Showing posts with label satcap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satcap. Show all posts

Friday, 16 August 2013

Saturday is Caption Day

You know that moment when you snap a photo and you just know you've got a perfect caption opportunity. 
Happened to me this week at Burghley Sculpture Park.


Think up a caption and pop it in a comment, then head over to Mammasaurusblog  for more captioning mayhem.

Mammasaurus - Saturday is Caption Day!

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Saturday is Caption Day

I thought it was taking a long time for the raspberries to ripen this year. I kept peeking out and peering through the rain to see if I could see a glimpse of pinkish-red through the foliage but I just couldn't see any. I could see plenty of green raspberries so I thought it must be lack of sunshine holding up the ripening process.

Yesterday there was a window of opportunity that didn't involve donning souwester and waders to go into the garden, so I took a closer look.

Turns out someone had been pilfering my raspberries! Where once raspberries were, there were only little green stalks remaining.

I would blame Misty but lack of opposing thumbs may have been too much of a hindrence. That leaves either small fingers or mini beasts. Yes there is a distinction. Mini beasts tend to leave a little bit behind. But small fingers are nimble and adept at hiding all the evidence. After adjusting my handbag in the style of Miss Marple, I determined that the raspberry juice in the corner of the wee ones mouth 'may' be sufficient evidence to prosecute. The only remaining ripe-ish raspberry has been left on the bush in the hope that it will reach optimum juiciness so that I may sample at least one fruit of my labour.

That's if the mini beasts don't get it first.

raspberry worm

Can you think of a caption for this photo?
Pop it in my comments box if you please x

The home of captions, Mammasaurus, has more lovely photos just waiting for you, so be sure to go and have a look.

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Saturday is Caption Day

I love Saturdays.
I love this one particularly.
It is our 10th wedding anniversary today.
Ten years ago it was raining, which is considered lucky, but then the sun came out and shone on us as we walked out onto the Kings Road in Chelsea as Mr and Mrs.
I have a warm fuzzy happy feeling today and it can only get warmer and fuzzier with a few giggles, so come on. Slap a caption on this one ;)

rascullz shark helmet

Now I'm heading over to Mammasaurus who I am assured does a good line in warm fuzzy giggles.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Saturday is Caption Day

We were sitting in the garden this week, not wearing wellies or coats or sou'wester (which was nice), and incredibly, the sun was shining. The sky was blue and birds were tweeting their delight at the beautiful weather, when suddenly, it all went quiet. I looked up from my weeding and I saw this...

shadow dog

Crying out for a caption? I think so!

And when you've finished here do send my regards to Mammasaurus wont you.


Friday, 4 May 2012

Saturday is Caption Day

As if Saturday could be anything else?

So last week I caught the Wee One doing this. Apparently he climbed in by himself because... well because he could and as a two year old that is as good a reason as any.

wee one in a toy box

Thing is, I'm sure he was thinking up a plan, a cunning plan. Can you imagine what that might have been?
Furnish me with your captions and I will pass them on to the Wee One for his next big idea.

And while you are about it, Mammasaurus has a veritable flock of photos all gasping for captions so make sure you head on over.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Saturday is Caption Day

I have taken a trip down memory lane this week for my regular Saturday Caption.  Any guesses who this is?

little girl drinking from tankard

She is a bit older now, and can handle her drink marginally better but still has no fashion sense and flashes her knickers when under the influence.

Time for a caption before I embarrass myself any further!

And save some of your witticisms for the other SatCap entries over at Mammasaurus.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Friday is the new Saturday

I thought I had lost a day when I looked through my blog reader and spotted loads of Saturday is Caption Day posts today (Friday) but it seems that Mammasaurus was getting ahead of herself due to her impending blogging tour of Britain for #blogitforbabies, the brilliantly inspired fund raising event for Save The Children.

Here is the #blogitforbabies website explaining all the why what who and when questions.

Compelling aren't they? So try to do a little bit to help the fund raising cause if you can :)

Meanwhile there is another child that needs saving... from himself, as you can see here:

Caption this naughty chap caught in the act (hence the slightly dodgy focus) and then pop back to Mammasaurus who has loads more photos seeking your captioning skills.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Saturday is Caption Day

He may be ever so slightly unhappy about something.
Can't imagine what that might be. Perhaps you could help me out here.

unhappy chappy

And while you are at it, thinking up captions that is, head over to Mammasaurus.

Saturday Is Caption Day

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Saturday is Caption Day

The Princess modelling the latest fashion accessory that every It girl about town will soon be wearing, or a warning against watching too much TV?

I can't be sure so your suggestions will be most welcome.

Be warned, there are many more photos waiting for captions over at Mammasaurus too!

Saturday Is Caption Day

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Saturday is Caption Day

Mealtimes can be a bit like feeding time at the zoo, except zoo animals are less vocal and showy-offy than my animals.
Zoo animals will grab their food and retreat. My animals lark about, have a laugh, scream a bit, wander off, and then say "I don't like it".
I may trade them in for chimps, or penguins.

Look, see what I mean?

Slap a caption on it and then slap some more at Mammasaurus.

PS. Just in case you didn't know (where have you been?), I've been shortlisted in the Brilliance in Blogging Awards and I would be obliged if you could place a tick next to my name in thereby issuing me a vote that gets me one step closer to the red carpet. Just click the badge. Much obliged x

PPS. I've also been nominated in the Best Photographic Blog category of the MAD's. This is just getting embarrassing but I have to mention it, and then I might just ask in a casual way if you fancy voting for me? So, thanks, and all that.Click the badge ;)

Saturday Is Caption Day
Snap Shortlist
MAD Blog Awards 2012

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Saturday is Caption Day

You know when you have a fair in town and the kids get uber excited about it and there is no way you can avoid the inevitable?
Yeah, that.
So *pretends to put on enthusiastic face* we went to the Lent fair which is very traditional and comes to town at this time every year which is why it is called the Lent Fair. In olden times, it would come to town and you would have your fortune read, you would throw wet sponges at the mayor and you would dunk a wench. Times have moved on and now you have the privilege of throwing £30 down the toilet eating sugar in various forms, trying not to throw up on very large spinning rides and negotiating with children about how many things they can go on.
After the tea cup incident (another time, the wounds are still too raw) we managed to get the princess on a ride, supervised and supported by her big brother.

Stamford Lent Fair

Safely installed at home and without too many scars I'll be slapping captions all over the other entries at Mammasaurus. I dare you to do the same right after you have applied a caption to mine obviously :)

PS. You like my photos right? *retorical question* *cough* I've only gone and been shortlisted in the Brilliance in Blogging Awards and all that stands between me and a super duper trophy and an embarrassing acceptance speech is your VOTE so be a love and furnish me with a vote by clicking the BIB badge below. I'm under the Snap category. Much obliged x

Saturday Is Caption Day
Snap Shortlist

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Saturday Caption Time

The good news is Mr Grasshead has grown a head of hair.

The bad news is...

Mr Grasshead


Think up a caption and post a comment and I'll send biscuits. Can't promise when, but I will definitely send biscuits.

Done? Okay, now you can visit Mammasaurus for more captioning fun. Click on her badge below.

Saturday Is Caption Day

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Skulking or Sulking?

It's Saturday and so, as is traditional in these parts, I give you a photo to slap a caption on.

Yes, he is frowning.

And when you're done with this photo, there are many more over at Mammasaurus. All you've got to do is click on the badge.

Saturday Is Caption Day

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Saturday Is Caption Day

A sign that spring is knocking on the door is that we have been spending an hour or 2 in the park again.

It has been some time, fair weather park people that we are, evidenced by the Princess who can now climb onto the big girls climbing frame and doesn't collapse in an over emotional heap at the top of the slide. She can also navigate the balance beam without any stabilising equipment. Progress indeed. This does however fuel the Wee Ones desire to copy everything and attempt to scale the climbing wall too.

The Big One is on the cusp of 'too cool for the park' but I did catch him in a weak moment.

All this picture needs is your... CAPTIONS!

Don't use up all your witticisms there are plenty more over at Mammasaurus,

Saturday Is Caption Day

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Saturday Is Caption Day

Wanted: One caption. Must be good looking with a great sense of humour.

No children were harmed in the taking of this picture. Although I may have sustained a hernia laughing.

Post you captions in the comments box and then head over to Mammasaurus where a plethora of captionless funniness awaits.

Saturday Is Caption Day

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Saturday is Caption Day

It was wet and wild but Five had fun in Wales (with some friends).
Here is one of the many snaps I took over the week and I think is primed and ready for a caption from your good self. Yes, you there. *points* Yoohoo!

So here is it.


Make of it what you will and caption it up in the comments.
Then head over to Mammasaurus for more caption making opportunities.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Saturday Is Caption Day

It is that time again when your wit and humourous bones are required to do their stuff and add a giggle to this picture.

I cannot imagine what you will come up with!

Happy captioning over at Mammasaurus!

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Saturday is Caption Day

The Wee One went to Costa Coffee yesterday.
Yes, he had a marshmallow.
Yes, he had a baby hot chocolate.
Yes, he stole a Loacker wafer or two off me.
Yes, he 'shared' his big sisters fruit panetini.
Sugar rush? Possibly!

big gloves small child

Think up a caption and be a poppet and pop it on a comment.
Then check out Mammasaurus for more photos just begging for a caption.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Saturday is Caption Day

Saturday already? Where did that week go?
A blur of school runs, laundry and wellies later and here we are again, poised expectantly on the edge of our seats feverishly chewing finger nails trying to think up a caption to get the chuckles going.

Here is this weeks photographic eyeful.

What are you thinking? Yep, thought so. Jot it in the comments then drop by Mammasaurus Blog for more.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Saturday is Caption Day

Time to get your caption on!
Or more specifically, get your caption on my photo.
This photo in fact.

The stocks, Oakham

Please note: no children were harmed in the taking of this photo (although long term psychological damage cannot be ruled out).

Enter you caption in the comments below and then pootle along to Mammasaurus for more.