Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Racoon Eyes

Day 2:

My brother-in-law, JJ, gets some great tan lines on his temples from his sunglasses every summer. I think I may have him beat on the "sunglasses tan line" look. What do you think?


Nashelle said...

Ooo, how does that feel? It looks like it would hurt 10x worse than a sunburn!

Foster said...

Ahhh...DeAnne, I am not going to lie to you, you should stay indoors, you may scare all the little kids. You should have done it closer to Halloween, you may have Sandra and her Hillbilly toothless costume beat--you could be Freddy Krugger. On a more upbeat note--I am sure your skin is going to to look amazing, and I am excited for you.
Love you guys...cute pictures of your kids!

Sarah said...

You are so brave! That does not look comfortable!