Showing posts with label Fan Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fan Art. Show all posts

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

It Ain't Easy Being On The Green Team

What will happen when the most powerful weapon in the universe goes up against the strongest one there is?!  I'm not too sure myself but I do know it won't pretty and I know we are in for one heck of a show!  As the frog said, "It ain't easy being green".  Find out how it all goes down when the Green Goliath meets the Green Gladiator in the Super-Team Family crossover to end all crossovers... Green Lantern vs. The Hulk!!!

...Now that is a comic I want to read.

Unfortunately this little beauty has never seen the printed page and probably never will because the striking cover above is the brainchild of the very talented artist and comic fan, Ross Pearsall.   Ross publishes a blog called Super-Team Family ...The Lost Issues where he takes that well-known collision of Photoshop and geek culture to a whole new level.  To put it bluntly, the man has "mad skills".

Originally inspired by superhero team-ups in DC Comics' The Brave And The Bold and in Marvel Two-In-One, Ross's unbridled imagination brings together some of the greatest and most unlikely pairings in comic books and beyond, the likes of which you have never seen before.  Literally.  For, as the name suggests, these are The Lost Issues.  The team-ups that could have been, or should have been, or in some cases definitely SHOULDN'T have been.  Ross creates covers for stories that the fans want to see but for reasons, legal or otherwise, have never happened in the real world of comics publishing.

You're damn right I want to see Hal Jordan go up against The Hulk!  And I've never wanted anything more than I want to know what happened when Guy 'my way or the highway' Gardner met Cliff 'I make this rocket look good' Secord.  The cosmic battle between the Kree's Captain Mar-vell and the Green Lantern Corps is a story that could make a whole event in itself.

I've picked out some of my favourite Green Lantern covers from the Super-Team Family collection for this feature but you really owe it to yourself to take a look at the blog in it's entirety.  Ross has been creating these mash-up covers since 2011 and has been publishing a new image every single day for the last two years!  There are literally thousands of covers to peruse and there is something to catch the eye of fans of all types.  Comic books, sci-fi and fantasy, cartoons, even TV and box-office films all get the magic Lost Issues treatment.

While the Super-Team Family covers are often hilarious (anyone up for Ch'p and Squirrel Girl?) and undoubtedly cool beyond measure (you know you want to see Silver Surfer vs. Darth Vader!), they are also something of an education in the history of comic book art.  Wherever possible Ross has listed the names of the artists he has taken images from or worked in the style of.  The blog's labelling function groups posts both by character and also, less obviously, by artist.  So if your thing is Frank Miller and you always wanted to know what Robin looks like on a Daredevil cover your dreams are only a click away.  Personally, I can thoroughly recommend an examination of the many wonderful homages to Neal Adams if you have 20 minutes or so to spare! 

You can check out the whole collection at the  Super-Team Family ...The Lost Issues blog, or follow Ross Pearsall on Twitter, @RossPearsall.  If you are interested in hearing Ross talk about how the blog came about or where he gets his inspiration from to keep coming up with fresh superhero team-ups day after day you can listen to his live interview on the Blog Talk Radio programme, Clobberin' Time.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

The Wearin' o' the Green

Sláinte Fanterns!
Beidh ceol, caint agus craic againn!

It's not surprising that Green Lanterns take their St. Patrick's Day celebrations seriously.  Especially after Ganthet revealed that the Guardians of the Universe and the Leprechauns are long-lost cousins!

 Unfortunately I don't know who to credit for this mighty gathering of the Green Corps and their Green friends but it was too much fun not to share.  I picked it up on forum thread from back in 2009.


Saturday, 1 March 2014


Love it or loath it, it's fair to say the 2011 Green Lantern film didn't exactly capture the imagination of the wider movie-going public.  My own hope is that it will take on a cult status to be watched and treasured by a discerning following for many years to come.

Lantern fans are well known for their love of history, whether real or fictional.  In these days of multi-million dollar budgets and stunning CGI special effects there are few outside of our little group who give much attention to the 1951 classic Green Lantern and the Menace from Planet Qward.  Not only is the film a B-movie science-fiction masterpiece but it is also famous for being Warren Beatty's very first appearance on celluloid, a full ten years before Splendour in the Grass brought him critical acclaim and box-office success.

Another peculiarity of the film is that... What? ...What's that?  Have I got my dates right?  Of course.  Green Lantern was created in 1940. Planet Qward was released 11 years later in 1951...

OK, ok.  The eagle-eyed amongst you will have spotted that our poster depicts a Silver-Age GL and his masters, the Guardians of the Universe. These characters, whilst inspired by the rising popularity of 1950s sci-fi, did not make their débuts in comics until late 1959 and mid 1960 respectively.  This wonderful image is actually the creation of Photoshop aficionado Paul Cornish who produced it in the 50s/60s style as a tribute anticipating general release of the previously mentioned Green Lantern, 2011.

I think you'll agree Paul has captured all the best elements that make movie posters of that era so collectable today.

You can read Paul's original post here.  I highly recommend you check out his blog, Last of the International Fanboysfor a plethora of comic book curiosities and all things geek, and follow him on Twitter @PaulGCornish.

Saturday, 8 February 2014


Happy Green Lantern Day, 2/8/14, to all you honorary ring-slingers of Earth!

I'm blessed to be able to spend today with my son and sector partner Flodo Jnr.  He has brought joy to my heart and a tear to my eye with his very own Green Lantern Day celebration fan art.

I think you'll agree we could be looking at the next Gil Kane right here...

Check out these links to see how some other fanterns are celebrating Green Lantern Day:

UPDATE: Green Lantern Day really did turn out to be the Brightest Day.  Flodo Jnr. and I had a lot of fun.

We are forever grateful for all the support and kind words this post received, especially from this guy:

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Dreaming of a Green Christmas

Have a very merry Christmas
and happy holidays

Flodo's Page!

This terrific sketch of Santa Flodo was sent to me by my good Twitter buddy Jim Jacouzzi.  Check out his awesome webcomic, Tom Oxen, at

Sunday, 25 August 2013


Regular visitors to ‘Flodo’s Page’ will remember my interview with the very talented graphic illustrator, ColourOnly85.  In celebration of the release of Man of Steel, the artist set himself a daunting challenge to produce designs of the entire cast of DC Comics in the months before the movie hit our screens.  All the while he promised us the ultimate tribute to Zack Snyder’s much anticipated reworking of the Superman story with an original ColourOnly movie poster.
I recently had the pleasure of catching up with ColourOnly85 again to talk Man of Steel and, of course, a little bit of Green Lantern.
FP: Good to speak to you again, man.  Man of Steel has been out in cinemas for a few weeks now and you have completed your final piece for your MoS challenge.
The first thing I've got to ask, what did you think of the movie?!
CO85: It's great to be back!  Thanks again for having me.
I really enjoyed the film.  From news and trailers it was always pegged as being a much darker and more serious take on Superman, and I was happy that it delivered on that.  Things like seeing Superman brawling with Faora and the others the way they did was just what I had hoped for.  I also really liked the different approach to the Superman story, with the spotlight being put on Krypton - that was refreshing.  I appreciated Nolan before but this film has definitely put me on his fan list.  I can't wait for number two.
FP: Your Man of Steel movie print is awesome.  You must feel very proud.  How would you describe the process that went into producing that image?  A labour of love?
CO85: Thanks so much, I'm very grateful.  Haha, labour of love and labour of frustration probably sums it up best.  I probably went through more revisions on that design than any other.  During the design process I realised I wanted it to reflect the styling of the movie, so I had to keep modifying it until it felt 'right’.  I was definitely glad when it was finished that's for sure...
FP: So now you have crossed the finish line can you tell me, altogether, how many DC comic characters were lucky enough to receive a ColourOnly85 treatment?
CO85: The total was around 160.  It's a far cry from the total number of DC characters, but I’m glad to have accomplished the number I did.

FP: 160 characters is no mean feat!  And finally, I can't let you go without saying a few words about Kilowog.  You kept your promise and 'Wog is looking mighty fine.  Is this a case of the show isn't over until the fat lantern sings..?

CO85: Thanks so much.  It was a lot of fun doing ‘Wog, although I'm looking forward to doing him again during the second project where I can do him more justice.  Time caught up with me on this first project, so I'm looking forward to the second one where I have a bit more freedom.

It's definitely a case of 'it ain't over’.   I'll be launching a new project on 1st September called 'The 215 Project'.  The project will be similar to the first, so I'll be doing designs counting down to Man of Steel 2; however, I’ll be limiting the number of illustrations being done.  I really want to push the individual designs much further in terms of style and feel, something I wasn't able to do with the previous challenge due to the time restraint.  I will also be doing things a little differently in terms of the characters being illustrated.  I'll be announcing more news of that on my Instagram shortly.

FP: We’ll all be looking out for that one!  If you’re taking suggestions for the ‘The 215 Project’ I’d love to see what you could do with the current star of Green Lantern Corps and my favourite GL, John Stewart.  In the meantime, thanks again for sparing time to share a few words with ‘Flodo’s Page’ and congratulations on producing a spectacular homage to Man of Steel.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Green Is The Colour… And Red… And Blue…

Guy Gardner - Warrior!
This jaw-dropping image leaves little doubt that the most controversial member of the Green Lantern Corps is every inch a hero, from the tips of his spiky red hair to the toes of his shiny green boots.
The artwork is one of many DC Comics inspired creations from the graphic designer known as ColourOnly85.  This uber-talented artist has set himself the extremely bold challenge of producing an illustration of every character appearing in the DC universe before 14 June 2013 – the date that the much anticipated Superman movie, Man of Steel sees general release.
Impossible I hear you say.  And yes, maybe so.  But let me tell you, ColourOnly85 is making a damned good go of it!
I was lucky enough to be able to catch up with the man himself to find out a bit more about the Man of Steel project and the inspiration behind this daunting undertaking.
FP:  Thank you for taking time out of your busy art schedule to share a few words with 'Flodo's Page'.  This is a massive project you have set for yourself - to illustrate all of the DC characters before the Man of Steel movie comes out in June.  What inspired you to create this challenge?
CO85:  Thanks for giving me time to share a little bit about ColourOnly85, very grateful.
Well it all happened a bit randomly.  I got caught up doing a lot of graphic design work and realised I hadn't given much time to just design and create for the fun of it.  At the same time I was getting really excited about the new Man of Steel movie, so I thought it would be fun to do a Superman piece in aid of it.  It was whilst doing the Superman illustration I thought 'why not do some other DC Characters, ' and after that the thought of doing more artwork dedicated to Man of Steel popped into my head.   So I decided to turn what I was doing into a challenge to try and draw all the characters before the movie is released.
FP:  Last I checked you had released character #115 which is an amazing accomplishment but there have been a lot of characters in the DCU over the last 60 years or so!  How many more illustrations have you got left in you?
CO85:  Thanks so much!  I'm now on #120 and in the grand scheme of things I know I've got a LOT of catching up to do.  But I've definitely got it in me to do all the characters (although unfortunately it looks like the bulk will likely come after the deadline).  But I like to stay optimistic, so I'm still going to try and work towards June 14th anyway.
FP:  You obviously love comics and movies. Which do you enjoy more?  Is there a comic book or film that holds a special importance for you?
CO85:  That's a tough one, but I would have to say movies.  I love getting lost in comics and LOVE seeing the talent in the artwork that's created in them.  But there isn't much I enjoy more than going to the cinema or kicking back at home and getting lost in a good film, I love the escape of it.  With today's visual effects at such a high level as well, it just makes me love films even more!
In terms of a favourite film, I can't honestly say I have one.  Sci-Fi and fantasy films are definitely my favourite genre but I couldn't point out a single film as my favourite.  I know that's an 'easy way out answer' but it's true …haha. 
FP:  Your work is awesome and, as your Twitter name suggests, your creations are in colour only.  No lines.  What inspired you to follow this style?
CO85:  In terms of the style, I really wanted to do something different, especially in terms of presenting comic book characters.  I think at the moment, the traditional clean graphic style is what we are very used to seeing and which is incredible.  But I really wanted to come from a totally different angle.  So I took some time to just try a few ideas out and I finally developed the idea of geometric shapes and minimalism without lines to define the object and the ColourOnly85 style was born from that.
FP:  It seems like you produce your illustrations really quickly.  You sometimes post 3 or 4 works at a time on Twitter.  How long does it normally take to create a piece?  What do you use for reference? For example, do you look for lots of images of Kyle Rayner and then pick one you like to base a new illustration on?
CO85:  Producing a piece takes about 2 to 3 hours on average and what I try to do is work on 3 or more at one time.  Jumping between different characters helps me keep the ideas fresh in my head and makes the experience a lot of fun.  Getting the free time to design is the hard part.  Sometimes there are weeks where I will produce lots and weeks where there may only be 1 or 2 designs.  It can be really really tricky.
In terms of the actual designs, I will either use a popular or particularly striking image for reference.  That way I can deliver something fans are familiar with but in a new way.  Or I will use a pose that I think reflects the character well.  I took a lot of time to build a massive library of action poses which I use for reference and which are a massive help when illustration. 
FP:  Of the DC illustrations you have created so far which is your personal favourite and why?  Is there a character that you haven't illustrated yet that you are really excited about producing?
CO85:  Hmm...  At the moment the Batman image is my favourite.  It was the image that really convinced me that the style of illustration I was doing could work.  I also just had a blast doing it, so there are a lot of good memories I have associated to that piece.
In terms of a character I'm looking forward to doing, I'd say Kilowog.  I really like his character and Green Lanterns are my favourite DC Characters so I can't wait to do him.
FP:  I have to ask - apart from DC is there one character, be it comics, movies or the real world even, that you would like to give the ColourOnly85 treatment to?
CO85:  Man, awesome question, so tricky though.  There's so much to choose from!  I'm a MASSIVE Avatar: The Last Airbender fan (and also the new Legend of Korra TV show).  But Toph in particular is my absolute favourite so I would say I would like to do a ColourOnly85 version of her the most.  
FP:  Finally, I don't want to take up too much of you time but I'm sure your fans want to know, is there anywhere they can buy your work, either originals or reprints?
CO85:  I have an Etsy shop but only have two characters available at the moment.  I've decided I'm going to slow down on selling the prints until summer to help me deal with the workload.  There is just so much I'm working on at the moment.  Plus my main concern is getting the artwork out there for the fans to see.  I am in discussion with some individuals where I'm trying to get the prints out more effectively, so watch this space and I'll keep you posted as to how things come along.
FP:  Thanks again for taking the time to do the blog.  I wish you the very best of luck with your Man of Steel challenge and I will certainly be looking out for more of your fantastic creations in the future.  I hope we can expect a few more Green Lanterns in the line-up!  Kilowog maybe?
CO85:  It's been my pleasure and an honour.  Thank you so much for your support and taking the time to do the interview. And again a massive thank you to everyone who has been supporting me so far, the feedback and encouragement and way everyone has been spreading the word about the artwork has blown me away!
Haha…  Kilowog is definitely one of the greats, I'll make sure I add him to the list and see if I can deliver something special just for you.  

You can follow ColourOnly85’s progress on his Tumblr page or catch up with him on Twitter @ColourOnly85 and check out your favourite DC Comics heroes as you have never seen them before!


Monday, 7 January 2013

Greed Knows No Boundaries

Greed Knows No Boundaries
by Aragen

If any comic book character was going to break the fourth wall to get what he wants it's Larfleeze.
I came across this amazing concept art of the
orange lantern on the popular SuperHeroHype Forums.  The brainchild of digital artist Rich W.S., better known as Aragen, this particular work is a departure from his 
usual graphic cartoon style. 
You can find the original post along with tons more
hilarious comic book artwork
on Aragen's Fan Art thread on the SHH Forums.
You can also find a whole host Aragen's most recent creations on his deviantART page.
(NB: With previous Fan Art posts I have managed to obtain the artist's permission before displaying their work on Flodo's Page. Unfortunately Aragen and I are not active on the same social network sites and I can't track down an email contact for him. If any readers are signed up to deviantART or SuperHeroHype Forums I am more than happy for you to make the artist aware of this blog post and my admiration for his portfolio.)

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Jack O'-Green-Lantern

Beware my light !!!
Anybody who follows me on twitter will know how excited I have been getting recently about Halloween pumpkin carvings.  Not just any carvings, of course...
I was delighted to discover after a quick 'Google' search that a whole heap of creative fanboys have been turning their whittling skills towards
Green Lantern.
Here are seven of the best:
7. A simple carving but a great touch
with the green light.

6. A Doug Mahnke style GL symbol... nice!
5. Classic Green Lantern... perfect for the
Blackest Night.
4. This one really is a green lantern...
3. A great silhouette. Is this Earth 2's
Green Lantern, Alan Scott?
2. The detail that has gone into this one is incredible!
1. The clear winner has to be this set of pumpkins representing every Corps in the emtional spectrum, downloaded from Badass Digest.
Truly awesome!!
You can check out some more great comic book and sci-fi inspired pumpkin carvings here.

Sunday, 14 October 2012


I was wiling away the hours on twitter a few weeks ago when I came across the following tweet in my timeline: "@Kap_L: First to Rt and Reply gets a free #CBDCU redesign of any DC Vehicle, Superhero or Supervillain.

@Kap_L is the twitter handle for an artist I follow called Andrew Kapellusch.  Andrew can regularly be found gifting his followers with the spot-prize sketches on all sorts of geekery but this #CBDCU was new to me.  My interest was piqued to say the least.  A challenge had been proffered and I was only too happy to rencounter.

I quickly tweeted back: "@GL875: @Kap_L How about a Guardians of the Universe redesign? Something that says 'Evil little bastards' :)”.  And twitter being what it is I thought that was that, my words would lost in the electronic ether forevermore.  Within mere minutes, however, my smartphone ‘pinged’ and a little blue bird told me somebody had mentioned me on their feed.  Andrew had replied: “#CBDCU Guardians Rough draft. Won and Requested by @GL875 !!! “, and included a link to the awesome sketch below.
#CBDCU Guardians Rough draft."
 I didn’t just win one design, I got three and with a backstory by the looks of things too.  Before long the tweets were pouring in to explain to me the do-over my little blue immortals had received.  I’ve posted the originals tweets below to give you an insight into the weird and wonderful mind that has set about reinventing the DC Comics universe one character at a time.  Not only that but we can see where Andrew worked out the concept of his Green Lantern symbol - of vital importance in any GL mythos!

After clicking on a few links Andrew had provided I discovered that he had been commissioned for this project by the fine people at Comic, hence the hash tag #CBDCU.  At the time my Guardians were sketched out he had completed redesigns for the DC’s most famous heroes, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.  As I post this he has already added Flash, Aquaman and Green Lantern, including the great colour rendition at the top of this blog of Hal Jordan in all new GL flight suit costume.

I am always keen to promote great Green Lantern indie art on Flodo’s Page and Andrew has been gracious enough to let me interview him and to give us a little more insight into what goes into a project like the CBDCU.

FP: Thanks very much for taking time to share a few of words with Flodo's Page.  I first came across you on twitter when you were doing sketches at random as gifts for your followers.  You must like to challenge your skills if you are prepared to have a crack at drawing nearly anything that gets thrown at you?

AK: I love a good challenge...a controlled challenge, that is.  Usually when I run non-CBDCU "free sketch" contests I have a set of rules.  No cartoons, no animals, no anime.  I stopped drawing anime about 10 years ago.  Everybody was doing it. I can't do it anymore!  Cartoons and animals I just suck at.  I hate being locked into a style. I drew a Kingdom Hearts picture for a friend's birthday, but I drew all of them "realistic" because I dislike copying cartoons. (Laughs) ...I'm a big baby.  But I love drawing superheroes so that's what I normally draw for my followers.

FP: As a sequential artist you obviously have a passion for the comic strip format.  Are you a superhero guy at heart or are you interests more wide reaching than that?

AK: I'm a flights and tights guy at my core.  I rarely read other stuff, not to besmirch those other non-hero books at all.  Sequential art is a powerful format and can make a lot of boring stuff interesting but that's a two sided coin.  It can also make really interesting stuff boring.  I love watching documentaries and have a pretty decent hunger for knowledge, but I hate reading comics about real world stuff.  I read comics to escape so I read a lot of superhero stuff.  Kirby-era Marvel, Valiant and everything DC.  I can't get enough of DC Comics!  So happy Aquaman is finally getting the respect he deserves in mainstream comics.  Not all of
the changes have been good.  I think I vastly prefer my version but then again I'm partial.

FP: I've been blown away by your DCU redesigns for Comic Booked.  You have a spin that
respects the original character but brings something a little different to the table. How do you come up with your ideas? Does the art come first with the origin story filled in later?

AK: You are far too kind. Seriously, thank you.  That's what I've been striving for, different but new.  Something nobody else has really touched on before.  I talked a lot with my friends and followers online to get the story down.  Batman was the only one I started drawing before I knew what I was doing.  Like the DCAU, I kind of spun off of (my ‘Tactical’ version) Batman.  From that foothold I kind of knew where I wanted to go with Supes, then Wondy.  After that the story was a piece of cake. I bounced a lot of ideas off of my buddy Sam at
and we kind of collaborated on a few heroes.  He's a good dude.  My Dad is also a huge DC guy, so I got a lot from him.  Crowdsourced DC - by the fans, for the fans.

"Ch'p redesign. #CBDCU"

FP: The CBDCU is really capturing the imagination of comic fans with a number of sites and blogs supporting you outside of Comic Booked themselves.  But where did the original idea come from for the CBDCU and how did you get involved in the project?

I actually drew Batman for a ‘Redesign’ free sketch contest for my now good friend, Jordan, who is the Chief Creative Officer for Comic  He was really excited about it, so he was like "We gotta have you do something for the site".  I was like, "Right on, man!".  I knew my love of DC Comics would come in handy some day! (Laughs)  I've been super lucky with the opportunities given by Comic Booked and Jordan.  It's a lot of work but it's something I love and you can't beat that.

FP: You started the project by redesigning the 'Big 3', the holy trinity of DC Comics: Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.  Now that you have established the world of the CBDCU who would you most like to redesign?  Are there any obscure characters that you are itching to turn your talents to?

AK: Oh, man. Great question.  The JLI come to mind.  Booster and Ted are two of my all-time favorites, so that'll be great. Looking forward to a lot of the Green Lantern Corps, Blue Lanterns, Red Lanterns.  Characters like Tomar-Re, Kilowog, Mogo, Saint Walker, Atrocitus and Dex-Starr.  I'm a huge Blue Lantern fan.  The deeper you go into Batman or Flash's rogues galleries the crazier things get.  I've got a KILLER Kite Man worked up.  It will make you cry.  He's one of the lamest guys ever but my redesign is so sad…  I'm starting to mist up just thinking about it.  The JSA is going be a big deal!  Mark my words.  I've got 30 redesigns easy between the two earths.  So yeah, I guess... all of ‘em!

"#CBDCU Flodo Span... Made him more Ghostlike, rather than just mist. Think: Slimer. But serious/less gross.”
FP: You've done some great images for Flodo's Page and you can clearly produce your initial designs at speed. How much work is involved in bringing those concept sketches up to CBDCU standards with the color templates, background script and everything else that goes into them?

AK: I usually work about five to seven hours on them. Thank goodness I had my teen sidekick Lil' Luke Fairhead from Australia throwing some awesome colors down on the initial seven redesigns. You'll be seeing more of his coloring along the way, also some of my watercolors. I enjoy every moment I spend working on it though. Seriously, I have no idea how Jordan edits all of my words in time to get them up. I'm horrible with grammar’ and type like I speak. He hasn't sent anything back yet but I'm waiting. I know one week he'll just send it back with a one word reply of like "No."

FP: I don't want to take up too much of your time so one last question for the road... If you could give the CBDCU treatment to one person or character outside of the DCU and bring them into your world who would it be? Another comic book or movie character, or maybe a real living person. What would you do to put the 'A to the K' flavour on their story?

AK: A tough question to be sure. Let me see... Ok, I've got it!  For comics, definitely down the road I'll be doing the original Avengers, and maybe some Spidey stuff. I'd love to take a crack at the current stable of Valiant characters. I'm probably the world's biggest Archer and Armstrong fan so that'd be cool. I'd probably do them as characters in the thirties. Make then pulp heroes. I'm writing that down. That's a good idea! It's as easy as that kids!

With movies maybe Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Star Trek. The Big Lebowski as superheroes?

From TV I’d love to do Doctor Who! Also Being Human, Community. And No Ordinary Family. They needed costumes! COSTUMES!!

Cartoons would be Thundercats, breaking my "No Animals" and "No Cartoons" rules. That's how much I love Thundercats. And maybe Adventure Time. And Dexter's Lab. Like Dexter as a teen or something.

Real Life? Oh man... I don't watch wrestling anymore, like, since 2000 but I'd love to redesign the WWE and their sort of universe. Give them some better, less racist and sexist story lines.

FP: It sounds like you are going to be busy! Thanks again for taking the time to speak to us today and, of course, for all the great sketches. I'll be looking out for more Green Lantern Corps redesigns in the future and in the meantime the CBDCU Flodo Span will be taking pride of place here at Flodo's Page.

AK: Thanks! Anytime. I'll be keeping Flodo's Page updated with any and all GL stuff as it gets made. Thanks for having me! And remember... Hope burns bright!

You can follow updates on Andrew Kapellusch's DCU redesigns via twitter at @AKDCU, and don’t forget to follow Andrew himself at @Kap_L.