Jocelyn's birthday and River's blessing will have their own post.
Jocelyn's birthday and River's blessing will have their own post.
Kal's toes were poking out of Jocelyn's old crocks (which they both enjoyed wearing on the wrong feet). He was super excited about trying on all sorts of shoes. There were very few shoes that fit his gynormous (and super thick) feet, luckily they were shoes he liked that he can put on and take off all by himself! He likes to stomp around in these because they light up!
I'm not mad. My face is numb!!! Here is a short video of me after, for your viewing pleasure. I talk funny. My eyes were numb, too. It was wierd because it felt like they were closed, but I could see. I was dentist numb all over my face.
Ok--now after watching that (I was a little loopy at the time) it reminds me of Joker. Scary what drugs will do to you!
When we got home from the Y and picking Jocelyn up from school, the power was out. So we ate and played at McD's. The cable company was laying new lines in the complex and cut a major power line. Instead of calling the power company, they tried their in-house electrician first. Three cold hours later, they finally called the power company. Brrrrrr!
What's a party without donuts? Mmmmm. . . . All snug in their jammies!
We are enjoying our family journey.
Here is a video of our girls enjoying each other!
Aren't sisters great!