Showing posts with label Kiefer Sutherland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kiefer Sutherland. Show all posts

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tonight: The Return of "24" and Mark Valley in "Human Target"

If you can tear yourself away from our favorite dyspeptic Brit comedian Ricky Gervais and his Golden Globes hosting gig, we highly recommend tuning into Fox tonight for an outstanding action fix.

First off, you can relive last season's finale of 24 at 7pm, and then the real fun begins at 8pm. Attractive and appealing actor Mark Valley -- Olivia's late boyfriend in Fringe, three years on Boston Legal, and the lead in Keen Eddie, Fox's spiffy and adorable police drama from a few seasons ago, and a real-life military veteran -- stars in DC Comic-based hour Human Target. He plays Christopher Chance, a security expert/bodyguard who puts his life on the line for his clients, and he's ably assisted by a great supporting cast led by Chi McBride -- House, Boston Public -- and the always superb Jackie Earle Haley -- Breaking Away, Little Children, Watchmen.

The Human Target pilot re-airs Tuesday at 9pm, then the show settles into its regular slot on Wednesdays after American Idol. We think this sounds like a winner, based on nothing but Flaming Nose intuition, but with Mark Valley -- who deserves a super breakout hit on his own -- in the lead we're behind it all the way.
At 9pm it's the season opener of 24, and we're in the eighth year of Jack Bauer's excellent adventures, played with teeth-gnawing intensity by Kiefer Sutherland. This time around Jack's in New York, swept up in international intrigue revolving around President Taylor (the returning Cherry Jones) and a re-jiggered CTU under new management. Chloe (Mary Lynn Rajskub) is still around, but we'll be seeing terrific new 24 faces like Anil Kapoor (Slumdog Millionaire), Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar Galactica), Mykelti Williamson (Forrest Gump), Freddie Prinze Jr. and several more great additions.

For those of you who've sort of drifted away from 24 -- and I'm one of them -- the addition of the Big Apple as background should give a shot of moxie to Bauer's predicaments, and let's trust that this will be a season of 24 worth waiting for.

So, it's Fox tonight if you're looking for something a little more harrowing than the histrionics on the Golden Globes Red Carpet -- not that there's anything wrong with that!

Monday, January 12, 2009

"24" -- The Best Ensemble Cast on TV?

24 is back, all right, and we couldn't be more thrilled.

They may not be quite the suave, martini-sipping types that you find on Mad Men, but once again the cast of 24 is filled with some of the most talented actors and actresses out there on the small screen. Led by Kiefer Sutherland (who hasn't lost a bit of his Jack Bauer mojo), 24 features some actors who are familiar faces, some who aren't, and it's this combination that makes the show so compellingly watchable. Every actor is the absolutely best choice for the role and we're delighted to see the charismatic Carlos Bernard back as Bauer's former colleague Tony Almeida, who's now pursuing a vengeful path and will doubtless give Jack a run for the money.

We love accomplished actress Cherry Jones as President Allison Taylor, and the brilliant Canadian actor Colm Feore as her husband, along with Bob Gunton as the White House Chief of Staff. These three actors alone would be reason enough to tune in, but we've also got returning 24 favorites Mary Ellen Rajskub as the long-suffering and super-smart Chloe and James Morrison as Bill Buchanan, both of whom are a welcome sight and always a treat to watch. We like the new tough (but lovely) FBI agent played by Annie Werschling, and her agency boss (Jeffrey Nordling), but most of all we love Janeane Garofalo as Janis Gold, a kinda Chloe-esque FBI wonkette.

Boy, nobody does smart women like 24 does! Garofalo has never failed to be as accomplished in her dramatic roles -- Minus Man, The Laramie Project, Steal This Movie -- as she is in her life as a savagely funny, insightful and informed comedienne, not to mention that she's a force to be reckoned with in her role as a host and guest on the Air America radio network. (If you've ever seen her on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, you know what I mean, too.) I have a feeling she will be one of the chief continuing delights on this season of 24, and I can't wait.

Later this season Jon Voight will be around, and of course we've also got the wonderful Tony Todd as the dastardly Gen. Juma who's cooking up an international crisis of his own. 24 should be quite a tasty stew this season -- Tony Almeida's revenge plot, Juma's genocidal rampage in Africa, the suspicious suicide of the President's son and the First Gentleman's investigation into it, a threat to the Air Traffic Control system -- and we'd say the first two hours, plus the earlier 24: Redemption movie, should lay to rest any fears that the show didn't have what it takes to come back in a big way.

For those of you who have missed episodes or just want to find out a little more, has an extensive availability of episodes and background videos and written information on their 24 website, including excellent and detailed episode synopses.

We can't wait for tonight's next two hours! Highly Recommended Viewing!