The seasons each have their own colors.
Not completely in tune with father winters color palette- however softly falling snow and skiing has it's perks, white can be a GREAT color.
I love snow!
Sunless for several weeks is beginning to ware on us
I get lost in nature and try to find as much color as possible.
Movement lifts my spirits, moving away from darkness of any kind (interpret that as you wish) is very important to me and color- it has a profound influence on how I feel.
Lack of both
well, winter gloom sets in.
Hence the outdoors,
the dogs, hubby and whoever wants to join in of the family-
unfortunately for Foghorn who's 10 - doesn't have much choice.
Cruising through the woods I walk on the beaten path that snowshoers have tracked
avoiding the xcountry ski tracks... holy to those of us that ski.
I notice the range of color that mother nature left for us to enjoy during these frozen season,
maybe to to assist father winter with his rather mundane color choices?
- white and grey.
Green cedars and pine take center stage, some adorned with beautiful pearls,
melted snow drops,
I lick them off the needles with my tongue- refreshing and "piney"
Sheltering us from the weather the old cedar branches her arms of fresh greens and warm reds
like a soft cloak, I enjoy this view
Comforting from where I stand underneath.
Blue mountains, softly frosted with snow, peak thru the forest,
quiet and dense they sit- old and wise to the world they are.
Looking up to their peaks time almost stands still,
A welcomed splash of lime colored lichen hangs from the lodge pole pines
adding a little zest to the season.
Brown bark, broken and rough from weather
melted sap covering it's growing pains
I savor it's familiar smell
Down the road is an old cabin- a beauty, wishing it was mine,
rustic yet cozy the keeper of many memories
it has seen nature change it's seasonal colors.
And the lake softly resting against land- not frozen,
a deep blue almost black
cool, refreshing glacier water on our sun burned skin in summer
an elixir
Small waves rhythmically wash in to shore from a little fishing boat.
There is no place quite like this.
Multi colored rocks that make up the shoreline contrasts the white of the snow,
against the dark colored sand
Lilly walks between the two.
Deep green forests hug the cold blue mountains which ascends to white winter skies.
It's good to get lost in nature,
let it's beauty sweep you away
life has way of falling into place in nature,
Questions I seek from within are often answered outside.
Reluctant to go home,
I think of a warm cup of cocoa, a cozy fire and letting the day sink in
makes it easier to return
Sometimes I have to search for it... step outside
breathe in that mountain air to feel alive.
finding a little seasonal color
making this season brighter.