fabric.

When fully dry it was time to make the bag. The jewel-like shades of the batik combine really well together and are always a joy to use. 

This is the back of the bag.

So now with a little more stock in my Flutterby Stitch shop I have some clearing up to do before I begin another project. I have a few ideas but I'd better leave that until next time.

As always, thank you for popping in.