Friday, October 23, 2009

More Utah Fun!

We celebrated some birthdays while we were in Utah!
Grandma, Lindsay (sorry--I didn't get a photo of you!), Brandon, Jocelyn, Ian, and Kal!
29 and holding
Happy Birthday Grandma!
(Beautiful and delicious cake made by Britany)

Here are the birthday kiddos: Jocelyn, Kal, and Ian
(Mae is there to make the photo more aesthetically pleasing)

Jocelyn loved all her presents!

Kal loved his cars, trucks, books, dinosaurs and treats!

And Will loved Jocelyn's babies!
(shhh! Don't let his dad know!)
Uncle Buck.
I think Buck spent a lot of time enjoying all the children.
Here he is with Jaden and Kari

Jocelyn and Kari putting candles on the cake

Helping Dad blow out the candles!

Some other moments . . .

Brandon was very pleased with Kal's sticker jewelery (thank you, Grannie Tannie). Hey, he likes to do whatever Jos does!
After I took this photo, he looked at it on the camera and realized there was a triangle on his forehead and immediately took it off. I think he looks more like a bouncer than a girlie-boy!

Sleepy girls.
Thanks for the late night chats, Mom.

Kal was one sick kiddo for a couple days.
Here he is at 103.5! Poor guy!
Sure! We can get a great photo of 10 kids 6 years old and under!
An hour past their bed time made the photo even more precious!
We missed you Ashlie and Tessa!

We went up to the condo by Pineview.
River was very excited and let us know it!
Trevor took his first trip down "The Falls"
(aka an hour long walk/swim down the stream and small to medium waterfalls in glacier water wearing crazy clothes)
We don't know how he married into the family without doing this first! We must really love him!
Brick, Brandon, Cass, Nancy, Tannie, Mark, Burgundy, Trevor

Jocelyn's birthday and River's blessing will have their own post.

Almost normal . . .

For those of you who care
(I know you are just dying to check my blog daily to see the progress--wink)
This is by no means a flattering photo of myself (keep in mind this is not an acne treatment, but a treatment for acne scarring) but I look almost normal! I don't think I scared too many children at the grocery store today!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Good 'ol Kal

Just playing around this morning
Kal's sheer joy in showing off his gloves, hat, and shoes with silly faces for the camera was very reminiscent of a certain Flammer uncle . . . any guesses???

Kal's toes were poking out of Jocelyn's old crocks (which they both enjoyed wearing on the wrong feet). He was super excited about trying on all sorts of shoes. There were very few shoes that fit his gynormous (and super thick) feet, luckily they were shoes he liked that he can put on and take off all by himself! He likes to stomp around in these because they light up!

Day 3

Getting better & better! Just super itchy!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


YUCK! No pain today, just itchy! But I can smile today!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Racoon Eyes

Day 2:

My brother-in-law, JJ, gets some great tan lines on his temples from his sunglasses every summer. I think I may have him beat on the "sunglasses tan line" look. What do you think?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Ny fafe iv num

Brandon did a rotation with a plastic surgeon (Dr. David Dellinger) at Ohio Valley Plastic Surgery. He does laser surgery, among other things, and I went in for a consultation because he gives students a great discount. I have never loved my complexion, so I went in for a consultation. He said a laser peel and profractive laser treatment should get rid of my acne scars (thank you Argentina). The best part . . . he did it FREE!

Here I am right after (Jocelyn took the photo for me--she's getting good!)

I'm not mad. My face is numb!!! Here is a short video of me after, for your viewing pleasure. I talk funny. My eyes were numb, too. It was wierd because it felt like they were closed, but I could see. I was dentist numb all over my face.

Ok--now after watching that (I was a little loopy at the time) it reminds me of Joker. Scary what drugs will do to you!

Hogle Zoo

We had a fun day at the zoo! I don't think I got photos of everyone, but Jen & Jaden, Britany & Will, Lindsay, Mae, Ian & Noah, Sandra, Kari & Hayden, Me, Jocelyn, Kal & River all went. Five strollers and a herd of kiddos. It was crazy but fun. Here are some photos:

Kal and Hayden

So big!

(This reminds me of pull-ups, "Mommy, Wow! I'm a big kid now!)

These tigers were really fun to pose on.

Most of the kids were trying to measure up to the gorilla.

It looks like Jocelyn is trying to be big like Mae. It is fun to play with the big cousins!

Here we have Mae, Jocelyn, Hayden, Kari, Ian, and Kal

It looks like Jocelyn is photoshopped in, but it's real!

This was a very friendly giraffe posing for photos!

River spent part of the time in the pouch.
She spent the rest of the time shaded in the stroller--but she wanted it in the sitting position, rather than laying down. I guess she wanted to see what was going on!
She was a good little munchkin!

Kal the Brave

We had a great time! Thank you, Aunt Janice, for driving all the way up there to get us discounted tickets! Talk about going the extra mile! We sure had a great time!

Friday, October 16, 2009

TODAY . . .

After dropping Jocelyn off at school, Kal, River, and I went to the YMCA. We went to the padded room first . . . to play! Kal had a blast while River watched and cooed.

When we got home from the Y and picking Jocelyn up from school, the power was out. So we ate and played at McD's. The cable company was laying new lines in the complex and cut a major power line. Instead of calling the power company, they tried their in-house electrician first. Three cold hours later, they finally called the power company. Brrrrrr!

Here are the kiddos watching them work through the back window.
The electric company guy was fun. He saw them and came up to the window and made faces. They got a kick out of that!
We finished off the evening with pizza bread, fruit and Scooby Doo! We ate in the living room. It was a fun pizza party!

What's a party without donuts? Mmmmm. . . . All snug in their jammies!

We are enjoying our family journey.

Here is a video of our girls enjoying each other!

Aren't sisters great!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kal's Birthday

Kal turned 2 on September 11!!
(he'll tell you he's 4)
We went to Price Park with some friends to celebrate.
I made 2 cakes for the occasion--one for the kiddos, and one for adults.
Kal had a baseball cake. It was almost impossible to frost (you can see why . . . tiny fingers)

He was definitely spoiled by grandparents and friends!
Thank you!