Numbers, Wargames and Arsing About
A blog about all of the stuff I write on the backs of envelopes and never get round to finishing.......yet!
Monday, 16 December 2024
A tale of three books.....
Sunday, 20 October 2024
Sam Mustapha's Eisenhower
Tuesday, 28 May 2024
Nice wings comrade!
Another quick Zvezda diversion, a 1/144 LaGG 3, Pre-war colours to match the red leather outfits and the pointy hats with red stars on them. They were hastily scrubbed over with green paint at oubreak of war in 1941. The cowling, air intake, cockpit frame and stabilisers were in red brown undercoat (957 Flat Red), fuselage and wings are silver grey (989 Sky Gey). Elevators in bare metal (997 Silver) and rudder in red (817 Scarlet). I like the flat metal plates on the fuselage to stop the exhausts from setting fire to the pilot.
The LaGG 3 was a bit of a dog, so probably a good job that Lavochkin ditched his co-designers at this point.
Tuesday, 14 May 2024
I need more tanks!
Well, of course, what I really mean is that I fancy buying some more tanks. In this case, some nice 6mm WW2 tanks. The plan is to have a small OHW hex game using some 6mm troops and my 80mm hexes. To illustrate, this picture shows two old (mid-1980s) Pz IVHs from H&R. I'll be using the OHW scenarios set in mid-1943 Eastern Front.
The question is, which manufacturer should I go for? An influencing factor is that I have small but reasonable selection of H&R tanks plus a far too large number of old Leicester Micromodels Tiger Is! It would be easy to add to this from H&R again.
There are variations between manufacturers in materials (metal, 3d print), size (6mm vs 1/285), packaging (single models or packs of several), crispness of finish and mould quality. There is also a wide range of prices. A rough survey of prices per vehicle (using the Churchill or proxy as the sample vehicle) shows:
GHQ: £2.26
PSC: 2.00
2d6: £1.20
Baccus: £1.46
BPM: £0.89
Irregular: £0.88
Scotia: £0.85
H&R: £0.75
Phew! As much as I fancy GHQ they are outside my price range. I'm still thinking H&R but I'm open to suggestions.
Sunday, 28 April 2024
No longer a mystery!
Some valiant guesses but my map remained enigmatic to say the least. Top of the map is North. The sandy coloured road is the main route from Belgorod to Oboyan. Tomarovka is in the bottom left hand corner. So, despite looking misleadingly mountainous, this is the southern flank of the battle of Kursk and is the latest incarnation of the Steel, Steel, Steel! design.
The German unit with the British 25pdrs is the 57th Infantry Division, part of Army Detachment Kempf. According to the Dupuy Institute data, they had 8 87.6mm Howitzer (e), otherwise known as 25pdrs. I don't know the source of these but possibly Dunkirk rather than N Africa.
I have often wondered what happened to the kit abandoned in 1940. I have read, and seen photos, of Bren carriers in use by the Germans on the Eastern Front. Captured from the British or the Soviets? There is also an interesting German flamethrower unit armed with British MkIV cruiser gun tanks. Everyday is a school day!
Saturday, 20 April 2024
A mystery map?
No prizes, but can you see what it is yet? Playtest map, under plexi so a bit blurry. I started this project in 2013 but I aim to finish it in the next couple of months.
Here is a clue, one German division in this battle had an artillery battalion with 8 25pdrs!
Friday, 5 April 2024
Cheeky Cromwell
A quick and fun build of a Cromwell from my Christmas stash (Airfix 1/76). Very pleased with it. A bit big for my 80mm hexes but still usable.
Reading around the subject of Cromwells while I was modelling I was interested to learn that the very large 17pdr Challenger variant was actually lower in height than a Sherman (2.77m to, say, 3m). I always imagined it as the same size as barn, so I am quite interested in seeing if there is a 1/76 Challenger available.
BTW many projects are in various stages so I'm planning to post a few updates this month.