Showing posts with label Dynamic Dimension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dynamic Dimension. Show all posts

Friday, March 2, 2012

Dynamic Dimension Take3

Happy Friday!  Dawn is up for today's Dynamic Dimension card.  Take a peek at this adorable 'Get Well' card....

I LOVE the matching envelope.  Such a wonderful touch.  Here's a look at the inside....

So CUTE!  Who wouldn't love this card!  It's just ADORABLE!  

Hope you have a great day!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dynamic Dimenstion Take2

Back with another beautiful creation from Cibele.  Take a peek at her ADORABLE card for the Dynamic Dimension challenge.....

Love this one.  Here's a view from the inside......
I love the 'pop-up' inside.  This is one of my favorite kits for that reason.  What an adorable birthday card.  :-) 

I love that she added a touch of Ultra Fine Sage for grass.  Such a beautiful touch.

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a good one!


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dynamic Dimension - FSC46

We are back with another Flower Soft challenge.  :-)  This weeks challenge - Dynamic Dimension!  We are taking our Mabel Lucie Attwell kits and showing the stunning dimension that can be created with each one.

Today's sample comes to you from the talented Lisa.  Take a peek...

Dynamic Dimension MLA3D 2-27-12
How beautiful is that!  This is one of my favorite images.  I LOVE the versatility of the little girls with the umbrella.  This is such a fun card with so many different functions.

Be sure and check out the rest of the team to see what they came up and if you get the chance to play be sure and link your projects here.  We would LOVE to send you a little goodie for participating!  {If you are uploading to SCS, please use the keywrod FSC46}

Post you soon!