Showing posts with label moi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moi. Show all posts

Sunday, September 02, 2007

More pressies! + Weekend....finally

Had dinner with my posses on Friday. We had a great time chatting away into the night. Can't believe its been a month already! Where does the time go, really? Yeah, I've also survived a month's worth of school by now. While looking at the units to be done, I'm actually having a good time this sem. The next one seems like hell - Biz Stats & Law?! Pray Mar 08 never comes. LOL My group people wanted a part of the project done by Friday so I had to stay up Thursday night to finish it. Its been a while since I'm up all night so I was really cranky the next day. I downed thick coffee all day to keep alive, since I was supposed to keep the dinner date that night too. I managed to get through it. *phew!* The project's tough, marketing, something I haven't really dabbled in before. I've always been more in the accounting and finance part of commerce. Marketing's killing me. Tsk.

Dinner at Ichiban Boshi at the Esplanade was fab. It was worth navigating through the impossible crowd at City Hall subway station & the City Link Mall. To my foreign friends, don't visit the city shopping areas Friday night, its pure hell. I was hardly walking. In fact, it kinda felt like India. No offence to anyone. Anyways, we had thickly sliced sashimi + sushi with the sunset behind. Its been a while since I've been to a good dinner place. I haven't bothered with aesthetics when I'm here coz the environment is so crummy, why bother? LOL It was all sunsets and dinnerwares in Sydney though.... I miss having coffee after dinner by the Darling Harbour. I guess I started really missing Sydney coz we headed to Max Brenner's after dinner. The Venezuela liquid choco was crazy thick but soooooooooo good. I needed that.

Yaaaay! More early pressies! Annie surprised us with gifts! Angela got her's late though. Awww....thanks for the great stuff! Those stationery are going to be so much help. I'm a klutz when it comes to organizing sometimes. It usually gets too organized & I eventually can't find my stuff or waaaaay messy, like my room right now. I've given up, mostly, coz I find it super tough to keep to a system, or at least a really rigid one. To think that I'm a virgoan! Jez, I'm a disgrace!

That box you see in the right corner is actually this! It popped out and it was squishy squishy! I'm not a fan of disney but this cube is super fun to squeeze! LOL It took me a while to realise the hole in the middle, its for my mobile phone. :P Anyways, it sits on my bed now coz I like to call DH in the middle of the night, not a la JD Salinger (Franny & Zoey, "I love you, I love you!" :P) but when I have a nightmare and I'm all alone in the room. It sounds stupid but I hate sleeping alone coz its kinda freaky. Blame all my friends who made me watch scary movies when I was younger. The spookyness spooked me, for life, dudes!

The cute blue flowers Annie used for the wrapping ended up as deco in my mushroom pot! It fits great and doesn't it add a little something extra? :+) ps, I'm in a Mushie swap!

Saturday. Busy Busy Busy! More wallets, more MiniZs on the way.... The whole morning and afternoon was cutting and cutting up fabrics for more purses! Sanrio ones was a good portion and some others! Including new and super cute ones too! Lookout people!
Yikes, I got yelled at by someone who said if I didn't stop creating cute stuff, she'll go broke! LOL Mum helped a great deal with the sewing in the evening. I think I won't get to make more stuff if I didn't have her help! She's awesome at sewing, more so than me so never worry about quality. ;+) More wallets coming, super soon! Check out the dragon fruit there! Mum bought them from Tampines and they are really juicy and yummy especially when they are cold! They are truly a bunch of weird looking but delicious fruit!

The new Ikea catalogue came. *gasp* I'm a great fan and I practically live on the scent of the new Ikea catalogues. I spent a ridiculous amount of time going through the year's catalogue throughout the year. Its literally my bible. I'm spending my weekend with this. DND!

I know, I know. Loads of mushie fans out there. I created this a couple of days back when I needed to make something. This super cute hippie retro fabric makes my heart race. LOL Flowers, strawberries, clovers, mushrooms. How can you ever say no?

Up on etsy. ;+) And its a one-of-a-kind.

p/s: Paypal's been naughty, again. They removed the "print packing slip" link for the transactions and its driving me nuts. Recent orders from Friday haven't been mailed yet. I've emailed them but nothing changed yet. I'm calling them Monday if the link isn't back yet. I need that to mail stuff to you guys! tsk.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Who needs a manicure when you can craft?

ETSY never looked better! They have free stuff! Ok, I'm a bit S-L-O-W but seriously, I'm only one person so sometimes it does take time to find out these things. :P I was actually snooping around for stuff to put on my spartan blog so I wanted something from etsy, hence the great find! I'm gonna print out these super-duper cute postcards and pop them in with my orders! How great are the etsy admins for putting these free stuff up? Who's got button makers? Make me some of those etsy buttons! Hell, make a hundred and tell a whole bunch of peeps how cool etsy is! I can find everything, almost everything on etsy and I'm not even gonna name anything coz I'll be in so much trouble for missing some good stuff somewhere! LOL I have to watch how much I'm surfing etsy for fear of emptying my pockets! ... *gasp!*

Bummer News! ----- I heard that some poor sellers on etsy are being convo-ed nasty messages like how crappy their stuff is or how expensive their things are. Thats NOT cool so please don't do that to those poor sellers. These people must all be given a fair chance and respect for what they have produced. It may not be your cup of tea but please keep those comments to yourself! I know how those comments can feel and it can really hurt. We don't wanna cause any suicides, now do we? So be nice.

Grocery day Sunday. I woke a bit late coz I had terrible dizzy spells Saturday night. Then realised I had a mountain of stuff to do. Bazillion purses to make, erasers to carve, mini patchwork quilts to finish, plushes to make for peeps,.... Anyways, I took a bit of time to sand off the ugly corners of some wood monograms I picked up on Saturday. *pifft!* All that sand dust wasn't fun though the sanding part was. I'm glad my fingernails are short or there it goes. Who needs a manicure when you can craft? It was grocery shopping after and lugging them home. I'm so glad Dad bought the car. I feel shiawase to be in a private car again. Public transport is forever a nightmare for an agoraphobic.

Edit: MOO Stickers! They ship free for month of July ONLY! Get in quick. I've got my 2 packs and I've done some notecards from them too! Can't wait to see them! Those MOO minicards really are addictive.... :P Check out the MOO Flickr group.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Less talk, more pics - Weekend + Boxy Pursuits

God, its Tuesday already. Where has the time gone? I spent Saturday edging people around at Tampines Ikea. That place is like a huge warehouse but its still crowded. What gives? But I'm a big fan of Ikea anyways. I finally got around to buying shelving for my room and loads of odds and ends can finally get off the floor. Maybe the mess was giving me nightmares. Its still a tad messy but there's room to walk now. I'm starting to wonder why would I need so much physical possessions? On the upnote, I've packed up my wardrobe and gave away some stuff to the salvos, but I've retained quite a pile for fabric and recycled crafting. Wait, did I just come up with that word? Whatever.

Sunday was hell. I was up early and was working all day. Dad was a great help. He drilled in my new curtain rod. The old one barely covered 3/4. Yeah, I was living in shame all along. LOL. And he did my shelves and wall hooks. They all had a vintage look to it which was what I was looking for. I'll put up a picture of the wall hooks later on. ;+) Then it was shifting time. I had a new space beside my bed for the black drawer chest. DH bought me that vintage bird cage I was looking for so that goes up there. I'm planning to have pictures on the wall. That'll come later again.

I spent Monday doing a bit of sewing. A whole pile of purses was laying around for days. I got a little bored as usual so I did experimentation on 2 of them. I gave them bases, one of them had a squarish base, the other was flat, but with some puff on the sides. There they are. Mum thinks they look classier. Or maybe she was getting tired of my flat Minis. I personally prefer the flat ones, or at most the puffed up sides. Somehow the boxed sides' kinda generic, non?

Finally, boxy pursuits Tuesday. I started figuring out this design on Monday since I got an order from a Flickr friend. I love boxy purses but I've been too lazy to actually figure this out coz I've had one too many failed attempts. Somehow I couldn't get my head around it. I wanted the inside to be as well sewn in as the outside. It proved impossible without hand sewing, taping of the exposed seams or simply leaving it exposed. :P It's technically only 2 days but I spent all my time thinking about it, in the shower, during my evening walk, during my sleep. Its that feverish! I tried and re-tried until the seams could take no more on my prototypes. I was plain annoyed and angry. I think I had migraines last night. Can't remember now! Anyways, I woke bright an early Tuesday (today) to give it a go again. This time I got it. And I made several versions for the prototype viewing. I'm happy to say my client is pleased! *whew!* The green/blue circles came from an old vintage tank dress, I made the ladybug one for my pen case and the country mint stripes with red flowers for my mum coz I know she'd want one when she saw it!

I also made this cute box/dice shaped one for fun. Its really tiny, 2.5" square with a cute yellow big gingham inside. Yaaaay for boxy purses!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Still a little lost, but a little found

I was sifting through my Sydney photos and I remembered asking DH to snap this at Military road. It was kinda sad to see it. I'm not too happy about being back here yet so this brings back the tears of having to leave. I've come to appreciate the quirks and cracks so leaving wasn't easy. Plus I won't get to see DH til the end of the year. I hope the poor child finds the teddy.
SHOP is now open! Its time to concentrate on my shop. I literally sewed up a storm today. I spent hours on stacks of Mini Zippereds for the coming launches. I won't say too much about it yet but there will be a sequel to the Private Reserves, restocks of favourites and a whole new bunch of great minis coming along too! Making them brings loads of joy and time seem to fly by so perhaps the pain of missing the life back in Sydney might go away soon too. The minis will trickle into the shop in the coming days so peek in if you're after something you don't see yet.
Today I managed to make a list of everyone who's shopped with me since my shop opened last year so that was quite a feat too! I swear my eyes felt like popping and my arms were falling out. But it'll make everything easier from now I hope. I rewarded myself with a warm mug of mushroom cheese soup. It cures most unpleasantries! Now I'd only need a hammock and a summer breeze...
Tomorrow I'm braving the crowds to go shop around a bit. Its rather terrifying how fast the population's growing here. Being agoraphobic isn't easy. How's everyone else's summer anyways?

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Locked out

I'm not in the best of moods now. DH has just gone back home to meet the locksmith who supposedly's going to unlock the menace. The only time, only time I hadn't reminded him of "did you bring the keys" before the heavy fire-maindoor slammed and the silly DH forgot the keys. They were hanging at the noticeboard just beside his wallet and the door.

We were in a bit of a hurry this morning. Lindfield Craft Market. 3 words I won't be forgetting for a while. I grit my teeth as I write this. We woke early to catch the best, which was what we usually do for markets. Insert famous catchphrase here ("early bird catches the worm" ring a bell?) We went there bright and early, all dressed up, me in my layers - black skinny denim pants, red summer dot dress over and a blue denim jacket plus my swanky new Paul Frank wellies. I thought I'd commit the cardinal sin of wearing denim with denim; something I'd never do, but I figure the dress bought me a whole panel of seperation between the jacket and pants. Oh well. Arriving at Lindfield, DH assured me he'd checked the map and had it in his head, he even did a demeandering action of poking his temples. Men....*eye roll*

He lead the way, all over Lindfield but no market in sight. It was a quiet saturday morning with just a handful of people walking their dogs or off somewhere. It was horrible to be walking up and down hill all over the suburb, with no breakfast. My ankles and back were aching before we decided to give the whole thing up. No market, no breakfast and no hope. The only postitive thing worth mentioning was we got a walking tour of Lindfield and DH bothered to ask the people around if there was going to be a market today. The North Side Courier lied. They usually don't. In fact, the listing for this particular market didn't come with a calling number. The rest did. I guess I should've been more suspicious.

Dragging our tired cabosses, we arrived at Chatswood, inbetween our place and St Leonards and Lindfield, its a shopping town of food and salvation. Barely 2 bites into my breakfast of a 6-inch sub, DH asked if I had the key. Then all hells broke loose. The rest writes itself.

So here I am now, with my credit card abducted by DH ("I'll pay you later" he said), the only solace is to sit at this Everywhere Internet terminal furiously typing away. And yes, I've discovered that the the Everywhere Internet in the city demands a different account then the one here. Why the hell would they call this Everywhere Internet when its obviously isn't everywhere?!

I'm inclined to blame everyone, myself included for this lousy episode. What have we learnt today, boys and girls? Northside Courier and DH are not to be trusted. In fact, I'll like to add that most services & hell, everything in Sydney is not to be trusted. I must regard everything in suspicion from now on. What a tough life!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Some stuff about me...

I got bored with posting and thought I'd do one that's totally illogical and pointless.
Wait, this list is prolly for me to reminise when my hair's all white and my teeth has fallen out.

Some stuff about me...

My shampoo is squid ink black. My hair was in weird colors through my teens coz school didn't allow us to do any weird stuff at all. Yeah, we were all against the law at some point or other. Now my hair's black, jet black and I intend to keep it that way. Isn't asian beauty coming back?

I work better at night (10-4am). I'm very very cranky in the morning and I refuse to take coffee. Coffee gives me an existence of about 4 hours and after that I am out. I used to take it only in the late afternoon or evening to get through the last hours of the day. Now I work at the comp at night so no need for coffee, the internet's as exciting as a rollercoaster.

I type better and faster than writing. I used to have penpals til I was grossed out by my own handwriting. I have a friend who had the same problem as me when we were in junior high. We were famous. So I now type. No penpals. Good writing, good fonts and easy erase. Best thing since sliced bread.

Grammar mistakes drives me nuts. I spend my waking hours scrounging for them. I swear any such mistakes made on my blog is totally unintentional and its due to lethargy. This place (Singapore) is a gold mine for them. I often tell sales people I refuse to buy their products because they can't articulate. Sue me.

I'm Sensory-Defensive. I get very upset when people unintentionally has sudden contact against my bare skin. All my neuro senses rushes to that area and I can't think of anything else for 5 minutes and I have to slap or scratch the area. And yes, it gets worse when I'm in Singapore. Its like being in India. I can't turn around without knocking into people. I need space.

I like lavender, lilacs, eucalyptus, sandalwood for smells. I don't do vanilla & sweet scents. I'm partial to fruity & woody notions. DH wears Chanel Allure, courtesy of me.

I'm not into kids and the usual family type stuff. I think I had my fill of it since young. And I can't deal with myself & my life, I refuse to bring someone else into this world to share my problem. My friend Aaron says, "Can't solve the problem, share it out". And I've seen waaaay too many parents who can't handle their kids. If, I ever have a kid, the kid will the center of my universe. No offence, but I think I can't handle a career, a family, a husband, parents and myself all in one lifetime. I'm a perfectionist and doing a half ass job on everything isn't me. Somehow I'm also not the marrying kind. I'm still single but DH is almost already DH so its like that for now.

I'm a visual and sensual person. I like lomo photography, art installations, craft, poetry. I visit museums & old places. I feel things, take it in and breathe it out in my own way. I like jazz for relaxation, classical sometimes & chillout for music coz they give me space to think a lot. Sometimes I think too much. Permanent radio station for here is Lush 99.5fm.

My imagination runs very wild. I don't watch anything remotely scary, unless I'm sure DH will be around 24/7, or at least at night. I can't handle things like showering alone after a scary movie. I can't be told things halfway coz I'd imagine the possibilities of the rest and settle on the worse case senario. I was notorious for mystery/supernatural essays in junior high. My teachers still talk about it. They tell me I have to stop when I get to high school so I did. But I still blame Agatha Christie.

I hate white flourescent lamps, bulbs, tubes. Neon ones too.

I like most colors as long as they fit the theme. My room is in black and white only. Somehow I dislike purple a lot and have no idea why.

I read magazines over lattes at cafes. American & Australian Vogue, Harp B (A&A), STYD (Aus), Cotton Friend, Cotton Time, Style (SG), Sometimes architecture magazines, Her World & Elle (SG) too.

I can't stay away from Blue Potato chips & ganache truffles. I like Prestat's handrolled ones. I also like really good mud cakes, krispy kreme, cupcakes & fresh brownies. I'm partial to milk chocos with nuts or fruits in it. I don't do much of dark and I hate white. No liquer chocs. I also like ice-cream from Haagen Daz's, Ben & Jerry's & Andersen's of Denmark. I have to finish the whole bag or tub when I open one. Its bad.

I love fresh raw salmon. I eat a ton of them when we visit the Fish Market in Sydney. Although I won't mind a fresh grilled on in olive oil or Japanese style, with skin and all. I adore a good Sashimi salad, a smoke salmon salad, greek salad with fresh goat's cheese, grilled chiken salad or a caesar's salad if I'm in a rush. I also like squid ink spaghetti with carbonara sauce.

I can cook. I love to use good chunk of beef skirt for a teriyaki & garlic pepper steak. I know its unconventional but its soft, totally juiced up & oh so yummy. I'm a medium rare fan. I paint the surface with thick teriyaki sauce then fry the outside on slightly lower-than-usual fry heat, then simmer it slightly with virgin olive, loads of fresh garlic mashed, fresh grined Tri-color peppercorns & chopped pasley. Try it. The flavor is a total explosion!
Of course I do other usual stir-fries, baked chicken in a myraid of flavors, Japanese dishes like onigiri, noodles & fried spam rice, recipe courtesy of my friend, TC. I bake as well, cakes, cookies, tarts, etc. The only thing I can't make is creme brulee & chocolate.

I'm allergic to tobacco & I can't drink much. Though, I'd love sips of Wolf Blass's Grey label red, or other slightly aged sauvignon. I seldom do whites, though I like dom perignon & vodka lime when I'm dragged out to clubs. Reason for why I don't club - tobacco. DH likes brandy & the grandad port. I much prefer green tea, wheatgrass & lemon or strawberry Pellegrino please.

My life is re-runs of Sex & The City, The Simpsons, House & a ton of other movies. I can't watch the programs here; they are Singlish loaded and wrecks my head. It was better in Sydney though I mostly grew up in American pronunciation. I read chick-lit now, had too much mystery & thrill in my earlier days. I do pick up things like Freakonomics & Affluenza by Oliver James.

I'm spoilt & hate generic wearables. I either try to get interesting designer pieces because they fit better & last or I make my own. I don't like T-shirts that say the designer name in big words on them. Though, I am forced to get basics from Bonds & Muji. I like quirky things & black shirts.

I'm allergic to mohair. I tried to put one on but after putting one arm into the sweater, I had to stop. My arm was red and horrid for a week after. I have to wear natural cottons, baby merino wool or cashmere. I don't do fur much. Its murder and its trouble coz they fall out. I want to shave my head because of the same reason.

I have to sleep on pure egyption cotton.

I choose bookshops & libraries over clothing stores for shopping. They are quieter, or at least people are forced to be quiet. New books and magazines get me excited. New clothes often smell funny. I do shop for my swaps at the usual cute places though. And I like Jason's Marketplace for groceries, Meidiya for Japanese ones & Liberty Market near my place for a quick in and out. Though, I can't visit the grocer's when I'm hungry. It gets disastrous.

I like vintage. I collect dresses from the past. I have 2 leather suitcases from Sydney's vintage shops filled with very old books and a very old leather hatbox from Glebe Markets which I had to fight someone for. I also have an American Tourister round hat case from a lady in the states which I absolutely adore. I like altered vintage jewellery and get them from talented etsyers. Naturally, I own bags and shoes from the past as well. I have a funny tendency to believe things were better in the past. I got over the funny smell from vintage things when I got a really pretty pink nightie from a store in Sydney some years back. It was my first vintage buy. I make it a point to visit markets & vintage stores in sydney when I get back there every year.

I miss my 29th floor apartment at Forum Tower in Sydney. DH still lives there, albeit at 11th. That apartment was the holy grail. We faced the north & the view was virtually unblocked for miles. We could see mountains and rainbows stopped in front of us. It was THE view, not a view. Reminiscing about having a drink on the balcony and soaking up the night skies really hurt.

I get upset when people tell me I'm cute. This translates as childish to me. Isn't it why I couldn't get the important jobs? They just won't believe I can do it if I look cute. But somehow it looks like there's no way in hell I can ever look sophisticated. Just doesn't happen.

I'm partial to french and japanese things coz IMO, they make the most effort at what they're doing, therefore yielding the best results. I learn from them as well.

I'm addicted to fabulous cottons and canvas fabrics from Japan and mangle linens from the west. I empty my pockets for them. Its insane.

Running around for my shop drives me nuts but I still love it. Somehow spending time on my shop really makes time run like hell. Its already April 07 but I don't feel it at all. I might need a marketing manager and secretary soon. Maybe a new studio and 2 seamstresses?

I dream of being an artist with solo shows in museums. I still want to own a massive white washed gallery in a prewar shophouse with a studio at the back. I'm partial to static and performance installations. Though, I won't mind Aleksandr Petrovsky's whole-floor thing in satc. Yum.

I'm also dying to do an installation with sound and touch as the theme.

Webpages I have to visit everynight. My shop, Flickr, Wikipedia, The Superficial, Google. Webpages I frequent. YouTube, Etsy, ebay, LOF, website, movie mistakes & a whole load of other crap.

**Edited 209589473298583 times because I have ADD and perfectionism.

Friday, November 17, 2006

About me

1) Are your parents married or divorced?

2) Are you a vegetarian?

3) Do you believe in Heaven?

4) Have you ever come close to dying?

5) What jewelry do you wear 24/7?

6) Favorite time of day?
3am, when its quiet

7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
yeah, why not

8) Do you wear makeup?
No, when I'm rotting at home. People behind computers don't need makeup in cyberspace.

9) Ever have plastic surgery?
Don't need it, yet.

10) Do you color your hair?
Yes, to keep it black.

11) What do you wear to bed?

12) Have you ever done anything illegal?
Don't tell anyone, but I d/l music, videos & look at porn online.

13) Can you roll your tongue?
Yes. up, down, left, right.

14) Do You Tweeze your eyebrows?
Not much, coz it hurts like hell.

15) What kind of sneakers?
New Balance. They are good for running in. Sometimes, Nike.

16) Do you believe in Abortions?
Only when absolutely necessary.

17) What is your Hair color?

18) Future child's name?
Charles, Charlotte, Cornelius, Chloe

19) Do you snore?
Not anymore

20) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
Japan, for now.

21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Not much

22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Collect the money?

23) Gold or silver?
Silver, or white gold.

24) Hamburger or hot dog?
burger, always the burger.

25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Thats crazy.

26) City, beach or country?

27) What was the last thing you touched?
Computer keys

28) Where did you eat last?
Fish & Co.

29) When's the last time you cried?
Couple of days ago, when my Granddad passed.

30) Do you read blogs?

31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
Why not, its sexy.

32) Ever been involved with the police?
Yeah, think so.

33) What's your favorite shampoo conditioner and soap?
Ink shampoo, glacier mud shower cream

34) Do you talk in your sleep?
Used to.

35) Ocean or pool?

38) Window seat or aisle?
Used to be window, but since I'm getting old, aisle, for easy lavatory excess. :P

39) Ever met anyone famous?
I took the plane with someone famous.

40) Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?
I feel that I've lead a truly lucky life.

41) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
I twirl & bite.

42) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey?
Neither. I like Ellen Degeneres & David Letterman.

43) Basketball or Football?
used to be basketball.

44) How long do your showers last?
15-30mins. More when I have a tub.

45) Automatic or do you drive a stick?
I don't drived. I'm chauffered.

46) Cake or ice cream?
Can I have both?

47) Are you self-conscious?
sometimes, not so much anymore.

48) Have you ever drank so much you threw up?
Couple of times.

49) Have you ever given money to a begger?
Yes, only when they truly need it. Have you seen beggers with luxury cars?

50) Have you been in love?

51) Where do you wish you were?
Japan, with a never-ending wad of cash.

52) Are you wearing socks?
Not right now.

53) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
Not that I know of.

54) Can you tango?

55) Last gift you received?
Swap pack from Lyndsie in Canada & a card from someone.

56) Last sport you played?

57) Things you spend a lot of money on?
Fabrics & Zakka @ Daiso.

58) Where do you live?
Middle of Singapore. Used to be Sydney's northshore.

59) Where were you born?
Toa Payoh hospital

60) Last wedding attended?
Grace Lim's @ Furama Waterfront.

63) Most hated food(s)?
Fried Onions

64) What's your least fav.?
As above. & those weird bugs in Vietnam & dogs in china.

65) Can you sing?
Yes. But I don't do Karaoke.

66) Last person you instant messaged?
Grace's Cousin in law, Eric.

67) Last place you went on holiday?

68) Favorite regular drink?
100 Plus, Oolong Tea, Green Tea.

69) Tag 3 friends
Not necessary. You're free to repost this on your blog, website, anything. :+)

70) Current Song?
Christian Bautista - The way you look at me.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

First Post

Hi all,

I wanted a nice place to post a bit of my write up of my creations and some random ramblings. Took me a while to find a decent looking blog without all that complicated computer-lang tags. Bye bye LJ (livejournal) and Friendster. :P

Anyways, you know where to find me now.

SG people, Auctions

To End Mass Production

To Curb World Hunger

Love lots,

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