Showing posts with label official brat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label official brat. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I won! I won! I'm official!

It tooks loads longer than I thought it would, but finally Mom understood that I wasn't leaving.  Now I'm an official BRAT!  Mom thinks that Thrawn had a very special hand in making me show up because he was totally a troublemaker and she said I'm following in his paw prints.  My legs are also made out of springs and I'm bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy, full of fun, fun  like that Tigger guy.  Ok so she didn't exactly say FULL of fun, I mean she doesn't look like she's having fun when she cleans up dirt after I dug a hole or the insides of babies once I ripped their heads off....but maybe that means SHE is just no fun while I really am.  Wow, that was a lot of thoughts at once.

I LOVE my new brothers and even Samantha the Grouch.  Otis beat me up three times because he's a bully but I forgive him, I also don't snap at him anymore though because he's a little scary when he's mad.

So here I am in my new life as....

The SUPER Brat

Talk at ya soon....
National Canine Cancer Foundation